Alwara Höfels

Alwara Höfels

Nacimiento : 1982-01-01, Kronberg im Taunus, Germany


Alwara Höfels
Alwara Höfels
Alwara Höfels
Alwara Höfels
Alwara Höfels


Wow! Nachricht aus dem All
At eleven years old, Billie is well on her way to following in her mother's footsteps, who explored space as an astronaut.
Death comes to Venice
Under mysterious circumstances, the restorer Lukas Albrecht drowns in the Canale dei Marani in Venice. While the easy-going Commissario Santo sees no criminal offense, the victim's widow resents the details. Anna, who is traveling from Vienna with her eleven-year-old son, doesn't believe it was an accident: her husband didn't have any alcohol in his blood, he knew the lagoon and could swim
Zerrissen - Zwischen zwei Müttern
Stefanie Minrath
It happened twelve years ago: During a trip to the beach, 3-year-old Michelle Minrath disappeared without a trace. After an intensive search it was assumed that she drowned in the sea. But her mother Stefanie always firmly believed in finding her again. Her husband Torben advises her to get help, as her mania destroys the small family that still exists with the other daughter, Angelina. While working in the supermarket, Stefanie notices a girl in whom she thinks she recognizes her grown up daughter. She secretly follows her. When the police are called in, it finally turns out that it is actually Michelle who was kidnapped by her current mother, Ruth, who now offers her a well-protected home. A world collapses not only for the daughter, who suddenly no longer knows where she belongs, but also for two families at the same time a lot changes and an emotional roller coaster ride begins with an uncertain outcome.
Max y la tropa gamberra
Marion Bergmann
Un verdadero castillo como tu nuevo hogar. ¿Te imaginas algo más genial? Castle Geroldseck es un hogar de ancianos lleno de abuelas y abuelos arrugados. Pero para que su madre, una enfermera geriátrica madre soltera, también pueda trabajar en turnos de noche, Max ahora vive en Raven Tower. Como el único niño entre todos estos viejos... Max pronto encontrará amigos entre los ancianos residentes de la casa: la actriz Vera, el entrenador de fútbol Horst y el investigador Kilian, juntos mejor conocidos como Wild Bunch. Max también nota que algo extraño está pasando en las viejas paredes.
Eine Klasse für sich
Suddenly going back to school, who hasn't woken up from this nightmare? For the teacher Fabian Sorge it becomes reality. Shortly before he became a civil servant, it came out that he forged his high school diploma as a young man.
Befriending the Grouch
Trixie Kuntze
Olav Hintz, a retired teacher who loves only himself, needs care as he sits in a wheelchair. The nurse, the single parent Trixi has several jobs to complete and gives the care to her 3 children. Chaos is on.
Das Leben meiner Tochter
Nathalie Faber
So viel Zeit
Five old friends have to prove themselves one last time. 30 years after the hopeful young band Bochums Steine have separated after a disastrous live performance, fatally ill Rainer tries to re-activate his old cronies
Aufbruch in die Freiheit
Charlotte Nikowski
Germany, 1971: Erika (Anna Schudt) is actually completely overwhelmed by her work in the butchery of husband Kurt (Christian Erdmann), the education of three common children and additional obligations, which brings the village life, as her doctor also revealed that she is pregnant again. Another baby is the last thing she needs now, and so she decides to drive to her sister Charlotte (Alwara Höfels) to Cologne and let the baby abortively secretly abort. Since there are complications during the surgery and Erika can only be rescued, but her husband still learns from the matter. It comes to a huge dispute, in which another topic is the future of daughter Ulrike (Lene Oderich). Without further ado Erika then packs her things and moves with her children to Charlotte. But at a time when legislation inevitably makes her dependent on her husband, she is denied a self-determined new beginning. Erika decides to do something to change that ..
How to Be Really Bad
Sibylle Birnstein
The life of 14-year-old Lilith is similar to that of a normal teenager, but there is a peculiarity: she is the daughter of the devil and lives with him in hell. Because she is totally bored there and also wants to have fun and explore the world, she makes a pact with her father: she is allowed to go to earth for a week - but she has to convert a good person to evil there. If she succeeds in this challenge, she may stay on earth forever, otherwise she'll be waving a hell of a boring job in the bookkeeping of the underworld.
Keiner schiebt uns weg
Lilli Czipowski
Harter Brocken:  Die Kronzeugin
Matilda Schönemann
A shootout, five fatalities and he himself wounded - in the otherwise quiet station of the village policeman Frank Koops, things are just like in the Wild West. The bloodbath was commissioned by the imprisoned mafia boss Petrovic, who wants to use all means to get rid of a key witness who was hidden in the tranquility of St. Andreasberg in the utmost secrecy.
Lotte y Luise: Las dos Carlotas
Charlize Körner
Cuando Lotte y Luise tienen diez años, se encuentran por primera vez en un campamento de verano. Se dan cuenta muy pronto que son gemelas, aunque son de carácter muy diferente...
Der Andere - eine Familiengeschichte
Nama, a teenager from Mali, has crossed desert and sea for his freedom. When Nama is injured in a fight, an old man named Willi lets him move into the house that he used to share with his son Stefan. The father and son have not spoken for years and the three men may have little in common, yet what binds them together is their search for a home where their wounds from present and past can heal.
Mein Sohn, der Klugscheißer
Deborah Höffner
Sissi Fischbacher
Sissi y Theo son diferentes, todo lo diferentes que se pueda ser. Theo, un intolerante hombre de negocios con el único propósito de mantener a las personas a distancia. Sissi, una joven que aún no ha encontrado su camino y aún vive con su madre ....
¡Que te den profe! 2
Caro Meyer
Secuela de "Fack ju Göhte", que fue la película alemana más taquillera del año 2013 en su país. Esta secuela también arrasó en el Box Office alemán.
Frau Müller muss weg!
Katja Grabowski
Because of their children's bad grades, some parents want the teacher Mrs. Müller gone. They meet with Mrs. Müller and try to convince her to leave the class.
Dr. Gressmann zeigt Gefühle
Dolores Sturm
Die Fischerin
Meike Unger
Einmal Bauernhof und zurück
For years, the dairy farmer Klara has tried to keep the court of her deceased parents. But the business is running badly, a sale of the farm seems inevitable. If necessary, Klara asks her sister Mika for help. She lives as a successful gallery owner in the posh Düsseldorf and hopes to finally move her sister to a new beginning in the city. Very quickly, however, shows that the down-to-earth Klara and her sister Mika have very opposite ideas of a fulfilled life. With heart and humor, Olaf Kreinsen's clever comedy tells of the conflicts of an unequal sibling duo.
¡Que te den profe!
El ladrón de bancos Zeki Müller acaba de salir de la cárcel. Tras su liberación, Zeki pretende recuperar el dinero que robó y así poder pagar una deuda, pero su cómplice lo enterró en un sitio que estaba en construcción. Durante el tiempo de Zeki pasó en la cárcel, el proyecto de construcción fue terminado y su dinero está ahora enterrado bajo el nuevo gimnasio del colegio Goethe. Con el fin de conseguir el dinero, Zeki rellena la solicitud de empleo en el lugar para el puesto vacante de conserje fallecido. Sin embargo, debido a un malentendido, se le da un trabajo como profesor sustituto en el colegio.
Mord nach Zahlen
Olga Schneider
Überleben an der Wickelfront
Einer wie Bruno
Las aventuras de los cinco
La película cuenta cómo se conocen los cinco protagonistas (Julian, George, Dick, Anne y Timmy) durante unas vacaciones de verano y cómo se ven envueltos en una peligrosa intriga internacional en la que varios bandos luchan por hacerse con una novedosa fuente de energía que ha descubierto el Tío Quentin (padre de George y tío de Julian, Dick y Anne). Versión cinematográfica de la serie de 1978, "Los famosos cinco".
Otis and Eddie have been best friends since childhood and live in Berlin on a day-to-day basis. No prospects, only the big dream of music. When one day a record label becomes aware of them, nothing stands in the way of living out this dream. But the record label likes to interfere and the friendship is put to the test.
Weihnachtsengel küsst man nicht
The pre-Christmas season is anything but contemplative for Lina, model and advertising jingle singer, and her best friend Nettie, who runs an event and partner agency: the two can hardly save themselves from second-class Christmas orders. And it's not for the first time that Lina and Nettie are preparing for lonely holidays. Nettie has long since given up hope of still finding the right one, and Lina's dream man Alex, a married doctor, has not yet separated from his wife.
Mein Bruder, sein Erbe und ich
Maggie Urban
Der Uranberg
La extraña
Umay, nacida en Alemania, escapa de un opresivo matrimonio en Estambul, llevándose a su hijo Cem con ella. Espera encontrar una vida mejor para los dos en Berlín con su familia, pero su inesperada llegada les crea un gran conflicto. Sus padres y hermanos se debaten entre el amor por ella y los valores tradicionales de su comunidad. Intentan convencerla para que vuelva con su marido, o al menos para que le devuelva al niño. Ella escapa entonces de su familia, pero sigue intentando reconciliarse con los suyos, que la rechazan una y otra vez.
Mein Flaschengeist und ich
Rahel-Eine preussische Affäre
Pauline Wiesel
Phantom Pain
Marc is a passionate cyclist and urban slacker who avoids work and responsibility. Marc's life changes from one moment to the next when he suffers a life-changing accident. He can either wallow in self-pity or tackle the beast called life with the help of love and willpower.
Un conejo sin orejas
Nora Tschirner interpreta a una tímida profesora de preescolar cuyo cuadriculado mundo se desmorona cuando, tras montar un tremendo escándalo en una boda, un paparazzo es condenado a 300 horas de trabajos para la comunidad y tiene que cumplirlas precisamente junto a ella. El problema es que el paparazzo en cuestión, Ludo (Til Schweiger), fue compañero suyo de colegio y se dedicaba a hacerle la vida imposible. Claro que, bien pensado, quizá ésta sea una ocasión perfecta para ajustar cuentas con él... siempre y cuando el amor, tan meticón él, no se entrometa.