Aleksandr Pyatkov

Aleksandr Pyatkov

Nacimiento : 1950-07-31,


Aleksandr Pyatkov


Весёлые гастроли на Чёрном море
The famous pop singer Larisa comes on tour to the Black Sea to Yalta. Having stepped off the ramp, she gives an interview in which she admits that she is looking for her fiancée. From this moment on, funny adventures begin to spin, the basis of which is cunning, love, and, of course, music.
Lev Yashin The Dream Goalkeeper
Mikhalych, janitor
Un niño de la clase trabajadora, como todos sus compañeros, jugaba al fútbol día y noche, y soñaba con ser un delantero. Pero sin importar para qué equipo jugó, en el patio, en la fábrica o en el ejército, inevitablemente se le puso en la portería en el futbol soviético. Se llamaba Lev Yashin (1929 - 1990), conocido en el ambiente futbolistico como "la araña negra Yashin", uno de los mejores porteros, de la historia del futbol.
Мексиканский вояж Степаныча
Posledniy boy mayora Pugacheva
During WWII, Major Ivan Vasilyevich Pugachev fights at the front, but after being wounded he is taken prisoner. During the offensive of the Soviet troops, the Germans decide to eliminate the prisoners of war. Before the execution, General Vlasov arrives in a German concentration camp, who agitates to join the ROA. Pugachev and his comrades decide to escape.
La espada del rey
La Guerra Del Norte (1700- 1721). Luis XIV, Rey de Francia, destierra a dos duelistas: a uno de ellos lo envía con Carlos XII (1697-1718), rey de los suecos, y el otro marcha a Rusia con el Zar Pedro I (1689-1725). Ambos soldados serán testigos desde bandos opuestos de la gran batalla de Poltava (1709), en la que los suecos sufrieron una gran derrota. Gracias a esta guerra, Rusia logró el libre acceso al mar Báltico a través de San Petersburgo, ciudad fundada por Pedro I.
Stepanych Spanish Voyage
Ivan Ivanovich
Mechanic Stepanych goes on a tourist trip to Spain with his wife and daughter. Being tired of them Stepanych is looking forward to meet his friend Semyon. Yanychar is a killer hired by oligarch Vorkutidze and is also waiting for Semyon in Spain.
Stepanych Thai Voyage
Ivan Ivanovich
Mechanic Stepanych goes on a tourist trip to Thailand while his wife and daughter are expecting his return and don't even know what kind of events are waiting for them.
Sem Raz Otmer
Juego de espías
Gordon Patrick, joven analista de la CIA, ha de investigar la misteriosa muerte de un importante político ruso. Pronto hace amistad con Diana, una inteligente joven con un pasado secreto. Y ella le lleva directamente a un peligroso punto sin retorno, en el que cuánto más avanza más peligroso se vuelve: crimen organizado, asesinatos políticos y la turbia financiación de una campaña, son sólo la punta del iceberg. ,Finalmente Gordon, ha de enfrentarse a una brutal realidad, aquéllos en los que ha confiado son en los que jamás debería haber creído... (FILMAFFINITY)
Kolkhoz Entertainment
Summer 1989. A people of kolkhoz are forced to produce a show in order to get additional financing.
Features of the Russian Bath
Adult comedy about Russian saunas and the traditions, habits and jokes connected to them.
Why Wouldn't We Send... a Messenger?
A farmer who has been bankrupted by bankers goes to Moscow in search for the truth.
The Stringer
Vadik Chernyshov is an impoverished dreamer who spends his life drifting though Moscow with a video camera, hoping to shoot footage that will interest Western press agencies. He falls in love with the beautiful Helen, an English media executive, and subsequently they must contend with the barriers that their different backgrounds present.
Line of Life
Le Cuisinier
Philippe meets the beautiful Oksana during a long layover in Moscow. Unfortunately, Oksana is the granddaughter of a murderous mafia don looking to trap a French speaking man to pull off a massive con.
Testigo mudo
Billy Hughes, una joven americana muda que trabaja en Rusia, presencia un brutal asesinato en un plató de cine. A partir de ese momento, se convierte en el objetivo de los asesinos; pero es que además tanto la policía como sus compatriotas ponen en duda su testimonio. No le queda entonces más remedio que aferrarse al único hombre que le ofrece ayuda, aunque no sepa muy bien si trata de salvarla o de asesinarla.
Cementerio de alimañas
Pedophile Gambler
Francia, Siglo XIX. Stoker está dando un paseo con su padre en carro, cuando de repente son atacados por un grupo de amazonas que quieren librar al mundo de los hombres, ayudadas por una legión de ratas sedientas de sangre. Stoker es así pues capturado y llevado ante la reina de las amazonas. (FILMAFFINITY)
I, a Russian soldier
A Boulevard Romance
The film was shot on the story of Valentin Pikul “Go and do not sin”, which tells about the real events that took place in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century. The story of the young beauty Olga Palem from a poor large family is replete with tragic events. Olga's passionate disinterested love for student Alexander Zapolsky becomes her evil rock. Spoiled and selfish, Alexander is not able to appreciate her feelings. Exhausted by humiliation, a young woman kills her lover. The high-profile trial of Olga Pale becomes a sensation that stirred up the whole of Russia ...
The Children of Iron Gods
The films hero is a metal worker named Ignat who is as strong and tough as the steel that his sprawling factory produces in the Ural Mountains. Its a great cheerless environment; life is arduous and dangerous; conditions at the plant are nearly subhuman. The only excitement in the grimy industrial town is provided by robbing a train at gunpoint or stealing sheep from the Bashkiri tribe. The most renowned diversion, however, is the annual fist fight between the strongest metal worker and the strongest miner from the region. Against his better judgment, but with the support of his co-workers, Ignat decides to take part in this perilous venture.
The Actors
A young man follows a theatre troupe during their tour.
Five Stolen Monks
Five stolen doves "monks" are helping to investigate a big diamonds theft.
Charming Aliens
Escape to the End of the World
Promised Heaven
In the new Russia, former middle class citizens find themselves out in the dumps. Literally. They build homes, elect their own government, work, beg, scavenge, date and fight all while living in a huge city dump. Some try to beat the odds and return to society, but it seems that there is only one place left for them to go...
Homo Novus
A divorced young math teacher is tormented by her high school students.
И вся любовь
The Visit
In her teens, Mme. Zachanassian had to flee her home town in disgrace. Now she's old and rich and the town is facing bankruptcy. But she returns with news that she wants to help - as long as the townsfolk kill someone for her.
Герой фильма Владимир Пирошников в поисках выхода из жизненного тупика мучительно решает вечные вопросы смысла жизни. В конце концов, оказавщись на крыше, он делает одно неосторожное движение - и зависает на уровне пятого этажа...
Происшествие в Утиноозерске
Ссуда на брак
Forgotten Tune for the Flute
A flutist in the forgotten past, at present the husband of a “big man’s” daughter and head of one of the Chief Directorate’s sections felt unwell one day: the forty-year-old man had a pain in his heart. This unpleasant incident provided an opportunity to meet a nurse named Lida. However, their stormy love affair ended, with Filimonov returning to normal life and an unloved wife.
Певучая Россия
Snake Catcher
Based on the novel of the same name by Lazar Karelin. The former director of a large deli Pavel Shorokhov, having returned from prison and not received the expected reception from his wife, who forbade him to see his son, temporarily settles with Kotov, the owner of the lists of participants in the unaccounted goods movement system. Kotov, who is near death, transfers lists to Shorokhov and thereby puts him at risk from former accomplices. But Shorokhov breaks the pledge circle...
Dangerous for Your Life!
A funny comedy about a very adventurous day in a life of Stepan Molodtsov - a very responsible youn man.
The Invisible Man
Sam - khozyain kabachka
Based upon the famous novel by H.G.Wells. A poor scientist named Griffin discovers a way to make things invisible. Since he has no money to continue his research, he decides to perform his only experiment on himself. After becoming invisible, Griffin has a lot of trouble trying to conceal this from other people.
Dead Souls
Pavel Ivanovich Chichikov plans to buy the titles to “dead souls” and use them as collateral to obtain a large loan. He comes to a small provincial town and begins to proposition the local landowners. These landowners are revealed to be so petty and avaricious that not even Chichikov’s amazing offer can be worked to his advantage on them. Some stall, some refuse for no obvious reasons, some promise and then renege, and others want “in on the deal.” In the end, Chichikov, having concluded that the landowners are a hopeless lot, leaves for other regions.
A Cruel Romance
In the town of Bryakhimov, noble but poor widow Harita Ignatyevna Ogudalova seeks to arrange marriages for her three daughters. She maintains an “open house”, hoping to attract gentlemen well-off enough to marry a dowry-less girl for love.
Secret of the Blackbirds
Sergeant Hay
Mr. Fortescue, owner of a big company, unexpectedly dies. The autopsy shows that he has been poisoned. Nobody actually loved him, and even his family members had their reasons to kill him. But who really did it? And who is responsable for killing his young servant and his wife within the next couple of days? Of course the only person who can answer this question is Ms. Marple. And of course, the murderer is the person you least expected it to be.
Люблю. Жду. Лена
Didzhey na discoteke
We're from Jazz
Yaryshkin, waiter
A music student is expeled from school because he loves jazz, a kind of music that represents the US capitalism. He hires two street musicians to form a dixie band, and goes from one city to another trying to gain fame.
The Pokrovsky Gates
Stories from the lives of the tenants of the Moscow's communal apartment: Kostik, who is a college student, lives with his aunt while studying; Arkady Velyurov who is a performing artist; Khobotovs, who are a divorced couple; and Sava, who is Margarita Khobotov's new fiancé. All these people live in one apartment and their lives constantly touch each other's.
The Circus Princess
Prince's Aide-de-Camp
Based on the "Die Zirkusprinzessin" operetta by Kálmán Imre.
Crazy Money
Moscow mid-XIX century. Middle-aged provincial businessman Savva Gennadievich Vasilkov falls in love with local beauty Lidiya Yuryevna Cheboksarova. Wanting to meet her, he asks his new acquaintance Telyatev to introduce himself as Cheboksarov. Telyatev and his friend Glumov decide to play the mother of Lidiya, Nadezhda Antonovna, who wants to get a rich son-in-law, and recommend Vasilkov as a gold mining millionaire from Siberia. Savva Gennadievich begins to visit the Cheboksarovs house, but his provincialism and Lydiya’s intention to create a brilliant party due to their beauty prevent them from finding a common language.
Return Move
Second movie of a dilogy about Russian paratroopers started with "V zone osobogo vnimaniya"
Ladies Invite Gentlemen
vacationer with a camera
Anna Pozdnyakova is already over 30 years old and, despite the fact that she is kind and pretty, she cannot find herself a man with whom she could find family happiness. Already it seems like a suitable candidate in the person of a prominent military man, Viktor, has taken a liking, but at first sight he falls in love with Anna's friend Raisa and marries her. Then Anya takes out a vacation at her own expense and goes south to Sochi.
Частное лицо
Moscú no cree en las lágrimas
Accordionist at Wedding (uncredited)
Tres mujeres de diferentes edades emigran a Moscú buscando trabajo y un amor. A lo largo de la película asistiremos a sus sueños y deseos, sus amores, sus desilusiones.
The Garage
sport fan
An automotive highway is scheduled to be built through the territory of a garage cooperative. A special meeting of the cooperative takes place to reduce the number of garages. As all was already decided and arranged by the chairholder and the board, the decision passes easily at the meeting. But one unexpected event happens - the meeting room's entrance has been locked by an anonymous member and the key is missing...
The Late Berry
The life of Pavla Brus, a middle-aged, modest but principled woman, suddenly changes with a crush on a drilling foreman. Unable to restrain her feelings, she decides to cheat on her husband, divorce and leave the family. But her youngest son Kuzma, a teenager with an intelligent and piercing look at the world around him, stops her from a rash act, which is shaped by observation of Siberian nature. A philosophical attitude towards banal life processes allows the mother to reconsider her feelings for her husband Tikhon and the failed lover Nikolai.
Срочный вызов
Tactics of Long-Distance Running
An Unnamed Star
"Stars never leave their orbits". The poor astronomy teacher got one more demonstration of this law when he met HER. SHE was "from the another world". SHE was strange and inappropriate in his tiny calm town. Town with slough-like life and citizens who spent all their time gossiping. Once he almost started to believe that the miracle is possible... but "the stars never leave their orbits"
In the Zone of Special Attention
Action film about the Russian paratroopers.
Схватка в пурге
Tale About Czar Pyotr Arranging Arap's Wedding
Peter the Great takes a Russian man of African heritage - Ibrahim Petrovich Hannibal - under his wing as the tsar builds his grand navy. After having a disastrous affair in France, Ibrahim vows to never fall in love again, until he sees the daughter of a wealthy boyar. Peter the Great insists the two be married, but Ibrahim goes against the tsar's wishes, refusing to force her to marry him since she doesn't consent. When another man tries to marry her, however, Ibrahim's loyalties and generous nature are put to the test.
Dersu Uzala (El cazador)
Un explorador del ejérciro conoce a un hombre de la tribu Goldi en los bosques no mapeados de Rusia. Con el tiempo, se crea un vínculo duradero entre los dos hombres: uno civilizado en el sentido usual, y el otro que tiene por hogar los bosques glaciares de Siberia.
Mad day or Figaro wedding
The servant of Count Almaviva, the jolly and joker Figaro, is going to marry the maid of the Countess Rosina - Susanne. But the count wants to upset the wedding and make the girl his lover.
Adventures in the City which Doesn't Exist
Young schoolboy Slava Kurochkin suddenly finds himself in a town where books characters live.