Gustl Gstettenbaur

Nacimiento : 1914-03-01, Straubing

Muerte : 1996-11-20


Stolen Heaven
The forester Auer is found killed on Sunday in the forest, and the police begins a feverish search for the culprit. Only pastor Gruber already knows who it is. It is Hannes Reyer, son of the richest farmer in the region, who has confessed the act of murder to him. Gruber, however, is bound to his obligation to secrecy. But when the young Ernst Nortinger is arrested under suspicion for murder, he knows what he has to do and relinquishes his priestship in order to report Hannes to the police. But things don’t get so far, as Hannes dies in an accident during an altercation with the priest. Nonetheless, Gruber does not return to his office. In quiescence, he wants to find out whether he still can handle the burden of the priesthood. Senior pastor Bachmayer however is convinced that he will return.
Wiener Schnitzel
Als ich noch der Waldbauernbub war
Vor Jungfrauen wird gewarnt
Der Edelweißkönig
Der Schandfleck
Liebe, Schnee und Sonnenschein
Kurt Berger
In Hamburg sind die Nächte lang
Das Schweigen im Walde
Peppi Praxlmaler
Das Lied von Kaprun
Gustl Feller, Kranführer
Unternehmen Edelweiß
If I Could Be God Just Once
Franzl Bergmüller
Das Dorf unterm Himmel
Schmuggler Toni
Der letzte Schuß
Jäger Martin
Die Alm an der Grenze
Der Geigenmacher von Mittenwald
Ludwig, Geselle
Die heimlichen Bräute
Der laufende Berg
Schorsch, der Daxenschmied
Sommer, Sonne, Erika
Actually, Erika and Werner wanted to take a pleasant boat trip on the Isar. But who would have thought what could happen during such a simple outing?! Werner Merk, who works as an engineer for a large car company in Munich, finds out, that the head of the firm, Director Feldmann, is spending his summer vacation at his house in the mountains. Werner up and decides to make his way their to introduce himself to Feldmann in a relaxed atmosphere.
Der Edelweißkönig
Musketier Meier III
Sepp Bäumler
Das Schweigen im Walde
Pepi Praxmaier
The Hunter of Fall
Toni Donhart
In the first light of day, one can see a mountain farm close to the forest. Nothing stirs far and wide. Suddenly, a figure comes out of the forest, running quickly to the farm. There's a quick grab and the hunting rifle is hidden in the gutter. There's a jump to the window sill: Obermeier Martl creeps like a cat into his room. No one's seen him. At the same time, the doorbell rings at Doctor Rauch's place. The hunter's mate Hias is standing outside. "Doctor, you have to bandage me: I've been shot!" By whom, he doesn't know.
Militiaman Bruggler
Chronicles the Alpine war experiences of young Toni Bruggler (Ludwig Kerscher), a Tyrolean-German member of the Standschützen (militiamen), comprised of those who are too young or old to fight in the Austro-Hungarian Habsburg army.
Soldaten - Kameraden
Film by Huppertz.
Jungfrau gegen Mönch
Bei der blonden Kathrein
Der Kellnerjunge in der Goldenen Gans
The student Leopold wants to marry blonde Kathrein, the landlady of the "Golden Goose" in Wurzburg. To discourage Leopold, Kathrein's aunt Minna writes to Leopold's father Valentin, whose been known as "Krambambuli" since his student days. When Leopold's parents arrive on the scen, his father speaks to Kathrein and realizes that she is in love with Stefan, the Kellermeister at the Golden Goose. But Leopold's mom has already told Stefan, that Leopold will marry Kathrein and, because of this, Stefan now wants to leave the Golden Goose.
Du bist entzückend, Rosmarie!
Peperl, Piccolo im 'Almblick'
Zu Straßburg auf der Schanz
Hochzeit am Wolfgangsee
Film by Behrendt.
Die kalte Mamsell
Film by Boese.
Ein Pikkolo
Film by Wenzler.
When Ilona visits her married friend Otti, she is just delighted to discover that the man she likes is not other than Otti's brother-in-law, Paul. As he is in need of a maid, she disguises herself as such to try to enamour him.
Strich durch die Rechnung
Gustl Spengler - sein Sohn
Girls to marry
Willi Goll
Three brothers lead the life of bachelors and their rent is overdue. The landlord who also happens to be a matchmaker tries to marry off the oldest brother to a rich girl.
Kyritz - Pyritz
The Stork Goes on Strike
Her rich uncle is coming from America so a woman has a clerk in her father's store act as her husband. Until the fake husband loses his clothes while using a washroom.
Schubert's Dream of Spring
A love story about composer Franz Schubert based in 1827, Vienna.
Gretel and Liesel
Gustl, Pikkolo
Remake of an Ernst Lubitsch silent comedy about a farm boy who is fond of two sisters, one of whom is beautiful, the other, not so much.
Boy (as Gustl Stark-Gstettenbauer)
Vehículo musical para la prometedora Dolly Haas, como actriz con un novio compositor. Canta, en un momento, que tiene el andar de (Lilian) Harvey, la boca de Garbo y las piernas de Dietrich.
Vienna, City of Song
Steffi is in love with the unemployed musician Pepi. Still, her father the musical instrument retailer, Ignaz Korn, wants her to marry one of his card playing buddies, the butcher Burgstaller. When the typesetter, Cäsar Grün, purposely misprints a winning lottery number in the newspaper, Korn and Burgstaller, thinking they have won, pay the drinks for everybody in the Bock Café and then give away their businesses.
The Mistress and Her Servant
La mujer en la luna
La película dedica su primera parte a analizar las posibilidades de realizar un viaje a la Luna con el fin de encontrar oro. En la segunda, se trata del viaje y de las sorpresas que deparará a los protagonistas.
Wolga Wolga
Die Räuberbande
Der Piccolo vom Goldenen Löwen