Hotel Night Porter (uncredited)
Miss Marple y Mr Stinger son testigos de la muerte por ataque cardíaco de Mr. Enderby, un personaje muy anciano y muy rico. A pesar de las apariencias, tienen dudas sobre lo que ha sucedido realmente. Como la policía no comparte sus sospechas, Miss Marple deberá investigar por su cuenta. Segunda película de Margeret Rutherford en el papel de Miss Marple.
In the business end of a kitchen, a polyglot staff strives to cope with a superhuman task. A microcosm of the world, the kitchen looms around and encloses its workers; they include Peter, the German cook, who is in love with waitress Monica, and constantly asks her to leave her husband. The pressure of the day becomes unendurable, and when Peter realises that Monica does not mean to divorce her husband his grief and pain cause him to run berserk!
a railway porter.
At the Earndale by-election natural history expert and TV personality Bob Wilcot for the Conservatives finds himself up against Billingsgate girl Stella Stoker for the socialists. Amateur politician against committed activist. But could it become boy-who-fancies-girl against girl-who-fancies-boy? The party agents are soon colluding against such a disaster.
Night Doorman
A World War II evacuee (Van Johnson) returns years later to England and finds his father in prison framed for murder.
Night Porter
After murdering his lover, cross-channel swimmer Joy Webster, Derek Bond attempts to do same to her other boyfriend, Sheldon Lawrence. John Ireland plays an Interpol detective who stems Bond's homicidal hijinks. Black Tide was produced by Monty Berman in his pre-Saint days.
Ticket Inspector (uncredited)
Un médico estadounidense llega a un pequeño pueblo de la cos inglesa con el fin de investigar las actividades de su médico principal.
Festival Hall Porter
A prominent journalist is kidnapped by a lunatic who threatens to kill her unless she writes flattering articles about him.
A group of circus children and their friends band together to save the show from financial disaster.
Edgar, a Taxidermist (uncredited)
Una familia americana, compuesta por el doctor Ben MacKenna, su mujer y su hijo Hank, está pasando unas vacaciones en Marruecos. Tras la muerte de un espía en brazos de Ben, mientras visitaban el mercado de Marrakech, el matrimonio descubre que su hijo ha sido secuestrado. Sin saber en quién confiar, los MacKenna se ven envueltos en una angustiosa pesadilla que tiene que ver con una operación de espionaje internacional.
Taxi driver
A woman travels to England to attend her parents' funeral. She is told by officials that they died of natural causes together, but she doesn't buy it. She comes to suspect that the nurse who took care of her parents was involved in their deaths, but since the nurse is well thought of in the town, no one believes her. What she doesn't know is that her parents' killer has selected her as the next victim
The parson of a small rural community knows he is dying and this makes him reconsider his life so far and what he can still do to help the community.
Someone is stealing priceless paintings from the great museums of the world and replacing them with nearly flawless forgeries. Leonardo da Vinci's "Madonna and Child" is being shipped to London's Tate Gallery for a special exhibition, and Paul Mitchell is assigned to protect it. Upon the painting's arrival, Paul realizes it has been switched. Eager to collect the museum's $50,000 reward, he teams up with Mary Mason, a Tate employee, to recover the original.
Station Sergeant
Un pequeño pueblo inglés está a punto de perder su estación de tren, por lo que decidirán unir esfuerzos y hacerla funcionar ellos mismos, compitiendo con la compañía local de autobuses.
The Baker
Sydney Stratton (Alec Guinness) es un joven investigador que, tras arduos esfuerzos, consigue inventar un tejido tan revolucionario que no se puede romper ni manchar. Sin embargo, a la alegría inicial pronto le sigue la decepción, pues tanto los empresarios como los trabajadores de la industria textil llegan a un acuerdo para impedir la fabricación y difusión del nuevo tejido. La razón es obvia: los primeros temen la ruina de sus empresas y los segundos la pérdida de sus puestos de trabajo.
Adaptación de la novela "Grandes esperanzas" de Charles Dickens. El hijo de un humilde herrero es enviado a educarse a Londres gracias al dinero de un benefactor cuya identidad desconoce.
Soldier in Pub (uncredited)
Determined, independent Bridie Quilty comes of age in 1944 Ireland thinking all Englishmen are devils. Her desire to join the IRA meets no encouragement, but a German spy finds her easy to recruit. We next find her working in a pub near a British military prison, using her sex appeal in the service of the enemy. But chance puts a really vital secret into her hands, leading to a chase involving Bridie, a British officer who's fallen for her, a German agent unknown to them both, and the police...paralleled by Bridie's own internal conflicts.
Chip Shop Customer
The son of a notorious hangman is gradually becoming insane and he finds himself unable to resist the urge to strangle women to death.
Man at gate (uncredited)
An impending V.I.P. visit causes bustle in an English village, while the Ellis family struggles with private problems.
An account of the technique of reading the tabloid press in an intelligent manor via differing editorial techniques that leads to three styles of newspapers giving varying accounts of a strip-tease act.
Londres (1940). Tillie Colter se encuentra sola en la ciudad. Mientras su marido está en el frente luchando, la joven se acabará enamorando de Ted Purvis, quien ha podido evitar alistarse en el ejército. Cuando el marido de Tillie, Jim, se entera de la relación, abandona el ejército para regresar a casa.
Restaurant Customer (uncredited)
Cuenta la historia de siete mujeres británicas de clase alta que deciden ayudar durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Station Master
George Formby se une a la guardia local.
Village Policeman
Un manitas y un artista aficionado se mete en problemas cuando se agregan cuerpos femeninos desnudos a las cabezas que ha dibujado de damas prominentes y se venden como anuncios de jabón.
Durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, una familia inglesa, que vive en un pequeño pueblo, logra sobrevivir a los bombardeos alemanes. La madre se encuentra al frente de la casa esperando que su hijo y su marido regresen de la guerra.
Reporter in the Johnsons' House (uncredited)
The story of flyer Amy Johnson the girl from Yorkshire who won the hearts of the British public in the 1930s with her record-breaking solo flights around the world. Her marriage to fellow aviator Jim Mallison was less noteworthy.
Dick Sefton
A steelworker rises through the ranks to become manager of three steel mills, but ruthless ambition overwhelms him.
Bob Stevens awakens in a hospital with a gunshot wound to his head, and is told that he has been in Paris for ten days. However, this cannot be true because he insists that he crashed his plane and has no recollection of being anywhere for ten days. Bob decides to follow a note found in his jacket, to the woman who wrote it, "Miss D", and get to the bottom of the whole strange situation.
The Stars Look Down is based on A. J. Cronin's 1935 novel of the same name, about injustices in a mining community in North East England. While the novel follows the development of three young men in the small mining town, the film focuses on just one of them; the smart David Fenwick who gets a scholarship to university, meets a girl who only marries him because her former boyfriend has abandoned her, and eventually returns to the mine town as a teacher and takes part in a futile rescue effort when the mine is flooded, trapping both his father and his younger brother.
A Scotland Yard inspector and his reporter friend arrive on vacation in a small village and are immediately involved in what is claimed to be a murder but the body has disappeared, leaving it to the inspector to find the body, determine the motive and find the killer.
Reporter (uncredited)
Jane apenas se las arregla para llegar a fin de mes en la casa de la familia en Yorkshire. Enamorada del médico local Freddie, ella sugiere matrimonio, pero descubre que heredó dieciocho millones libras.
Town Clerk
Un desventurado equipo de bomberos recibe el ultimátum: apagar un fuego con éxito o ser despedido. Fallan miserablemente, y su antiguo camión de bomberos es robado por criminales que intentan robar las joyas de la corona de la Torre de Londres.
El profesor Higgins, especialista en fonética, conoce casuamente a Elisa, una vendedora de flores, y la vulgaridad e incorrección de su lenguaje despierta extraordinariamente su interés. Toma entonces la decisión de realizar un experimento con ella: la convertirá en una respetable dama de la alta sociedad. Pero el trato que Higgins dispensa a Elisa no es muy considerado: al profesor sólo le preocupa la dicción, el perfeccionamiento de la voz y los exquisitos modales adquiridos por Elisa. Adaptación de la obra de teatro homónima de Bernard Shaw, en la que también se inspiró "My Fair Lady"
Provero, the butler
Una joven llega a Londres en busca de trabajo y se encuentra con un hombre que ha sido apuñalado por una banda implicada en carreras de galgos. Huye con el fin de enviar un mensaje al hermano del muerto. El animador de un club nocturno la protege de la policía, y resulta ser el hombre al que va buscando.
George Gommery enjoys slipping up to town to see some little actress, and never suspects that his wife can play the same game just as well as he can. Or at least, he never suspects until he tells his wife that her lover is engaged to the woman whom he has been entertaining in London.
Joe Stuggins
During World War I, in Flanders, Berry and Morley were in love with the same girl, Yvonne. During a battle in the Widow's Island sector, Morley is wounded and abandoned by Berry. Morley being reported missing, Berry now has a clear path to marry Yvonne. Two decades later, Yvonne incidentally meets a tourist guide in the former combat zone region who looks fiendishly like - Morley. —Guy Bellinger
Law Enforcer (uncredited)
A former boxing champion, now an innkeeper, is accused of stealing a watch from a party of guests at his inn, who happen to be members of English royalty. The old man is arrested and thrown in prison. His son, knowing that his father didn't steal the watch and suspecting a frame-up, follows the royal party to London, where he poses as a wealthy "gentleman" and insinuates himself into the English court in an effort to find out who framed his father and why.
Oliver Bright
A through-the-years story with songs and sentiments. A sailor rises from first officer to captain, gets married and has a son, but loses his command when his ship is rammed and the vessel is abandoned to save passengers. For years he lives in the countryside. Then his son, now grown, contacts his father's old shipmates and eventually their ship is put back into commission with its old skipper in command.
A brass band goes to London to take part in a competition.
Alf Ramsbottom
A brass band goes to London to take part in a competition.
Debt Collector
Gutsy lass Gracie rallies fellow stall-holders at Birkenhead Market to prevent its takeover and demolition by a department store chain. She invokes the Market's foundation by Royal Charter just before an inadvertent gas leak provides an explosive climax.
A woman disguises herself in men's clothes in order to follow her husband to the wars.
British comedy film directed by Max Mack
British comedy film directed by Max Mack
John 'Nigger' Larson
The race car designer Kit Woods is in love with Kay Lord. Kay's father is against her relationship with Kit. Kit also has to do with the competition from his rival Garry Ames.
Ship Steward
A confirmed bachelor takes pity on a young woman and takes her to London.
Policeman Shot Behind Mattress (uncredited)
Bob y Jill Lawrence son un matrimonio que está de vacaciones en Suiza con su hija Betty. Allí entablan amistad con Louis Bernard, un francés que recibe un disparo en el corazón mientras baila con Jill. Justo antes de morir, Louis le pide a Bob que entregue a las autoridades unos documentos que tiene escondidos en su habitación. Bob descubre que Bernard era, en realidad, un espía británico que seguía los pasos de una misteriosa organización que planeaba asesinar a un político extranjero en Londres. A continuación Bob recibe la llamada de un desconocido que le exige que abandone el asunto o su hija sufrirá las consecuencias.
Road House is a 1934 British comedy crime film directed by Maurice Elvey and starring Violet Loraine, Gordon Harker and Aileen Marson.
Sir Douglas Rolls is a highly respected defence lawyer of many years experience. Now in rapidly failing health, he is advised to retreat from the courtroom and pursue more pleasurable activities. But it is just at this point in his life that his great lost love a woman his own strong sense of duty led him to give up twenty years ago, and whom he still loves deeply walks into his chambers to ask that he defend her adulterous husband, now to stand trial for murder. Reluctantly agreeing to take on the case, Sir Douglas soon finds there is more to the story than meets the eye.
A music-hall star and his best mate are conned out of their earnings (twice!) and left with nothing but a beloved greyhound.
Un empleado de modales apacibles, enamorado de la hija de su jefe, es descarriado por un viejo amigo.
Shirley, a married woman, who is fed up of her husband's incessant nagging, decides to go on a cruise. Her husband also gets on the cruise as a worker in the barber shop to keep an eye on her.
Bath House Attendant
U.S. sailor Jimmy Harrigan, on shore leave in San Pedro, meets and falls for Sally Brent She promises to wait for him when he ships out to San Francisco, but Jimmy becomes jealous and tells her off when he learns Sally has entered a marathon dance contest sponsored by a lecherous snake named Baron Portola. Along with several of his Navy pals, Jimmy goes to the ballroom the night of the dance marathon, to try to change Sally's mind and win her back.
Harry Woods
A shady financier tries to acquire a new chemical
A shady financier tries to acquire a new chemical
Stevens, Crosby's Valet (Uncredited)
Nasa (Clara Bow) es una mestiza con sangre blanca e india. Rebelde e indomable, no respetará las tradiciones de su padre y huirá con un hombre que no la conviene, quedando embarazada. Como si de una maldición se tratase, la vida de Nasa irá degradándose irremediablemente hacia el vicio, el alcohol y la prostitución.
Lower Level Court Clerk
Fresh from his success with the moody melodrama Murders in the Rue Morgue, director Robert Florey dashed off The Man Called Back at bargain-basement Tiffany Studios. The film is set in the tropics; Conrad Nagel tops the cast as a dissipated, derelict doctor, hopelessly in love with married socialite Doris Kenyon. Doris' insane husband John Halliday commits suicide, but arranges the evidence so that his wife will be charged with murder.
Tras el asesinato de un cantante, su amante es la principal sospechosa del crimen. Su ex marido, detective privado, coloca micrófonos ocultos para fabricar pruebas contra ella. El actual marido de la mujer se confiesa culpable para salvarla. Entonces, ella decide descubrir la verdad, y coloca micrófonos ocultos en el despacho de su ex marido...
Barman at New Year Party (uncredited)
Los males del alcohol antes y durante la prohibición se hacen evidentes cuando vemos sus efectos en la familia Chilcote.
Man from Cartier's
A man framed for murder escapes from prison in order to prove his innocence.
American Embassy Valet
Un embajador de Estados Unidos llega a un pequeño país que está siendo sacudido por intrigas políticas y disturbios civiles. Tiene la misión de hacerse amigo del niño que va a ser el rey del país, para garantizar que viva lo suficiente como para recibir la corona y que esté preparado para asumir el papel.
A society gigolo goes after a rich mother and her daughter, but tries to find true happiness with his girlfriend, who is neither rich nor in "society."