Clive Tickner


Clive Tickner is an English cinematographer.


Edmund the Magnificent
Director of Photography
When news breaks that the county pig fete's being revived, the once-legendary Farmer decides to make one final roll of the dice - and invest his life savings in a thoroughbred piglet with which to breed new life back into his now dilapidated farm. But when he puts young Edmund out to breed and the lad abstains, the Farmer's forced on a journey that will challenge everything he thought he knew about pigs, love and the true value of life.
Trust Me
Danny Marrs, a young huckster from small town America, arrives in Hollywood with a line of patter and a wannabe actress girlfriend. Things turn interesting when he meets Joe, a janitor who does great impressions and loves old movies.
Mrs. Meitlemeihr
Director of Photography
Hitler escapes the war to London, where he lives as Mrs. Meitlemeihr, in this what-if black comedy from commercial director Graham Rose.
Spice World: La película
Director of Photography
Faltan solo cinco días para el primer concierto en directo de las chicas en el Royal Albert Hall. Con el fiable conductor de autobuses Dennis al volante, se lanzan de las actuaciones esporádicas en fiestas a las sesiones de fotos ¡e incluso a un campamento de baile! Pero cuando el malvado editor de un tabloide Kevin McMaxford intensifica su campaña contra ellas, su mejor amiga se pone de parto y a su mánager le da un ataque de histeria, las chicas deben recurrir a todo su Girl Power para llegar a tiempo al espectáculo.
Bring Me the Head of Mavis Davis
Director of Photography
Marla Darland is blessed with the voice of an angel, a singing legend. But when her agent, Marty Starr, finds his agency in trouble, he concocts a sinister plot to bring up her record sales. Amazed at the posthumous record sales of Elvis and Jimi Hendrix, Marty becomes determined to arrange a similar fate for Marla, staging the perfect tragic demise. But he didn't count on Marla not being quite ready to go.
Noche de Reyes
Director of Photography
Adaptación de "Twelfth Night", de William Shakespeare, que cuenta la historia de dos hermanos que se separan tras un naufragio, creyendo cada uno que el otro ha muerto.
Lago Ness
Director of Photography
El doctor Jonathan Dempsey (Ted Danson), un zoólogo americano, viaja a Escocia con la intención de descubrir la verdad sobre la leyenda del monstruo del lago Ness. En su investigación cuenta con la ayuda de su casera (Joely Richardson) y de su hija Isabel, pero tropieza con ciertas dificultades por culpa de un viejo y misterioso guarda de pesca (Ian Holm) que desea preservar los secretos del lago.
Alguien mueve los hilos
Director of Photography
Los alienígenas han llegado a la Tierra, empezando a controlar a los humanos de un pequeño pueblo de Iowa. El método es controlar y manipular el cuerpo y la mente de los habitantes como si fueran marionetas. El encargado de acabar con esas maléficas intenciones es Andrew Nivens, un agente de seguridad americano que, con un equipo altamente cualificado, intentará evitar que los alienígenas se apoderen de todo el planeta.
The Whipping Boy
Director of Photography
A bored little prince makes a poor rat hunter his whipping boy but after his pranks at the royal court almost causes a war with the neighbor king he runs away with the whipping boy to escape from his first spanking. After being in the real world his life will change making him a prince fit to rule.
The Borrowers
The Borrowers are small, fifteen-centimeter-high humans, who live in the English hinterland. They live out their lives in mouse-hole sized nooks in human houses, and survive by "borrowing" all they need from the house and its inhabitants. This series follows young girl Arriety (Rebecca Callard), and her parents Pod (Sir Ian Holm) and Homily (Dame Penelope Wilton), as they are displaced from their house, and try to find a new one, with the help of a human boy, George (Paul Cross).
Segundo sangriento
Director of Photography
Año 2008: el calentamiento del planeta ha provocado graves inundaciones en todo el mundo, incluida la ciudad de Londres, que ha quedado sumergida bajo varios metros de agua. En este caos, la ley y el orden han desaparecido, y ha surgido un nuevo asesino, sobrenatural, implacable e imposible de detener. El atípico policía Harley Stone (Rutger Hauer) conoce desafortunadamente al criminal... y hará lo que sea para acabar con él. Pero cuando el asesino es una pérfida máquina de matar de más de tres metros de altura, ni en el futuro hay armas capaces de detener su sangriento dominio.
Agenda oculta
Director of Photography
Un abogado estadounidense proderechos humanos muere asesinado en Belfast. Su novia y un duro detective británico, nada satisfechos con la versión oficial de los hechos, investigan por su cuenta para saber qué sucedió realmente. Pronto descubrirán que el hombre había reunido pruebas documentales que sacaban a la luz turbios manejos del gobierno de las islas.
The Long Way Home
Director of Photography
A documentary about Boris Grebenshikov, frontman of the legendary Russian art-rock band Akvarium ("Аквариум"). It was filmed as part of promo campaign for his own first album released in English and recorded with Eurythmics.
The Frog Prince
Director of Photography
A young British girl journeys to Paris to go to college, and is determined to find the man of her dreams and fall madly in love. However, things don't work out quite the way she planned.
Flying Into the Wind
Director of Photography
The Wyatts wish to educate their children at home, but the education authorities have other ideas. Moving between 1969 and 1980, we see how this affects the various individuals and attitudes.
La comida del labrador
Director of Photography
Durante la Guerra de las Malvinas, un historiador y periodista británico contempla con asombro el fervor patriótico de sus conciudadanos mientras vive una crisis sentimental entre dos mujeres. (FILMAFFINITY)
Loose Connections
Director of Photography
A woman enlists a man who claims he is gay to accompany her on a long drive to a feminist conference in Munich.
A Sign is a Fine Investment
Camera Operator
Documentary on advertising. Investigates the way work has disappeared from advertising images, and traces the phenomenon through archive advertising films from 1897 to 1960. Places advertising in the context of historical events and everyday life, archive material being juxtaposed with contemporary images.
Rating Notman
Director of Photography
A BAFTA award nominated drama about a British POW's collaboration with the Nazis during WWII.
The Secret Policeman's Ball
Director of Photography
Una serie de conciertos a beneficio de Amnesty International. El film incluye varias actos de comedia y números musicales por un variado grupo de artistas, mayormente británicos. Entre ellos, varios miembros de Monty Python, Rowan Atkinson y Peter Cook.
20 Times More Likely
Camera Operator
Teenagers Sandy and Alan are keen motorcyclists, but while Sandy insists on getting proper training, Alan refuses, even though this makes him twenty times more likely to have an accident.
What Did You Learn At School Today?
Camera Operator
A BAFTA award nominated documentary studying the three-tier, co-educational comprehensive system which has been established in Leicestershire.
Encrucijada de horror
Camera Operator
Un hombre abusa de su esposa e hija hasta que la tragedia deviene y las mujeres asesinan al sádico padre. Pero su alma malévola regresará de la muerte para continuar su acecho.
A Horse Called Nijinsky
Director of Photography
Documentary, narrated by Orson Welles, about the legendary race horse Nijinsky, one of the greatest and most successful race horses in history and after his retirement from the racetrack in 1970 an important sire of thoroughbred horses.
Death May Be Your Santa Claus
Director of Photography
Frankie Dymon's Death May be Your Santa Claus (1969), arguably Britain's first and only example of a 'black power' movie, in which themes of sexual and political identity encircle one another in the context of a hip and hippy London of the late 1960s, suspended between the cinematic radicalisms of films such as Roeg's Performance, Godard's Sympathy for the Devil in which Dymon played a leading role, or Boorman's Leo the Last. Thought lost until quite recently, this inscrutably-titled film is described as a 'pop fantasy' and offers an intriguing look at 60s sex and politics from a black British perspective.
The theme of this short experiment is that of a problem of communication between two girls.