Sven Nordin

Sven Nordin

Nacimiento : 1957-02-06, Oslo, Norway


This Norwegian actor is an employee of Oslo Nye Teater (Oslo's New Theatre) since 1981. On stage he has starred in everything from Shakespeare to modern drama like Tennessee William's The Glass Menagerie, and musicals like Guys and Dolls. Got his big breakthrough as a Norwegian resistance fighter in the suspenseful WWII mini-series "Röd snö" in 1985. In 1993-97 he starred as Nils in "Mot i brøstet", if not the best, certainly one of the most popular Norwegian sitcom's off all time, even resulting in him getting a snack named after his character! On the big screen he also got the chance to act opposite Robert Mitchum and Cliff Robertson in the Norwegian movie "Pakten" in 1995. In 2001 he played an arctic explorer opposite Kenneth Branagh's Ernest Shackleton in the large-scale TV-production "Shackleton". 2001 also saw his biggest success on screen yet, when he starred as the slightly retarted Kjell-Bjarne in "Elling". The movie was seen by over 800,000 Norwegian cinema-goers (in a country with just 4.2 million people) and also became the most successful Norwegian film ever shown in Sweden and Denmark. In 2002 Nordin joined his co-star Per Christian Ellefsen, director Petter Næss and producer Dag Alveberg on a trip to Hollywood, celebrating the movie's Academy Award nomination for Best Foreign Language Film. - IMDb Mini Biography


Sven Nordin


Mot i brøstet – 30th Anniversary
A 30th anniversary special celebrating the Norwegian sitcom Mot i brøstet. Actors Nils Vogt, Sven Nordin and Hilde Lyrån share their memories.
Gold Run
Odd Henry
No es el más valiente de los hombres, pero se le ha encomendado una gran responsabilidad y una enorme tarea: sacar toda la reserva noruega de oro a los alemanes durante la invasión de Noruega, durante el estallido de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Borning: Asfalto en llamas
Roy iba a casarse, pero su vida ha dado un frenazo. Una nueva amiga lo reta a una carrera en el icónico circuito de Nürburgring (Alemania) para recuperar a la novia
Børning: Más rápido, más peligroso
Después de dos años de prisión por participar en una carrera callejera ilegal, Roy dice que no a una nueva carrera ilegal de invierno, en el norte de Rusia. Pero luego escucha que su hija participará con su novio.
A Serious Game
Markus Roslin
In the 1910s, journalist Arvid Stjärnblom and painter's daughter Lydia Stille fall in love with each other.
Förläggare Franzén
Gentlemen es la historia de los carismáticos hermanos Morgan, sobre el mito y la realidad. Una combinación de romance y thriller en una épica historia en la Europa de la posguerra.
Børning: A todo gas
Roy es un fanático de los coches que vive lejos de su hija, que está a punto de ir a pasar las vacaciones con él. Justo en ese momento, Roy es retado a una carrera ilegal que discurrirá por toda Noruega.
Detective Downs
Olav Stjernen
Detective Robert has his own office, a trench coat, a Bogart hat and Downs syndrome. The only thing he is missing is a case. Then a lady comes to his rescue.
Call Girl
Cuando en España aún estábamos a vueltas con esa droga misteriosa llamada píldora anticonceptiva y el divorcio era cosa innombrable, los progresistas y enrollados suecos ya iban por la liberación de la mujer y la revolución sexual. La sociedad modelo de la Suecia de los 70, sin embargo, escondía una buena montaña de mugre bajo la alfombra. Call Girl cuenta una trama policíaca -basada en un caso real- en la que altos cargos políticos se ven envueltos en un escándalo de prostitución que seguimos a través de Iris, adolescente rebelde que termina enredada en el “negocio” mientras la policía hace la vista gorda.
Dos vidas
Ambientada en los 90, la película aborda el destino de las mujeres noruegas que tuvieron relaciones con los soldados de la ocupación alemana, y lo que les sucedió bajo el régimen de la Stasi en la antigua Alemania del Este.
An Enemy to Die For
Despite the threat of war in the fall of 1939, the Germans decide to launch a sea expedition in search of evidence for Pangaea. Although the multi national geologists embark enthusiastically on their research mission, the growing political tension between their countries soon affects their work. With Britain and France declaring war on Germany, the civilian scientists now find themselves mere pawns in a global power struggle.
Sons of Norway
It’s not easy to rebel when your dad wants to join the party... One day (in 1979), Magnus and his son Nikolaj hit the wall in their new terrace house in Rykkinn. Magnus is an architect, hippie and free spirit, a glaring exception in a community where equality and conformity is the norm. He always stands up for his son, supporting him unconditionally, even when Nikolaj decides to stop giving a damn.
Førstebetjent Ahlsen
It's the summer of 1951 in Oslo. Lillian and Amund Wang are blessed with their first and only child. Adrian Wang - a boy or a girl?
Wallander 24 - The Heritage
When Manfred Stjarne is stabbed to death outside the Brada cider factory his wife Claire has inherited - suspicion falls on Polish worker Jan Kowalski, with whose wife Manfred was having an affair, but Jan is found hanged - later evidence suggesting foul play. Benjamin Wilkes, an ex-psychologist who helped Manfred select redundancy candidates, is killed in the same way as Manfred, putting disgruntled ex-Brada employees in the frame, but a third slaying implicates a former patient of Wilkes, who has connections to the Stjarne family. A newly loved-up Isabelle and Pontius start to fool around whilst on surveillance, taking their eye off the ball and allowing this suspect to confront Claire.
The Accident
Jonas, a successful car-salesman is being suspected having driven over a child. His life is turned upside down and he realize that that we are all responsible, one way or another.
Peer Gynt from the Streets
A group of street people plays in a cinematographic version of the 5th act of Henrik Ibsen's play Peer Gynt. The movie contains both fiction and documentary elements.
Ole Bull - Himmelstormeren
The violinist Ole Bull was Norway's first superstar. He played at the top of the Great Pyramid of Giza, founded the first Norwegian theater and his own state in America, and is probably the only Norwegian who has sold his bath tub water on perfume bottles.
Love Me Tomorrow
Kjell Bjarne
Three years have passed since Elling moved to town together with Kjell Bjarne, his roommate from the institution at Brøynes. Elling now lives on his own in the apartment. Kjell Bjarne has moved up one floor, to Reidun and her little daughter Mojo. Elling feels like an outsider, and he isolates himself more and more. He observes humankind with astonishment, and wonders at how everyone else seems to be adjusting so well. Finally, Kjell Bjarne takes care of the situation. Elling protests, but he is still pretty happy as he is transformed into a new man, clean, fully rested and well dressed. Deep inside, he also knows what's lacking, and one evening he finally finds the woman he knows is able to fill the void in his life. He's willing to do anything to win her trust and conquer her love. But when he is invited home to his new girlfriend for dinner, a few objections appear to Elling, and the story doesn't end quite the way he had thought it would.
An Enemy of the People
Peter Stockman
In a modern version of Ibsen's stage play, we meet TV-celebrity Tomas Stockman returning to his native village to produce the world's purest bottled water. The plant will bring new life and hope to the village, but unexpected trouble occurs.
Deadline Torp
Per Kristian Hoveng
On September 28th, 1994, two Swedish men robbed a bank in the small Norwegian town of Larvik. Soon, with a massive police hunt underway, the robbers ended up taking two civilians and two police officers hostage. Next morning the drama would come to a deadly halt at nearby Torp Airport, where for the first time in history, a Norwegian police chief was forced to give the order to shoot to kill.
Let's Play House
Married Jonny meets married Rebecka.
El mar
El rico y anciano patriarca Thordur reúne a sus dispersos herederos en su remoto pueblo pesquero islandés para hablar sobre el futuro de la pesca familiar. Pero unir a todos desencadena una tormenta de oscuros secretos familiares reprimidos durante mucho tiempo.
Most People Live in China
Marius (segment "Dressmann")
Mucha gente vive en China. Pero,¿quiénes en realidad viven en Noruega, a primera vista, un país perfecto? Una posible respuesta se perfila entre las líneas de esta sorprendente película, que cuenta ocho historias inspiradas por ocho partidos políticos, escritos por seis guionistas y dirigida por nueve directores. La película se desarrolla durante las 24 horas anteriores a las elecciones en Noruega, en la estación de gasolina de Lasse, un lugar que representa un microcosmos de dicha sociedad. En una zona poco poblada, de gran extensión, cada votante debe parar aquí para cargar gasolina. Lasse se gana la vida vendiéndola, pero su verdadero sueño es ser piloto. Estas 24 particulares horas terminan siendo fantásticas para él ... Una comedia poco convencional sobre cosas pequeñas y grandes consecuencias.
Prison Gov.
En el lavadero de su casa, Dina causa un accidente y pierde a su madre y el amor de su padre. Abrumado por la pena, el padre de Dina no puede ni mirar a su pequeña, y se separa de ella dejándola al cuidado de sus sirvientes. Pronto la niña se vuelve ingobernable, una criatura salvaje poco dispuesta a hablar e incapaz de leer. Su único amigo es Tomas, un muchacho estable. Viendo el estado de la niña, un amigo de la familia habla con el padre y consigue que éste acepte un tutor. Dina va poco a poco saliendo de su aislamiento gracias a su pasión por el violonchelo, pero sigue tan obstinada e imprevisible como siempre. Los años pasan y Dina se convierte en una joven bastante peculiar. A pesar de la diferencia de edad, y en contra de su padre, se casa con Jacob, el amigo de la familia. Jacob pronto se dará cuenta de que la voracidad de su mujer se extiende a todos los aspectos de la vida. Entusiasmado pero exhausto, comienza a cuestionarse si la pasión por la vida de Dina no acabará con él.
Kjell Bjarne
Elling está preparado para volver al "mundo real" tras un periodo de dos años en una clínica psiquiátrica. Tutelado por los servicios sociales noruegos, él y su compañero de habitación, un gigante bonachón llamado Kjell Bjarne, son propuestos para ser reintegrados en la comunidad. La asistencia social les ha concedido un apartamento en Oslo, donde se supone que han de ser capaces de cuidar de sí mismos. Pero, para alguien a quien entrar en un restaurante le resulta tan complicado como atravesar la Antártida, esta nueva vida está llena de obstáculos.
Nils Svendsen
As the new millenium approaches, Karl & Ulf ('Karl & Co') begin planning a big party, reuniting Karl with some old friends he thought he'd seen the last of.
The Prompter
Siv works as a prompter for the Norwegian opera. As the rehearsals for Aida starts, she marries a demanding man, Fred, who still has a strong connection to his ex-wife. Starting at her wedding, Siv must repeatedly take a back seat, both to Freds children and their mother. But when she meets a man who shares her passion for music, she starts to question the path her life has taken.
Rett i lomma
Norman Bassfjord
Erik Bruun (Nils Vogt) milks the social security system by making up a lot of tenants with one social security-entitled defect worse than the other, he starts this after he is fired two years earlier. His wife Linda (Kjersti Døvigen) knows nothing about this, but then one day when social security inspector Fylking (Ole Jørgen Nilsen) suddenly knocks on the door to check the conditions, a huge and increasingly complicated and intricate process starts for Bruun in the hope of avoiding to be revealed.
Student Helgesen
Over grensen
Vitne Jensen
"Across the Border" - Jacob and Rachel was killed on their flight from the Nazi occupation to Sweden in 1942. A year later their bodies are discovered, but after the war the case is re-opened, and the guilty ones is game.
På stigende kurs
Struggling worker tries his luck in the stock market - with great success. But it doesn't last.
Blue Eyes
Gunnar Elvestad
Politics, extremism and violence in Sweden. An extreme right-wing party is heading towards its best election result when the chief of staff at the Justice Department disappears without a trace.