Stephan Wagner

Nacimiento : 1968-11-15, Mainz, Germany


Apenas una semana después de la apertura sin precedentes de fronteras, Angela Merkel, el ministro del Interior De Maizière, el canciller Altmaier, el ministro de Economía Gabriel, el ministro de Relaciones Exteriores Steinmeier y el primer ministro bávaro Seehofer, idearon una controvertida solución que jamás llegaron a poner en práctica, pues nadie quería asumir la responsabilidad política que su ejecución hubiese comportado. Los sucesos que tuvieron lugar durante estas nueve semanas de 2015 han continuado influyendo en los procesos políticos en Alemania y Europa hasta nuestros días.
Apenas una semana después de la apertura sin precedentes de fronteras, Angela Merkel, el ministro del Interior De Maizière, el canciller Altmaier, el ministro de Economía Gabriel, el ministro de Relaciones Exteriores Steinmeier y el primer ministro bávaro Seehofer, idearon una controvertida solución que jamás llegaron a poner en práctica, pues nadie quería asumir la responsabilidad política que su ejecución hubiese comportado. Los sucesos que tuvieron lugar durante estas nueve semanas de 2015 han continuado influyendo en los procesos políticos en Alemania y Europa hasta nuestros días.
Am Ruder
Am Ruder
Wer aufgibt ist tot
The General Case
In the young Federal Republic of Germany, which in the late 1950s in politics and justice is still interspersed with only superficially purified Nazi cliques, leads the Hessian Attorney General Fritz Bauer a lonely fight against the coverup of Nazi crimes and the restorative policy of the government Adenauer - he is firmly convinced that only in this way can the young democracy be consolidated. Not only his attitude, but also his temperament make Bauer vulnerable, again and again resistance forms from politics, intelligence services and the judiciary against the lone fighter.
Harter Brocken
A landslide in the Harz releases a corpse. Commissioner Frank Koops leads the investigation. Vanessa Riemann, tourist guide and marksman from St. Andreasberg, sees a lot of money in the backpack of the two hikers and attacks. On her breakneck escape through the undergrowth she is shot and bleeding in the arms of her brother Marco. In her backpack this finds 1.4 million euros - the booty from a bank robbery.
Sin ti
Tres relatos vagamente relacionados: La relación entre la matrona Rosa y el terapeuta Marcel es sacudida por un diagnóstico de cáncer. Vagando sin rumbo por la vida, la camarera Motte se horroriza al descubrir que está embarazada se su mejor amigo Neo, que ni siquiera está seguro de su orientación sexual. Por último, la señora de limpieza Layla se niega a aceptar que su ex, Navid, la ha dejado por una mujer más joven. OHNE DICH es una película sobre el amor y sus ingredientes amargos, y la igualmente seria, pero reconfortante certeza de que la vida continúa.
Zwei allein
Mord in Eberswalde
Heinz Gödicke (Ronals Zehrfeld) is the chief commissioner of the People's Police in the small town of Eberswalde in Brandenburg. Gödicke is called when two bestial murdered children are found in the forest. The investigator tries to get involved in the perpetrators - a rarely used method at the People's Police - and the perpetrator so on the track. The Stasi-Major Witt (Florian Panzer) is no friend of this procedure and leaves the commissioner only reluctantly free hand in the investigation. The matter does not go to the authorities fast enough and is then simply put to the files. When another murder occurs, it becomes clear that Gödicke was much closer to the enlightenment of the act than everyone thought.
The Case of Jakob von Metzler
Nina Hausen, head of an escort agency, is attacked by a stranger on her nocturnal walk with the dog in the forest. Only with difficulty can she escape him by touching him with her car and seriously injuring him. On the way back she finds in her car a bag of diamonds - apparently the ransom from a case in which a boy was kidnapped. Under pressure from a colleague reports Nina Although the robbery of the police, the diamonds but suppresses them. But that's where their problems really start ...
Nina Hausen, head of an escort agency, is attacked by a stranger on her nocturnal walk with the dog in the forest. Only with difficulty can she escape him by touching him with her car and seriously injuring him. On the way back she finds in her car a bag of diamonds - apparently the ransom from a case in which a boy was kidnapped. Under pressure from a colleague reports Nina Although the robbery of the police, the diamonds but suppresses them. But that's where their problems really start ...
Nina Hausen, head of an escort agency, is attacked by a stranger on her nocturnal walk with the dog in the forest. Only with difficulty can she escape him by touching him with her car and seriously injuring him. On the way back she finds in her car a bag of diamonds - apparently the ransom from a case in which a boy was kidnapped. Under pressure from a colleague reports Nina Although the robbery of the police, the diamonds but suppresses them. But that's where their problems really start ...
Mütter Väter Kinder
In Sachen Kaminski
All Men Are Suspects
Der Stich des Skorpion
Der Stich des Skorpion
Wie krieg ich meine Mutter groß?
Der Solist - Kuriertag
One Hell of a Night
Tragicomic, the hero entangled in a strange, strange world. In addition, Armin Rohde rumbles in use for fun and hilarious commission through the scenery. Running gags make the film by Stephan Wagner to a as dense as it rapid foray into the night & the history of film.
One Hell of a Night
Tragicomic, the hero entangled in a strange, strange world. In addition, Armin Rohde rumbles in use for fun and hilarious commission through the scenery. Running gags make the film by Stephan Wagner to a as dense as it rapid foray into the night & the history of film.
Der Solist - In eigener Sache
Kubanisch rauchen
Paul and Bernd take over a small upscale antique store together. On one nightly excursion, Bernd introduces Paul and Lisa with each other. What was intended as a little variety to marriage-like everyday life develops into a great romance accompanied by a threat: If Eva hears about the affair, the financing for the shop will be in danger. Slowly but surely, Paul is ready to give up everything for Lisa: the shop, Eva and especially the loan. Bernd knows that Dragan is his only hope.
Kubanisch rauchen
Paul and Bernd take over a small upscale antique store together. On one nightly excursion, Bernd introduces Paul and Lisa with each other. What was intended as a little variety to marriage-like everyday life develops into a great romance accompanied by a threat: If Eva hears about the affair, the financing for the shop will be in danger. Slowly but surely, Paul is ready to give up everything for Lisa: the shop, Eva and especially the loan. Bernd knows that Dragan is his only hope.
Kubanisch rauchen
Paul and Bernd take over a small upscale antique store together. On one nightly excursion, Bernd introduces Paul and Lisa with each other. What was intended as a little variety to marriage-like everyday life develops into a great romance accompanied by a threat: If Eva hears about the affair, the financing for the shop will be in danger. Slowly but surely, Paul is ready to give up everything for Lisa: the shop, Eva and especially the loan. Bernd knows that Dragan is his only hope.
Kubanisch rauchen
Paul and Bernd take over a small upscale antique store together. On one nightly excursion, Bernd introduces Paul and Lisa with each other. What was intended as a little variety to marriage-like everyday life develops into a great romance accompanied by a threat: If Eva hears about the affair, the financing for the shop will be in danger. Slowly but surely, Paul is ready to give up everything for Lisa: the shop, Eva and especially the loan. Bernd knows that Dragan is his only hope.
Brennendes Herz
Assistant Director
Follows the life of the famous German politician, writer, and communist activist, Gustav Regler, from his birth in 1898, in the Saar, through the two World Wars and his many travels, until his death in 1963 in India.
A warm summer night - waiting for the bus - observations.
A warm summer night - waiting for the bus - observations.
A warm summer night - waiting for the bus - observations.
Der Taxichauffeur
During the course of his 36 years of service as a Viennese taxi driver. Mr. Joschi has covered over 1.5 million kilometres in Vienna...using the same car all these years. Now he is retiring, and with him a piece of Viennese history is disappearing, irretrievably. The film accompanies him on his last journey.
Der Taxichauffeur
During the course of his 36 years of service as a Viennese taxi driver. Mr. Joschi has covered over 1.5 million kilometres in Vienna...using the same car all these years. Now he is retiring, and with him a piece of Viennese history is disappearing, irretrievably. The film accompanies him on his last journey.
Der Taxichauffeur
During the course of his 36 years of service as a Viennese taxi driver. Mr. Joschi has covered over 1.5 million kilometres in Vienna...using the same car all these years. Now he is retiring, and with him a piece of Viennese history is disappearing, irretrievably. The film accompanies him on his last journey.
Glenalbyn Drive - Featuring Hubert Schmalix
"Glenalbyn Drive" records moments in the life and work of Viennese artist Hubert Schmalix. For the first time, the film shows Schmalix's sculptures which were installed in the Mojawe Desert (USA) exclusively for the film.
Aktion K
"Aktion K" is a documentary about the greatest mass exodus from a nazi concentration camp, which took place at the upper Austrian hills, in 1945. The following hunting is still known there under the cynical title "Mühlviertler Hasenjagd" - "The Mühlviertel's hare hunting".
A gasman at work. A couple who go big-game hunting have a collection of trophies. Daily life in the jungle of the city, biding time and drinking tea.
A gasman at work. A couple who go big-game hunting have a collection of trophies. Daily life in the jungle of the city, biding time and drinking tea.
A gasman at work. A couple who go big-game hunting have a collection of trophies. Daily life in the jungle of the city, biding time and drinking tea.
Somewhere in America, some time in the thirties, a gangster is fighting for his life, an Italian is fighting for his money, and an Asian is fighting for recognition. Raw fish and seaweed, and Lizzy in the midst of it all...
Somewhere in America, some time in the thirties, a gangster is fighting for his life, an Italian is fighting for his money, and an Asian is fighting for recognition. Raw fish and seaweed, and Lizzy in the midst of it all...
Somewhere in America, some time in the thirties, a gangster is fighting for his life, an Italian is fighting for his money, and an Asian is fighting for recognition. Raw fish and seaweed, and Lizzy in the midst of it all...
Der Tankwart
A petrol pump attendant falls in love with a waitress of the service station restaurant. He manages to get the relationship started and even goes as far as buying her a new pair of shoes, but in the end fails to win her heart.