Jens Langbein


Die Toten am Meer - Der Wikinger
Die Toten am Meer
Un paraíso en el fin del mundo
Jake Donovan es un cazador de tesoros con una escuela de buceo en Nueva Zelanda. La vida le depara una sorpresa con la aparición de su hija Kelsey, a quien no ve desde hace 20 años.
In letzter Sekunde
Original Music Composer
Sehnsucht nach Rimini
Derrick - Die Pflicht ruft!
Original Music Composer
Inspector Stephan Derrick has made it: the crime rate in Munich has fallen to the 0% mark. His prestige is high, and he even has his own elevator with a body-friendly entrance. However, the elimination competitions for the "European Song Contest" force an abortion of his trip to Lapland due to fatalities. The hit king Arno Hello, apparently a parody of Dieter Bohlen and Jürgen Drews, is determined to win the contest...
Royal Children
Original Music Composer
Meine beste Feindin
Original Music Composer