Elis Ellis

Elis Ellis


Elis Ellis


Sten Stensson Stéen från Eslöv på nya äventyr
A traveling theatre company comes to Lund and one of the smallest hotels in town. A female actress gets a key by mistake to a room where Sten Stensson Stéen lives.
Charleys tant
Charleys tant
Charleys tant
Lord Francourt Bobberley
Two Kings
The young adventurer Signature Hjelm meets one day a runaway carriage, and succeeds by a resourceful and daring intervention to avert an accident. The rig belongs to Gustav III's favorite, Baron Armfelt, and as a reward for his feat will Ture service of the king's guard. Conspirators trying maple certainly entice him over to the king's enemies, but Ture reports Gustaf receiving a grim and determined expression on his face: "Spies even here!" His confidence Signature increases.
Two Kings
The young adventurer Signature Hjelm meets one day a runaway carriage, and succeeds by a resourceful and daring intervention to avert an accident. The rig belongs to Gustav III's favorite, Baron Armfelt, and as a reward for his feat will Ture service of the king's guard. Conspirators trying maple certainly entice him over to the king's enemies, but Ture reports Gustaf receiving a grim and determined expression on his face: "Spies even here!" His confidence Signature increases.
Spöket på Junkershus
Spöket på Junkershus
Spöket på Junkershus
Löjtnant Galenpanna
Lt. Juncker
At a restaurant visit happens to the distracted professor and flea animal expert Loris get his overcoat replaced by Lieutenant Juncker. Lt. discovers the mistake at a night grog with two joke hungry friends. In the professor's coat he finds the professor's notes for the next day, and Lieutenant Juncker bet with his cronies that he should be able to carry out the professor's daily program without being exposed.