Michael Hjorth


A Christmas Tale
A tale of a boy from a wealthy family who during his work at the post office steals Christmas gifts from the wealthy to give to the poor people of Stockholm.
Un hombre llamado Ove
Executive Producer
Ove (Rolf Lassgård), de 59 años, es un hombre gruñón que ha perdido la fe en todo el mundo, incluido en él mismo; hasta que su visión negativa del hombre y la sociedad es puesta a prueba por una familia que se muda a la casa de al lado.
Un plan perfecto
Executive Producer
Cuando su mejor amigo y maestro del robo es asesinado, Charles idea el plan perfecto para vengarse. Sabe donde encontrar los mejores criminales; un seductor estafador, un experto en explosivos con tendencias depresivas y una atractiva especialista en desarmar cajas fuertes recientemente fugada de la cárcel. Ahora Charles solo tiene que convencerles de que su plan no solo servirá para vengarse sino también para que sea recordado como el más espectacular robo de la historia.
Los crímenes de Fjällbacka: El mar da, el mar quita
Erica se encuentra al fotógrafo Stigge asesinado en su estudio, por eso ahora ella no puede dejar de tener interés en la investigación de la muerte. Por su parte Patrik y sus colegas de la policía se cuestionan si Stigge era el hombre viejo dulce que parecía ser.
Los crímenes de Fjällbacka: El mar da, el mar quita
Erica se encuentra al fotógrafo Stigge asesinado en su estudio, por eso ahora ella no puede dejar de tener interés en la investigación de la muerte. Por su parte Patrik y sus colegas de la policía se cuestionan si Stigge era el hombre viejo dulce que parecía ser.
Los crímenes de Fjällbacka: El jinete de la costa
La guardacostas de Fjällbacka se encuentra con dos buceadores muertos tras una tormenta. Poco después, el presidente de una compañía aparece asesinado. Al iniciar la investigación todo apunta a que ambos sucesos están relacionados con el naufragio de un barco en 1820.
Los Crimenes De Fjallbacka: Las huellas imborrables
Executive Producer
Los padres de Erica mueren en un accidente de coche. Unos meses después, un hombre llama a su puerta afirmando que es su hermano, hijo de su misma madre. Erica no le cree y lo echa de casa. Cuando es encontrado asesinado pocos días después, ella comienza a examinar las pertenencias de su madre. Pronto descubre oscuros secretos del pasado, secretos que alguien está tratando de mantener ocultos.
Los crímenes de Fjällbacka: Amigos hasta la muerte
Cuando Erica tenía trece años, su amigo Peter subió a un autobús y desapareció. Impresionada por este hecho, decidió investigar lo que le había ocurrido a su amigo, pero esa actividad despierta en ella emociones y miedos que había mantenido escondidos mucho tiempo.
Dinero fácil II
Executive Producer
Secuela de "Dinero fácil" (Snabba Cash, 2010).
Executive Producer
Katarina, de 20 años, con un pasado turbulento en un triste suburbio, siente que su vida parece estar ya escrita en piedra, hasta que descubre la música. Todo cambia cuando oye una interpretación del Réquiem de Mozart en el Salón de Conciertos de Gotemburgo, abriendose un mundo nuevo y precioso para ella.
The Pyramid
The film is set in the middle of winter in Ystad and the main character is the middle-aged policeman Kurt Wallander, who this time investigating a drug tangle. It starts with his own goddaughter Eva found dead after taking an overdose. It turns out that heroin is unusually strong and Kurt are now beginning their search for those behind the drugs. But he has a big problem. His boss will not let him look for the person who he suspects has sold the new heroin , but she wants them to look for another drug dealer named Yngve Holm. But Kurt defy the boss's orders and go again and again to Malmo to try to unravel the case. Eventually he gets a hold of the person he suspected. He'll take some photos of him and shows them for their guddotters friend Emma who were drug dealers. She takes Kurt to a friend who claims to have seen the man. The man in the photo is called Heinrich Pasila. Wallander thinks one recognizes Pasila from an earlier murder of guddotterns mother, where the offender is found.
One Eye Red
Halim has seen through it all. He has seen through the Integration plan a secret conspiracy that tries to turn all immigrants into Swedes. Unfortunately he has also seen through his own father, who has fallen victim to the Integration plan. But Halim has his own plan; he is going to be Sweden’s mightiest revolution immigrant and take a stand to save his father from forgetting his Arabic roots.
7 Millionaires
The rich heir Måns Lundin is about to get married to the equally rich Judith Fahlén but when his brother arrives for the wedding there is a disagreement about the money left by their dead father.
7 Millionaires
The rich heir Måns Lundin is about to get married to the equally rich Judith Fahlén but when his brother arrives for the wedding there is a disagreement about the money left by their dead father.
Inspector Wallander: Pisando los talones
El amigo y colega de Wallander, Svedberg, es asesinado en su casa de un tiro. Al principio la policía cree que se trata de un suicidio pero pronto saldrán a la superficie oscuros secretos que harán evidente que fue asesinado. Este es el comienzo de un viaje donde Wallander no sólo tiene que resolver el asesinato sino que al mismo tiempo descubre quien fue realmente su amigo. A medida que avanza la investigación se descubre que la muerte de Svedberg tiene conexión con la de tres adolescentes a principios de verano...
The Unknown
Executive Producer
Five young field-biologists are sent to northern Sweden to investigate effects of a large forest fire. However, what was thought to be some weeks of camping and easy work soon turns into a nightmare as they find the remains of a mysterious creature and take it in for examination...
The Unknown
Five young field-biologists are sent to northern Sweden to investigate effects of a large forest fire. However, what was thought to be some weeks of camping and easy work soon turns into a nightmare as they find the remains of a mysterious creature and take it in for examination...
The Unknown
Five young field-biologists are sent to northern Sweden to investigate effects of a large forest fire. However, what was thought to be some weeks of camping and easy work soon turns into a nightmare as they find the remains of a mysterious creature and take it in for examination...
Jakten på en mördare
A murder of a man seems to be affiliated with the police themselves. A curse of lies, betrayal and prostitution begins to emerge and affects the relationship between everyone in the team.
Jakten på en mördare
A murder of a man seems to be affiliated with the police themselves. A curse of lies, betrayal and prostitution begins to emerge and affects the relationship between everyone in the team.
Svensson, Svensson - The Movie
Lena Svensson has been offered a new and exiting job in Stockholm that she can't say no to. But her husband, Gustav, has no plan of what so ever to move from his quiet little town of Vivalla, and especially his job as a very proud postman. After Lena started to commute between Stockholm and Vivalla, he decides to sell the house and give Stockholm a chance. He starts of with a job as a postman in one of Stockholm's worst districts, but after a mistake on a conference, Gustav seems to do quite a success at his new job, while Lena is struggling with annoying colleagues and a demanding boss.
Bert: The Last Virgin
Mike Hostile
The film is based on a series of immensely popular Swedish children's books, about the boy Bert, who is just hitting puberty and having the usual problems with it. But that's where the usual ends abruptly.
Merry Christmas, Svensson Svensson
Father Gustav, mother Lena and children Lina and Max celebrate everything but a peaceful Christmas. A really merry Christmas with the Svensson family.
Bert - Känsliga kyssar
Bert - Berts Piniga Pubertet
Bert - Berts Röjiga Rockliv