Patrice Pouget

Nacimiento : 1937-01-01,

Muerte : 1971-01-01


Valparaiso, Valparaiso
Director of Photography
Alain Cluny is Balthazar, a bumbling middle-aged intellectual who spouts off from time to time about leftist causes, usually to his current girlfriend. Then Edwarda (Bernadette Lafont), who is active in the political underground, comes into his life. From that point on, he begins to act on his beliefs. Edwarda's underground political action group stages a little drama to test Balthazar's commitment and reliability, putting him through an interrogation by what appear to him to be French secret police. Having passed this test, he is given a real assignment. This film is a comedy with elements of satire, and it explores the humor to be found in left-wing pretentiousness of all kinds. - Rovi
Target: Harry
Harry Black es un rudo piloto norteamericano que acepta transportar a un hombre llamado Carlyle a Estambul. Tras ser este asesinado, Harry se verá envuelto en una intriga internacional en donde dos facciones luchan por apoderarse de unas valiosas planchas de grabado robadas de la casa de la moneda británica.
A mother and her daughter both have a relationship with the same man.
Monsieur Jean-Claude Vaucherin
A writer goes through a prolonged ritual of preparation but is unable to put a word on paper.
The Girl Across the Way
A young student visits the home of a friend who has all the good looks, women and luck. Every day, through binoculars from his friend's window, he sees a young girl in front of her home. Although attractive, the woman's face has been badly scarred. He finds out her phone number and the two engage in pleasant conversation. He gets up enough nerve to ask to meet her in person, but the socially inept young man becomes paralyzed with fear. He again summons the courage to meet with her before he is plagued with fear once again.
Vivir para vivir
Director of Photography
Robert Coster, un importante periodista de la televisión francesa, vive feliz con su mujer hasta que una noche, en un hotel, conoce a una joven modelo de la que se enamora y con la que mantiene un romance a espaldas de su mujer. (FILMAFFINITY)
Un hombre y una mujer
Lighting Director
Anne es una joven viuda que tiene una hija pequeña y cuyo marido murió durante el rodaje de una escena peligrosa. Ella también trabaja en el mundo del cine. Jean-Louis Duroc es también un joven viudo que tiene un hijo de corta edad; es un hombre más bien triste e introvertido.
For a Yellow Jersey
Tour de France 1965 in colour