Avril Elgar

Avril Elgar

Nacimiento : 1932-04-01, Halifax, West Yorkshire, England, UK

Muerte : 2021-09-17


Avril Elgar


Lady Bracknell
El escritor irlandés Oscar Wilde fue un genio, un hombre que tuvo la osadía de enfrentarse a los tabúes, a la hipocresía y a la estupidez de la sociedad británica y, precisamente por ello, acabó siendo procesado y encarcelado. La suya fue una vida llena de escándalos y de éxitos en una época en la que ser diferente se consideraba un delito.
Mary Rose
Mrs Otery
A young woman vanishes on a visit to an island with her husband and child, only to turn up decades later apparently unchanged in age or appearance and her once infant son is now older than she is…
Paying Guests (Part 2)
Mrs. Bertram
Miss Howard's exhibition of water-colours at the Green Salon falters but then takes off. The season at 'Wentworth' is now drawing to a close, peoples' plans for the winter unfold. Florence, for the first time in her life, refuses to go off with her selfish old father. Miss Howard has some momentous news, and the Colonel must make a very brisk about-turn.
Paying Guests (Part 1)
Mrs. Bertram
Spend some time in the company of the guests at 'Wentworth' - all taking the waters except for the Colonel and Miss Howard, who has some leisure for the beginnings of a late romance. Gossip, bicycle rides, rounds of golf, bridge in the evenings and preparations for the charity concert all make time pass most pleasantly - don't they?
La Muerte de Lord Edgware
Miss Carroll
Durante una fiesta, la mujer de Lord Edgware comenta entre bromas, a algunos invitados, que ella sería capaz de matar a su marido si éste no le concediera el divorcio. Al día siguiente Lord Edgware es encontrado muerto...
OVIR Administrator
Biography of Russian physicist & dissident Andrei Sakharov focuses on his first acts in his civil rights.
Mrs. Banks
Pinter's semi-autobiographical play examining the surprise attraction, shy first steps, gradual flowering, and treasonous deception of a woman's extramarital affair with her husband's best friend; the entire story is told from the husband's point of view, with the scenes in precise reverse chronological order. Written by Dan Hartung
Under the Skin
"When you get to a man in the case, they're like as a row of pins - For the colonel's lady an' Judy O'Grady are sisters under their skins." - Kipling. Polly writes for a magazine producing glamorous makeovers for young women. Befriending a member of the women's movement prompts her to re-examine her own feminist values.
Alarma, catástrofe
Mrs. Pennington
El famoso escritor inglés John Morlar, un hombre que vive atormentado debido a una revelación, según la cual él es el culpable de todos los males del mundo, muere brutalmente asesinado. Cuando la policía llega a su apartamento, la mente de Morlar, sin embargo, parece seguir viva. La investigación del caso parece indicar que todo el que hiere a Morlar muere de forma extraña. Morlar posee poderes telequinésicos que le permiten matar o provocar terribles catástrofes. Su psiquiatra tratará de ayudar la policía a resolver este enigmático caso.
Lloyd George Knew My Father
Maud Boothroyd
When Lady Sheila Boothroyd hears that the planning authorities are determined to drive a road through her grounds, she announces her intention to kill herself at the precise moment that the bulldozers start on their shameful work. As the hour strikes and the bulldozers' roar is heard, her husband General Sir William Boothroyd enters in full regimental regalia, while his old ex-army servant sounds the Last Post. Then, as the whole family stands stricken, the door opens...
La familia Crompton
Betsy-Jane Duckworth
Estamos en Lancashire, Reino Unido. Una muchacha se niega a acabar su plato, lo cual enfurecerá inmensamente a su padre y provocará una serie de acontecimientos fuera de control, hasta llegar a un problema de proporciones disparatadas.
A Night Out
The girl
Albert, a shy and repressed young man who lives with his mother, is persuaded to go for "a night out" with his workmates; it turns nightmarish.
Alicia en el País de las Maravillas
Esta película rodada para la televisión se considera la obra que mejor refleja el mundo malsano de la novela de Lewis Carroll.
The Diary of a Nobody
Caroline Pooter
Ken Russell's silent film treatment of the 19th century comic novel by the Brothers Grossmith - George and Weedon. Starring Bryan Pringle, Avril Elgar and Murray Melvin. Adapted by Ken Russell and John McGrath. First shown on BBC2 at 10.10pm on Saturday 12th December 1964 - as part of the 'Six' strand.
Ladies Who Do
Emily Parish
The "Ladies Who Do" are office cleaners. One of them discovers some hot stock tips and they make a fortune. They then make good use of it to save their old neighbourhoods from the wicked developer.
Un lugar en la cumbre
Miss Gilchrist
Joe Lampton (Laurence Harvey) acepta un trabajo de contable en un pequeña ciudad del norte de Inglaterra. Movido por la ambición, intenta conquistar a Susan (Heather Sears), la hija del hombre más rico y poderoso del lugar, pero éste se interpone en su camino y envía a su hija de vacaciones. Entonces, Joe se lía con Alice (Simone Signoret), una mujer madura cuya experiencia y sofisticación lo fascinan hasta tal punto que llega a pedirle que deje a su marido. Sin embargo, ciertas circunstancias hacen que los planes de Joe den un giro radical.