Ouassini Embarek

Ouassini Embarek

Nacimiento : 1981-01-01,


Ouassini Embarek


A Woman
Juliane, a police commissioner in Paris, is a woman with great moral integrity. But when she discovers her husband’s double life, she starts committing acts she never would have thought herself capable of.
Horas después de la trágica muerte de su hermano menor en circunstancias inexplicables, la vida de tres hermanos se ve sumida en el caos.
44 B.C.E., Rome dominates the known world. The conquerer of a civil war, Julius Caesar is named dictator for life. Neglecting omens, Caesar pays no attention to the plots that start being woven around him in order to save the Republic.
French Touch: Mixed Feelings
Things can get tumultuous in the home of the city of love. An anthology of charming, award winning short films all about sex, love and everything in between.
Bye Bye Melancholy
Bastille Day. Morad single-handedly mans the register of a little service station in the middle of nowhere. In the dead of night, he makes the acquaintance of Emma, a young ambulance driver who wishes she's been named Melancholy.
Lost Paradise
Narra la historia de un padre y su hija adolescente que viven y trabajan en un vivero aislado en el sur de Francia y que han sido abandonados por la madre hace un año en la que no es su primera huida. Hugo y Lucie se ocupan de los árboles y las plantas. El trabajo colma el vacío que dejó la mujer que los abandonó: sed de ternura para la muchacha, frustración amorosa para el padre. Pero esta ausencia también los acercó, creando un lazo suave y sofocante, reconfortante y peligroso. Akim, joven temporero clandestino hace soñar a la joven con otro lugar posible y se acaba viendo envuelto a su pesar en la historia turbulenta de este triángulo, después de que la madre vuelva un día y se encuentre con el marido, quien, en un ataque de furia y celos, decide encerrarla... (FILMAFFINITY)
Franck's Share
Malik & Franck are dustbin men. They have just accomplished their dream: buy a pizza van, to at least be their own boss.
Pas si simple
Nadia, an 18-year-old French girl from Moroccan origin, is now of age to get married. Despite her reluctance to marriage during the family summer vacation in Morocco, she finally chooses Samir.
Private Life
Nuit noire, 17 octobre 1961
Parisian authorities clash with the Front de Libération Nationale (FLN) in director Alain Tasma’s recounting of one of the darkest moments of the Algerian War of Independence. As the war wound to a close and violence persisted in the streets of Paris, the FLN and its supporters adopted the tactic of murdering French policemen in hopes of forcing a withdrawal. When French law enforcement retaliated by brutalizing Algerians and imposing a strict curfew, the FLN organizes a peaceful demonstration that drew over 11,000 supporters, resulting in an order from the Paris police chief to take brutal countermeasures. Told through the eyes of both French policemen as well as Algerian protestors, Tasma’s film attempts to get to the root of the tragedy by presenting both sides of the story.
À tout de suite
En 1975, una joven burguesa, que se enamora de un ladrón de bancos, lo sigue a él y a su compañero en la huida que emprenden después de atracar un banco, donde se produjo una muerte. Los fugitivos abandonan París y viajan por España, Marruecos y Grecia.
The Sun Assassinated
The poet Jean Sénac is also a radio presenter. A Pied-noir, he opted to stay in Algeria after the country achieved independence in 1962. Ten years later he is monitored by the police of the present regime. His poems have a large public following and his radio show is a great success, especially with the young. The poet allies himself with two students, aspiring playwrights Hamid and Belkacem, to fight for the freedom and culture of Algerian youth.
El buen ladrón
Bob es, además de jugador, un ladrón americano que ha acabado en la Riviera francesa arruinado y enganchado a la heroína. En el fondo es un sentimental, como lo demuestra su desinteresado esfuerzo por apartar a una joven rusa de las malas compañías. Pero cuando Bob toca fondo, tras perderlo todo en las carreras, le proponen un último y espectacular golpe: se trata de robar la cámara acorazada del Casino de Montecarlo, que contiene una colección de arte de valor incalculable.
Concours de circonstance
L'élève voyou
Short movie
Breakin' Out
A police chase cause 13-year-old Nicolas' dad to crash his car and, tragically, got killed in the process while his mother was sent to jail. Upon learning of her 5-year imprisonment sentence, Nicolas and his friend Tanker decide to find some way of getting her out.
Pretend I'm Not Here
Student Eric kills time by spying on his neighbors. Compulsively taking notes on everything within binocular range from his bedroom window, he harasses his neighbors by sending unsigned notes and making their private affairs public. When they discover his identity and draw him in, will this release him from his solitude, or confirm in his mind that he will always be the outsider?
Beach Café
Driss is a jack-of-all trades type who sells fish from his car and moves furniture from one end of his hometown Tangiers to the other. His girlfriend is a free-spirited and wealthy European lass who runs an antique shop. One day, Driss becomes fascinated with Fouad, an old man who runs a rundown café by the beach. Fouad disdains his fellow Moroccans, calling them lazy, preferring the company of Europeans -- particularly, as Driss later learns -- young European women. Always on the make, Driss offers Fouad a business proposition -- to revamp his establishment and turn it into a proper restaurant with Driss as his business partner. He is later shocked and hurt to learn that Fouad starts to remodel his business but without Driss. Sending out his friends as spies, Driss learns a number of unsettling things about his would-be associate.
Una joven de un barrio marginal es violada y, después, durante una discusión, mata a su propio hermano. Su destino se cruza con el de otra mujer, también marcada por un violento destino: es una prostituta que ha matado a su compañera de piso. Las dos chicas se encuentran por azar en su huida, y deciden aliarse en un salvaje viaje marcado por el sexo y la violencia. La pareja asesina sin piedad a todos los hombres que se cruzan en su camino.
Total Western
After a drug deal gone wrong, Bédé goes into hiding in the countryside at a reformative school for criminal youth. His location is found out, and he and the pupils have to protect themselves with whatever means they have.
Génération cutter
Short movie
Children of the Stork
Three French pals take to the road in a stolen car and discover a talking, wounded stork — who claims to have deserted the Algerian army — and help it to escape to the home of a relative in Germany.
¡Qué suerte ser profe!
Ser profesor en un barrio conflictivo de París puede entrañar ciertos riesgos, cosa que pronto experimentará Laurent, un profesor de Geografía e Historia que siempre estuvo en escuelas de provincia.
En París, Ismaél, un joven tunecino, cuida a dos hermanos, Nouredine, un lisiado y Mouloud de 14 años. A toda prisa, Ismaél y Mouloud van a Marsella donde vive un tío. Nouredine murió en un incendio e Ismaél siente culpa además del dolor. Ismaél se hace amigo de Jacky, un hombre blanco cuyo padre y hermano odian a los inmigrantes. Mouloud se junta con la prima Rhida, que rompe las reglas islámicas y trata el hash. Ismaél decide que Mouloud debe regresar a Túnez, pero el niño se escapa, convirtiéndose en un acólito del proveedor de Rhida. La novia árabe de Ismaél y Jacky comienza una aventura, los amigos traicionan a los amigos y el racismo se pone feo. ¿Puede Ismaél rescatarse a sí mismo y a Mouloud o la vida en Francia los aplastará?
Un job en Or
Chef des braqueurs