Michael Kreindl

Nacimiento : 1965-07-02, Darmstadt, Germany


Der Kroatien-Krimi: Die Patin von Privonice
Der Kroatien-Krimi: Jagd auf einen Toten
Der Kroatien-Krimi: Tote Mädchen
Der Kroatien-Krimi: Der Henker
Der Kroatien-Krimi: Der Mädchenmörder von Krac
Bella und der Feigenbaum
Bella Sommer lives in Mallorca and works in the dental practice of Dr. med. Jonas Berger, her great love. The problem is, your boss does not know that his loyal receptionist secretly idolizes him. Rather, he punishes her with demonstrative disregard when it comes to the private.
Falsas Intenciones
Victoria Stellmann, jefa de una línea de cruceros tradicionales, lleva una vida de familia feliz con su marido y sus hijos. Pero entonces ella conoce en una conferencia a Jacques . Inicia una aventura con él y por lo tanto una cadena catastrófica.Ella es una amante sensible y el un chantajista despiadado. Él amenaza con publicar un video de su noche de amor y así no sólo para destruir su reputación como una mujer de negocios, sino también a su familia.
Toni Costa: Kommissar auf Ibiza - Der rote Regen
Plötzlich Onkel
Die Alpenklinik - Riskante Entscheidung
Die Alpenklinik - Aus heiterem Himmel
Mein Traum von Venedig
Einmal Dieb, immer Dieb
Jean Berlinger is a gentleman and master thief. With playful ease he breaks into well-secured museums and steals their most valuable exhibits. The police are always in the wrong. With the money he receives for the precious loot, he supports retirement homes and homeless shelters. In preparation for his next coup, Berlinger meets the beautiful educator Julia. She runs a kindergarten next to the Egyptian Museum, from which Berlinger wants to steal the world-famous Nefertiti.
Leaf and Blossom - The Inheritance
Aunty Agatha has passed away at a healthy ninety years. She had known all along, that her family wanted nothing more than to get their hands on her riches. That's why she devised a cunning plan before leaving her kin - in a state discord: She hires former journalist Vincent to give her eulogy. Vincent's ex-wife Victoria, who runs an exclusive florist's shop branded "Leaf and Blossom" is to provide the floral arrangements for her funeral. Of course aunt Agatha didn't tell either half of the former couple, whose marriage didn't end too harmoniously either, that their ex was involved. When the will is read Agatha's family doesn't take it well that Victoria and Vincent are also bequested and it doesn't help that the total value of the legacy seems to be much lower than they hoped for. But aunty is sending her avaricious offsprings onto a deviously plotted scavenger hunt that's leading them to the real fortune. Victoria and Vincent of course are given the crucial clues to take the lead.