Bruno W. Pantel
Nacimiento : 1921-03-17, Berlin, Germany
Muerte : 1995-11-30
Tommy and Mike operate a famous pirate radio station, Germany's most listened-to radio station. The police and the operators of the Bavarian Broadcast Company try to stop their illegal broadcast.
Dr. Mittelstaedt
Diary of a Disease - prophesied that all psychiatric experience speaks against the described spontaneous healing. The next depression is determined.
This film adaptation of Erich Kästner's book is about a millionaire who wants to travel to a hotel under a false name and test how "normal people" are treated. The hotel staff receive a warning, but mistake another man for the fake millionaire and treat him like God in France, while he doesn't feel the slightest bit of even luxurious treatment
Ursula's Father
Priest in Commercial
A comedy directed by Franz Josef Gottlieb
Another Ernst Hofbauer schoolgirl exploiter in the same vein as his Schoolgirl Report films, but for this one he raised the sleaze level to new heights with non-pornographic scenes of rape, pedophilia, satanic rituals, virgin sacrifice and golden showers. Despite how it sounds, these acts are played for silly comedy rather than any harsh depictions.
Karl, Rolfs Vater
Comedia sexual alemana
Director of Milk Company
A German comedy from 1972 directed by Franz Josef Gottlieb. Mommsen Gymnasium director Taft reminisces about his own time as a student.
Cinco viñetas sobre el tema de lo que puede suceder cuando los padres de los adolescentes están fuera de casa ... y luego regresan inesperadamente.
A crime movie directed by Rudolf Lubowski.
Polizeirat Pregler
German sex comedy
Moritatensänger (voice) (uncredited)
Un conde resucitado busca vengarse de una pareja, a la que atrae a su castillo y somete a torturas indecibles.
Police try to track down a hooded serial killer who murders his victims with a combination of acid and poison gas
Bauer Reimann
When Black Bill's father is murdered and his uncle kidnapped, he sets out in pursuit of the perpetrators.
Sergeant Horse
A serial-killer is murdering the ladies of a night club. Detective Gray is seeking for the killer but can only find a lot of gangsters. And the killer is about to act again...
Un loco científico está cometiendo unos brutales y macabros asesinatos en las calles de Londres, cuando se descubren a las víctimas decapitadas, y cuyas cabezas trata de conservar en vida.La policía de Scotland Yard se encuentra con un caso que se les va de las manos...
El robo de un collar de la época de los egipcios que había pertenecido a Cleopatra está llevando de cabeza a Scotland Yard. La infalible intuición de Sherlock Holmes (Christopher Lee) le lleva a pensar que su gran enemigo Moriarty (Hans Söhnker) está detrás de los extraños acontecimientos que se desarrollan en torno al collar. Con la ayuda de Watson (Thorley Walters), Sherlock Holmes intentará resolver este misterio y desenmascarar al malvado y embaucador Moriarty.
Alemania, 1962. La ciudad de Berlín se haya divida por el gran Muro que separa la parte comunista de la capitalista en la época del Telón de Acero. En este contexto, Karl Schröder (Don Murray) es un chófer que trabaja para el gobierno de la Alemania del Este y que es testigo en primera persona del asesinato de un amigo mientras conducía su coche. Animado por la hermana de dicho amigo, Erika Jurgens (Christine Kaufmann), traza un plan para escapar al sector oeste de la ciudad. ¿Su plan? Excavar un túnel por debajo del muro.
Secuela de Operación Caviar, en que el protagonista, el empleado bancario Thomas Lieven (O.W. Fisher), luego de haberse tenido que convertir en espía para poder evadir diversos peligros se lanza a aventuras en Gibraltar, es encarcelado en Lisboa y se hace pasar por Oficial de las SS en París, todo durante el marco de la II Guerra Mundial.
A German police man thinks his wife is a call girl.
Soldat beim Verladen (uncredited)
Lebensborn (alemán para «fuente de vida») fue una organización creada en la Alemania nazi por el líder de la SS Heinrich Himmler como Lebensborn Eingetragener Verein o Asociación Registrada Lebensborn. Su objetivo era expandir la raza aria, la cual debía convertirse en la nueva raza de Europa. Esta organización proveía de hogares de maternidad y asistencia financiera a las esposas de los miembros de las SS y a madres solteras; asimismo, administraba orfanatos y programas para dar en adopción a los niños. Esta es la historia de algunas de esas mujeres.
El asesinato del reportero de televisión Peter Berg no es un hecho aislado. El clarividente Cornelius ha tenido una visión del crimen, pero por alguna extraña razón no ha podido ver al asesino. Como el hotel Luxor parece estar relacionado con los asesinatos, la policía intensifica la investigación en sus alrededores. Una terrible sospecha empieza a cobrar forma: el doctor Mabuse, un genio del crimen que pretendía dominar el mundo y a quien todos habían dado por muerto, quizá no lo esté.
Professor Johansson has made a huge scientific breakthrough; a device that will create a huge magnetic pulse that knocks out all electricity over a continent-wide area. The military applications are already being thought of when Dr. Johansson is kidnapped by a group of profit-seeking mercenaries. Meanwhile, his daughter, Karin, finds herself having to consort with all manner of shady characters as she searches for her father.
Juwelier Artinger
Biography of the famous German actress Renate Müller, who died in 1937 under unsettled circumstances; While doing her first movie for the UFA in Berlin, she meets the elderly secretary-general Dr. Simon and is impressed by his charm. Although her Nazi-friend Volker discourages her to befriend a Jew, they start dating. While she ascends to one of the most famous German actresses of her time, Simon is suffering more and more under the Nazi regime.
Mr. Niel
Max Treffer
Marcel Ponelle
A group of criminals hijacks a plane, intending to fly it to Cuba.
Feldwebel Max Löffelbein
The adventures of Baron Münchhausen jr. in Africa.
1. Polizeibeamter
After the death of his mother, little Peter lives with his great sister Helga at his adoptive father Professor Hartmann. Peter is seriously ill, can not get upset and therefore also on the advice of his doctor Heinz Stark no more music. Even his revered Donkosaks , who remember him with their songs to his Russian mother, can no longer listen to him on the radio. It is all the more pleasing to him when the choir, during a tour with their conductor Serge Jaroff and their manager Rolf Bender, has an autopanne near his home. While Chauffeur Karl repairs the bus, Peter sings the choir's title The Evening Star, glowing us two - a song of his mother, which the choir has never heard before.
A comedy directed by Paul Martin.
Herr Mallwitz