Jenny O'Hara

Jenny O'Hara

Nacimiento : 1942-02-23, Sonora, California, USA


Jenny O'Hara was born on February 24, 1942 in Sonora, California, USA. She is an actress and director, known for Devil (2010), Mystic River (2003) and Extract (2009).


Jenny O'Hara


We Are Gathered Here Today
Faye Stone
The patriarch of the family enters the hospital with COVID-19 and because of hospital protocols his family members are forced to say their goodbyes via video conferencing.
Joanne Is Dead
It’s easy to dismiss the ramblings of the dementia-riddled elderly as nonsense. But what if there is a deadly truth behind those words?
Killing Eleanor
Eleanor Magnus
A terminally ill old lady who wants to die on her own terms convinces a self-destructive addict to help kill her, in exchange for clean urine.
Poor Greg Drowning
Greg is a love addict whose girlfriend left him for their couples therapist. Depressed, heartbroken, and unemployed, Greg must find a roommate to help pay rent. But Greg scares all potential roommates away, except for a girl named Peyton who moves in and whom Greg falls madly in love with.
Transparent: Musicale Finale
When the Pfeffermans face a life-changing loss, they begin a journey hilarious and melancholy, brazen and bold. As they face this new transition, they confront grief and come together to celebrate connection, joy, and transformation.
Duck Butter
Dos mujeres, insatisfechas con su vida amorosa, deciden hacer un pacto para pasar 24 horas juntas con la esperanza de encontrar una nueva forma de crear intimidad.
Annie reveals a dark secret after a glass of wine.
Pushing Dead
Dan's Mother (voice)
When a struggling writer, HIV positive for 20+ years, accidentally deposits a $100 birthday check, he is dropped from his health plan for earning too much. In this new era of sort-of universal care, can he take on a helpless bureaucracy or come up with $3000 a month to buy meds on his own?
Los mejores amigos para siempre
Cuando dos amigos heterosexuales entran en terapia de pareja, son tan convincentes que incluso empiezan a cuestionar su relación.
As High as the Sky
Aunt Barbara (voice)
Margaret’s OCD is in overdrive thanks to being jilted by her fiancé. She’s forced to explore the root of this behavior when her estranged sister and niece show up on her doorstep.
Sassy Pants
Grandma Pruitt
Desperate to get out from under her overprotective mother, a home-schooled teen runs off to live with her dad, and forms a bond with his much-younger boyfriend.
The Sacred
Ms. Jenson
Fresh off the success of her first horror novel, Jessie is revered by the literaly world as the next Stephen King. While her editor anxiously awaits her next novel, she is suffering from writer's block. Out of fear of becoming a one-hit novelist, Jessie ventures to her deceased aunt's cabin in the woods to find inspiration for her new book. Having not visited in many years, Jessie has no memory of her childhood summers at the cabin or her time spent in the surrounding woods. But when darkness falls on Jessie's first night alone in the cabin, her memories begin to awaken. A dark presence resides here; one that seems to be watching Jessie every move and one that she has always been afraid of. A series of erotic, bizarre and terrifying events that force Jessie to question her own reality.
Hit List
Phil's Mother
Charlotte is a woman with anger management issues whose therapist suggests she write a journal to keep her emotions in check. Unlucky in love, she ventures online to find a boyfriend. Just as she reaches her limit of unsuccessful dates, Charlotte meets her soul mate Lyle. Everything is perfect until Lyle finds Charlottes journal and sets out to prove just how deeply he loves her.
La trampa del mal
Old Woman
Basada en una historia de M. Night Shyamalan. Un día cualquiera, cinco personas, que no se conocen, se quedan atrapadas en un ascensor de un gran edificio de oficinas. Muy pronto comienzan a suceder cosas extrañas y, poco a poco, se dan cuenta de que uno de ellos no es quien dice ser: es el mismísimo Satanás
Extract: Mike Judge's Secret Recipe
The cast and crew reflect on the making of the movie, "Extract."
Joel's Secretary
Joel, propietario de una empresa de perfumería trata de enfrentarse a un cúmulo de problemas personajes y profesionales, como sus empleados que tratan de aprovecharse de él o su mujer, que posiblemente le es infiel...
El milagro de navidad de Jonathan Toomey
Mrs. Hickey
When a broken hearted boy loses the treasured wooden nativity set that links him to his dead father, his worried mother persuades a lonely ill-tempered woodcarver to create a replacement, and to allow her son to watch him work on it.
Dos Semanas
Cuatro hermanos regresan a su hogar a visitar a su madre moribunda, a la que le quedan pocos días de vida...
Forty Shades of Blue
A Russian woman living in Memphis with a much older rock-n-roll legend experiences a personal awakening when her husband's estranged son comes to visit.
My Name Is Yu Ming
Yu Ming is bored of his life in China and decides to go to Ireland. He studies the language, but is dismayed to find that no one understands him when he gets there. A 2003 short film.
Los impostores
Mrs. Schaffer
Roy y Frank son dos estafadores de poca monta.La vida privada de Roy es más bien problemática: padece agorafobia, es un maniático compulsivo, un fumador empedernido y no tiene ningún tipo de relación personal; a veces, cuando sus manías empiezan a poner en peligro su rendimiento y su cordura, se ve obligado a visitar a un psicoanalista para seguir funcionando. Gracias a la terapia que le prescribe su médico, llega a saber que tiene una hija adolescente, cosa que sospechaba, pero que nunca se había atrevido a confirmar. Y lo que es más preocupante, Angela quiere conocer al padre al que nunca ha visto. Al principio, la aparición de Angela perturba la ordenada rutina de su neurótico padre. Sin embargo, a pesar de su peculiar manera de asumir la paternidad, Roy comienza a disfrutar de una relación que nunca había soñado tener.
Mystic River
Esther Harris
Cuando Jimmy Markum (Sean Penn), Dave Boyle (Tim Robbins) y Sean Devine (Kevin Bacon) eran unos niños que crecían juntos en un peligroso barrio obrero de Boston, pasaban los días jugando al hockey en la calle. Pero, un día, a Dave le ocurrió algo que marcó para siempre su vida y las de sus amigos. Veinticinco años más tarde, otra tragedia los vuelve a unir: el asesinato de Katie (Emmy Rossum), la hija de 19 años de Jimmy. A Sean, que es policía, le asignan el caso; pero también tiene que estar muy pendiente de Jimmy porque, en su desesperación, está intentando tomarse la justicia por su mano.
Nancy Drew
Hannah Green
Nancy Drew acaba de iniciar sus estudios de periodismo en la universidad con sus amigos de toda la vida, Bess y George. Al poco tiempo, la estrella del equipo de fútbol, Jesse, entra en coma sin que nadie sepa porqué. Pero Nancy, que tienen un olfato especial para los casos misteriosos, sabe que hay algo más detrás de todo el suceso, por lo que empieza a investigar por su cuenta.,Sin embargo sus pesquisas tendrán consecuencias, y en poco tiempo Nancy es arrestada, casi expulsada y consigue que sus amigos se metan en serios problemas y distanciarse de su padre viudo, que siempre ha tenido confianza en su instinto y responsabilidad. Nada de esto le disuadirá de querer descubrir lo que realmente ha ocurrido con Jesse.
The Truth About Jane
Jane, a high school teenager, tries to deal with the discovery that she is a lesbian after developing an intense friendship with another girl who makes her discover her true sexuality, which is only the start of Jane's troubles when Jane's unaccepting mother, Janice, struggles with her surprising revelation of brought forth by her only daughter.
Marge Carpenter
An elderly lesbian couple, Edith (Vanessa Redgrave) and Abby (Marian Seldes), find out their long-term relationship has no bearing in the eyes of the world in 1961 when tragedy falls on them. Part of the anthology film, If These Walls Could Talk 2.
Mujer contra mujer
Marge Carpenter
Tres historias de amor lésbico tienen lugar en la misma casa, pero en épocas diferentes (1961, 1972 y 2000). La primera muestra una relación entre dos mujeres maduras, que es rechazada por sus familiares, y la situación de indefensión legal en que queda una de ellas cuando muere la otra. En la segunda, una chica tiene problemas con sus amigas, todas ellas lesbianas y feministas, por el hecho de haberse enamorado de una mujer muy masculina. El tercer relato aborda el debate de dos mujeres sobre la concepción de un hijo.
Luchar con coraje
Dorothy Renfrew
En los años cuarenta, un matrimonio de color compra una casa en un barrio de blancos. Pronto los habitantes de la comunidad hacen valer las cláusulas restrictivas según las cuales no pueden vivir en ese lugar gente negra. El caso es llevado a las tribunales.
An Unexpected Life
Harriet Rothman
Sequel to "An Unexpected Family."
Pumpkin Man
Mrs. Shadboldt
The week before Halloween, Jason Hollway's parents separate, and his dad moves out. Jason is depressed and doesn't want to go trick or treating with his friends Jenn, Ted, and Austin. His mom and grandpa encourage him, first by a trip to a pumpkin patch and then with the promise of a party at the end of the evening. The neighborhood has a scary story of a son's murder of his father 25 years before, so all the kids are frightened of Sam Hain: they ring his doorbell and run. All evening, the kids talk about the Sam Hain house: one by one, Jason's pals disappear; soon, it's just him and a silent Pumpkin Man walking up to Sam Hain's door. What will Jason do?
Wendy Derleth
Hace tiempo, cuando Dios creó los cielos y la Tierra, también creó un lugar lleno de criaturas demoníacas a las que llamó Djinn. Ahora, los Djinn han logrado escapar de sus confines en respuesta a los deseos de un humano. Torciendo sus sueños horrorosamente, el líder de los Djinn deja un sendero de sangre y asesinato mientras espera su oportunidad de entrar en nuestro mundo... una oportunidad que sólo llegará si quien los ha liberado utiliza sus tres deseos.
An Unexpected Family
Harriet Rothman
When Ruth Whitney abandons her two children with her sister Barbara is left to take care of them, at first none of them like it but soon they grow to like each other. Then over a year later Ruth comes back saying she wants her kids and Barbara goes to court to fight for custody.
Margaret Desmond
A hospital in need of funds announces a cure for a form of brain cancer, having saved several wealthy men's lives. When a young girl with the cancer dies, one doctor notices that she and all the cured men had been treated with exactly the same medicine. Investigating further, she uncovers a plot by the administration to locate wealthy men already suffering from a serious condition, and give them the cancer, which can then be treated successfully.
A Mother's Prayer
Rosemary Holmstrom está luchando para criar a su hijo tras la muerte de su marido. Cuando es diagnosticada con SIDA, en un principio se negó a creerlo, pero pronto se convierte sus atenciones al problema de lo que va a pasar con su hijo cuando ella muera.
Angie vive en una hermética comunidad de Brooklyn y no se siente nada satisfecha con su rutinaria vida. Cuando se entera de que está embarazada de su novio, Vinnie, decide tener el niño pero sin casarse con el padre. El vecindario no entiende la decisión de Angie, ni tan sólo su mejor amiga, así que la joven decide emprender un viaje donde se descubrirá a sí misma. Esta película, a caballo entre la comedia y el melodrama, está centrada en la figura femenina y en algunos temas que pueden afectar a la mujer, como la maternidad en soledad. Se trata de una adaptación de la primera novela de Avra Wing, y también está dirigida por una mujer: Martha Coolidge ("Tres deseos").
Destinos opuestos
Dotty Dodge
Un inmaduro y poco afortunado adolescente, Frank (Frank Whaley), consigue un trabajo de vigilante nocturno en una tienda, y al poco tiempo se queda encerrado nada más y nada menos que con la chica más guapa del lugar (Jennifer Connelly), una joven tan bella como rica. Ella tampoco es muy feliz con su familia y con su novio (Dermot Mulroney), pero ambos pertenecen a ambientes muy distintos, así que Frank tendrá sólo esa noche para intentar conquistarla.
The Less Than Perfect Daughter
Irene Harmon
A demanding woman and her daughter knock heads when the daughter, aspiring to be less reliant on her family, moves in with a troubled friend.
El sello de Satán
Un detective privado, Harry P. Lovecraft, se mueve en un Hollywood de los 40 en la que la magia y las artes negras son muy comunes. Su cliente le da dinero para que encuentre una copia robada del mítico Necronomicón, libro que le permitirá liberar a los Demonios Primigenios.
The Secret Life of Kathy McCormick
Kathy, a simple grocery clerk, finds her way into her local high society and the life of a wealthy suitor who thinks she's a stockbroker.
Another Woman's Child
Mike and Terry DeBray are a happily married couple whose lives change when the young daughter that Tony fathered out of wedlock suddenly appears and comes into their lives.
Blinded by the Light
When teenager David Bowers renounces his home and family to run off with a quasi-religious cult, his sister, Janet, sets out to bring him back, very nearly becoming brainwashed herself.
The Last Song
Deb Pierce
An aspiring singer unwittingly comes into possession of several tapes for which her engineer husband and his partner, in their electronic eavesdropping business, were murdered, and discovers that she and her daughter are now being stalked by the killers.
The Women's Room
Mrs. Martinelli
A wife is sick and tired of her husband's infidelities, so she leaves home and goes back to grad-school. There she meets many self-confident women who help her find her own voice.
The Last Married Couple in America
Dancing Lady at First Party
Jeff and Mari Thompson are contently married, but they are stunned to see many of their friends and neighbors going through separations and divorces. Seemingly surrounded by people with domestic problems, Jeff and Mari begin to question their own relationship.
Letters from Frank
Patty Miller
When aging newspaper Editor Frank Miller is fired after decades of service and replaced by a computer, he cannot take this fate quietly. Frank becomes enraged and starts writing letters to his son, Richard, expressing his fury.
A Fire in the Sky
Ann Webster
Astronomers discover a comet that they believe will crash into Phoenix, Arizona. They attempt to warn officials, but without 100% certainty, the governor of Arizona is reticent to cause a panic. Even after a television news reporter discovers the truth and threatens to go live with it, the response is understated enough to doom some residents of Phoenix to certain death.
The Hunted Lady
Carol Arizzio
An undercover policewoman finds herself framed for murder. Forced to flee for her life, she determines to clear her name and bring the real killers to justice.
Good Against Evil
The Woman
Dack Rambo and Elyssa Davalos star as sweethearts Andy Stuart and Jessica Gordon. The course of true love is messed up when Satan claims Jessica as his own personal property. Desperately, Andy turns to a pair of priests, Fathers Kemschler and Wheatley, for spiritual guidance, not to mention a bit of brute force in purging poor Jessica of her demons.
The Return of the World's Greatest Detective
Dr. Joan Watson
A Los Angeles cop falls off his motorcycle, strikes his head and wakes up believing himself to be Sherlock Holmes. Along with the social worker who is treating him, he sets out to solve the murder of an embezzler.
Brinks: The Great Robbery
Maggie Hefner
In this telling of the infamous 1950 robbery, James McNally is portrayed as the one gang member who maintains his silence in the face of extreme police pressure. When he is sent up to prison and sees the other gang members letting him take all the heat, he still doesn't come clean to the cops. He feels a loyalty to his best friend, who was also in on the crime. But what will his best friend choose to do?
Rock-a-Die Baby
A premonition comes true when the members of a rock group begin to die off for no apparent reason.