Martin Pechlát
Nacimiento : 1974-10-30, Praha, Československo
Po maturitě na průmyslové škole Martin pracoval 3 roky jako mikrofonista v České Televizi. Po ukončení pracovního poměru s ČT šel studovat na DAMU (loutkové a alternativní divadlo). Poté co vystudoval začal pracovat v Hradci Králové v Klicperově divadle, kde si ho všiml Vladimír Morávek a obsadil ho do jedné z vedlejších rolích ve smutné romantické komedii NUDA V BRNĚ (2003). Zahrál si zde zkušenějšího bratra mírně retardovaného hrdiny. V tomto filmu hrál po boku Miroslava Donutila, Arnošta Goldflama, Pavla Lišky a Richarda Krajčo.
Jiří Vejdělek ho obsadil ho do role samotářského podivína v letní komedii ÚČASTNÍCI ZÁJEZDU (2006), kde se znovu setkal s Pavlem Liškou a hrál zde po boku Anny Polívkové, Evy Holubové, Bohumila Klepla, Květy Fialové, Jaromíra Noseka, Jitky Kocurové a Jany Štěpánkové . Zahrál si také v úspěšné drama/komedii VÁCLAV (2007) a v komedii VRATNÉ LAHVE (2007) která měla velmi velký úspěch u diváků.
V současnosti působí především v komorním divadle Komedie, ale můžeme ho také vidět na dalších pražských scénách: Divadlo v Řeznické, Archa a Národní divadlo.
Beata Parkanová, the filmmaker behind Moments, returns to Karlovy Vary with an exceptionally vivid portrait of the family of notary Václav Vojíř, a small-town moral authority, and his selfless wife Věra. This masterfully told and highly original intimate drama, whose protagonists undergo a difficult ordeal in the summer of 1968, is reinforced by finely wrought, exquisite performances from Martin Finger and Gabriela Mikulková.
The real fate of Jiří Arvéd Smíchovský, a prominent hermeticist, occultist, believer in black magic and an exceptionally well-educated person with a brilliant memory. This avid book lover had doctorates in law, theology and philosophy and was fluent in five languages. He was interested in occult teachings, practiced magical ceremonies, was in contact with the Freemasons, but at the same time he was a member of the National Fascist Community while being homosexual. During the war he cooperated with the Nazis, after the war with the communist StB.
"A documentary anatomy of mass murder for one monitor and 34 talking heads." These are the words the filmmakers use in the credits to describe their project, which thematises the execution of more than 260 Carpathian Germans, Hungarians and Slovaks by Czechoslovak army soldiers near Přerov in June 1945. The “massacre at Přerov” is made present through a minimalist dramatisation of the interrogation footage of direct participants, eyewitnesses, and others. It is as if the characters of ancient theatre were entering the Zoom “stage” and delivering a tragic message of fear, hatred and disinterest across the chasm of time.
An ageing proprietor of a technology company has dedicated his whole life to his work, so it comes as a big blow when things suddenly start to fall apart at the seams.
After the premiere, the theatre group gathers in a bar to celebrate. However, the cheerful gathering is interrupted by a drunken Soviet officer. He insists on selling a can of petrol. However, when he senses the awkwardness, the hidden hatred, the cowardice, the timidity of the people there, he begins to enjoy the situation with his intrusiveness. When he takes his pistol out of its holster, things start to get crazy. The people in the bar suddenly become “freedom fighters” against the Russian occupation.
For fifteen years now, the happily married Zuzana one day finds out that her husband Jiří has been having an affair with another woman for a long time. Zuzana does not hesitate and decides to visit her daughter-in-law Lenka and make her a bit unconventional proposal. Her plan is scandalous. She suggests that she share the care of Jirka and turn him into a man for a change. Lenka finally agrees and both women introduce this new way of life to Jirka. So he puts him in front of the finished thing. What seems like a perfect plan to everyone at first, that is, one week with his wife, the other with his mistress, may turn out to be a nightmare for everyone.
Un equipo de inspectores se abre camino a trompicones en un caso de asesinatos y chantaje en el que probablemente esté implicado alguien a quien conocen.
Mischievously self-assured Mára and somewhat eccentric Heduš set out into the frozen wastes in search of adventure – by car, naturally. After all, Mára’s turning fifteen soon. A road movie about the flies that occasionally buzz around even in winter, and a story that tells of the elusive bond of boyhood friendship and the irrepressible desire to experience something, even if you don't exactly know what.
police chief
The film tells the life story of its director, Jan Nemec, one of the most known and important filmmakers of Czech New Wave.
"Mi veredicto es: Yo, Olga Hepnarová, víctima de vuestra bestialidad, os condeno a pena de muerte". Esas fueron las famosas palabras de la asesina en masa, Olga Hepnarová, de 22 años de edad, quien en 1973 condujo un camión contra un grupo de personas inocentes en Praga.
By some quirk of fate, the two small-time thieves and the spoiled princess find themselves in the Black Forest full of magic beings who believe that everyone has a chance to mend his ways. However, sometimes even the best intentions need to take a pretty long way round to be achieved... Funny fairy tale full of action, excitement, fun, magic but also love.
A couple embark on an early vacation. Left alone, their children cut loose until the boy gets caught for skipping school and things take an unexpected turn. Boasting exquisite camera work, the film is also unforgettable for its wholly original ending.
profesor Kadlec
The congenial Vojta is bashful and his family is batty. His short-tempered father, who once failed to swim the English Channel, wants him to be a competing swimmer and his loving mother, a former child ice revue star, sees a talented pianist in her son. But Vojta has completely different priorities - most of all his red-haired classmate Ela, an enchanting synchronized swimmer who is leaving for Paris in November. If Vojta doesn't do something radical, and fast, Ela will disappear behind the Iron Curtain forever. The year is 1989.
The film's main theme is obsession. An obsession with love, with art, originality, copying, with success, money and... with oneself. Sooner or later, if we lose our rational upper hand over it and let ourselves be dragged down by it, every obsession leads to destruction. But it is only when being dragged down, in spite of all the cuts and bruises, that we find a unique DELIGHT, if only for a few short moments - and what else is life really about? It is like a drug. What at first seems to be weak and trivial is capable of expanding and growing into a serious problem that can appear to be absolutely incomprehensible and absurd to those who have never experienced anything like it.
Mr. Müller
Romi (Gabriela Mícová), a prostitute, is anything but successful at her job: she is of far too gentle a nature for her clients. The more obstinately she is pushed to the streets by her pimp Franz (Stanislav Majer), the closer she is to a complete breakdown. One day Romi is addressed by a property speculator referring to himself as a "wealthy Jew" (Martin Finger). He does not demand any sexual services of her. He satisfies himself with Romi telling him stories, for which he lavishly rewards her. However, no one shares the sudden happiness with Romi. Her work-mates and current clients turn their backs on her, as does Franz, with whom Romi is in love. The whole story takes place in the setting of a dilapidated city, during the clean-up of which politicians openly split their profit with speculators and lobbyists, all under protection from the police.
On New Year's Day, two preteen boys wind up in the apartment of Katerina, a teacher from their school, along with her friends, Stepan and David. As the older trio bickers, drinks and flirts, the boys gain eye-opening insight into the adult world.
vývojář Jirka
This adaptation of a book by Jiří Marek consists of four animated episodes that are interconnected by a live-action element.
When a marriage counselor is abandoned by her husband for a younger woman, she sets out for new companionship.
Viktor Outrata
Frantisek Soukenický es un psiquiatra con una vida en aparente orden… hasta la aparición de una antigua amante despechada. La mujer acaba con su carrera profesional y Frantisek termina sin empleo, sin su esposa (quien lo dejó por otro hombre) y sin casa. No tiene otra alternativa más que empezar de cero, y sabe que todo lo ocurrido fue por su culpa. El abandono, los reencuentros, el compromiso y los sufrimientos que generan ciertas relaciones cuando llegan a su final forman parte de esta película que combina el dramatismo con el humor ácido.
El profesor jubilado Josef acepta un modesto trabajo, recogiendo envases retornables en un supermercado, para huir de la monotonía en la que vive con su mujer Eliska. Allí, pronto se convierte en un celestino, que empareja a sus solitarios colegas con clientas solteras y viceversa. Mientras Josef intenta arreglar una nueva relación, Eliska se pregunta por qué su marido no pasa más tiempo con ella.
A motley of vacationers on a bus headed for a week long vacation at a seaside resort. Among them: a single, moderately famous singer; a nerdy, onanistic man; a couple of old ladies reaching senility; a couple of young gals looking for an amorous adventure; a family with a boy unsure about where he fits sexually; a beautiful woman that, besides working as a trip guide, has pretensions of being a music composer; a couple of gay men; and another family where the parents are stuck in a sexual ice age while their twentyish daughter is looking to connect with a man.