Axel Werner

Axel Werner

Nacimiento : 1945-01-01,


Axel Werner


Die Drei von der Müllabfuhr - (K)eine saubere Sache
Die Drei von der Müllabfuhr - Zu gut für die Tonne
Und dann steht einer auf und öffnet das Fenster
The Kangaroo Conspiracy
The cabaret artist Marc-Uwe and the kangaroo are faced with a problem: Lisbeth, the mother of Maria has taken a wrong turn somewhere and is now denying the climate crisis on the Internet. How can she be brought to her senses? The two make a bet with each other: If they don't manage to bring Maria's mother to her senses, they will lose their apartment. So Marc-Uwe and the marsupial embark on a trip to the Conspiracy Convention in Bielefeld and shortly thereafter become part of a tangible conspiracy led by conspiracy guru Adam Krieger and his followers. As the two flatmates talk their heads off, it's no longer just about their apartment for Marc-Uwe and the kangaroo, it's more than that: it's a matter of life and death! Translated with (free version)
Perdida en Irlanda
Herrmann Müller
Para Connie, las cosas han ido según lo planeado durante muchos años, tanto profesionalmente como en su vida privada. Hasta que el hijo del director ejecutivo se hace cargo del negocio e impone nuevas normas. En el futuro el inglés será el idioma de los negocios. Inglés? Con fluidez? Como no quiere perder su trabajo se inscribe inmediatamente en un curso intensivo en Irlanda. Pero la perfeccionista Connie no está preparada para su maestra Gillian ni para su compañero de estudios Max que actualmente se encuentra en Irlanda visitando a su hija Amy de dieciséis años. Connie pronto se da cuenta que le falta algo más en su vida perfecta que hablar un inglés perfecto.
Jakob Fabian es un joven escritor enamorado de una aspirante a actriz que, en el turbulento Berlín de 1931, intenta mantener a flote su idealismo mientras el mundo se desmorona a su alrededor.
Die Drei von der Müllabfuhr - Operation Miethai
Die Drei von der Müllabfuhr - Die Streunerin
Die Drei von der Müllabfuhr - Kassensturz
The Kangaroo Chronicles
Un canguro comunista se muda con un artista en Berlín.
System crasher
Bauer Bockelmann
En su salvaje búsqueda de amor, la energía salvaje de Benni, de 9 años, lleva a todos a su alrededor a la desesperación.
Ever After
Alter Mann
Una pandemia viral de muertos vivientes ha arrasado toda Alemania salvo dos ciudades. Dos supervivientes, Vivi (Gro Swantje Kohlhof) y Maja (Maja Lehrer) consiguen subir al tren que les ha de llevar al refugio en el que supuestamente podrán rehacer sus vidas. Sin embargo, el tren se detiene a medio camino dejándolas expuestas en el denominado "corazón verde" de Alemania, Thuringia, por lo que no les queda otro remedio avanzar a pie. Por el camino forjan un vínculo entre ambas que se convierte en su mejor herramienta para intentar sobrevivir al caos en el que se ven inmersas.
Early Birds
Three pensioners who live as subtenants on tiny pensions find themselves wanting to escape the sadness and mundanity of their everyday lives in old-age and poverty. They relish the thought that they could experience one last adrenalin-fuelled thrill during the twilight of their lives. With that motivation in mind, they set about commencing preparations for a big heist. Early Birds is a tragic comedy, a short film about poverty in old age, dignity and death.
The Legend of Timm Thaler: or The Boy Who Sold His Laughter
The devil tricks a little boy off his laughter in exchange for assured wins in all his bets. It depicts his journey after the deal with the devil, how he loses his soul bit by bit with each win.
Conexión Estambul
Dr. Schmidt
Nick Tschiller, un duro policía de Hamburgo, viaja a través de Turquía y Rusia para rescatar a su hija de las manos de un agente secreto turco que está preparando un atentado en Moscú.
Noch ein Seufzer und es wird Nacht
Bella Casa: Hier zieht keiner aus!
Bella is a single mother business and mother trapped in the normal everyday insanity. Nevertheless, she is happy. But from now on, everything gets out of hand. The house, in which the elderly-shared apartment of Bella's father and their own physiotherapy practice are located, is to be sold and renovated. Bella would not be Bella if she was not determined and would fight with all her might against the injustice and sale of the house. But as she juggles with family, her practice, PR campaigns, demos and squatters, Bella needs to realize that even her power is not endless.
I Want You
Marie is a successful designer and has a loving husband and two children. But fate offers more. When she meets the fiancée of their friend Dom, the two women fall for each other. This comes out and life gets out of control. Can there be a long-term solution?
Of Dogs and Horses
To save his deathly ill dog, the unemployed Rolf bets the little money that he has on a horse and hopes for the best. Sometimes even outsiders get a chance.
Mensch Kotschie
Kotschies Vater
A well-placed site manager and father slips into a midlife crisis and recalls promptly to a former lover. Satirical comedy that finds compelling cinematic narrative technique for the feeling of comprehensive alienation and emotional state of emergency worded precisely in images that make over room poetics, dramaturgy and color perspectivization experience the world of heroes transparent. The fact that the terseness is sometimes applied a little thick, weight to a minimum.
Mein Führer
Erich Kempka
Diciembre de 1944: la "guerra total" está totalmente perdida. Goebbels (Sylvester Groth), sin embargo, no está dispuesto a ser derrotado tan fácilmente. Durante el día del Año Nuevo, se supone que el Führer (Helge Schneider) debe reactivar el espíritu de lucha del público con un discurso agresivo. El único problema es que el Führer no puede hacerlo. Enfermo y depresivo, evita el contacto con el pueblo. La única persona que ahora le puede ayudar es su antiguo profesor de interpretación, Adolfo Grünbaum (Ulrich Mühe)... un judío. Goebbels le traslada en secreto a él y a su familia del campo de concentración de Sachsenhausen a la cancillería del Reich. El tiempo se agota. El Führer tiene sólo cinco días para volver a estar en plena forma... (FILMAFFINITY)
The mechanic Kobja wants to start a new life in New Zealand. But the necessary money for the overflight is missing.
Ein Goldfisch unter Haien
A 16 years old boy from Germany runs away from a boring birthday party and follows a few graffiti artists to the station. When police arrives he escapes in a train and gets over the border to the Czech Republic. There he meets a wild Czech girl and falls in love with her. Together they try to go to Berlin without having money. A fine road movie about two young people trying to find their way.
Heroes Like Us
A young man from an early age falls in love with a girl whose family is not in good standing with the ruling Communist party. His father however is a member of the "Stasi", the secret state police. The father not only hinders his son's relationship with the girl, but he arranges for his son, after finishing school, to become a Stasi spy himself.
Spuk aus der Gruft
Pastor Stillmark
While All Germans Sleep
After 50 years, Marek remembers his dangerous adventure as a five-year-old, when he and his friend Itzek left a Polish transit camp one night in 1942 – a few days before their evacuation to Auschwitz – to go get the toys they forgot at the ghetto. Based on Becker's personal memories and his 1980 short story "The Wall."
Die Lügnerin
The Land beyond the Rainbow
A surrealist tale set in the East German village of Stalina.
Hüpf, Häschen, hüpf
Bürgermeister Künzel
A small town shortly before the end of the GDR: 15-year-old Ulla lives with her mother in a dilapidated old building where not even the electricity works properly. Economy of scarcity and national bankruptcy are visible everywhere. Only higher party comrades live in the lap of luxury. When Ulla meets Winfried after a summer bathing trip, the two fall in love. Winfried is the son of an influential general director and owns things from West Germany that others only dream of: a computer, a games console, a walkman. On an excursion with her biology class, the high school student discovers that a dacha is being built in the middle of the nature reserve and the creek has been dammed. Winfried's father turns out to be the culprit, but the mayor is on his side. Ulla rebels against this environmental destruction connected to political corruption and organizes a protest. Her activism not only endangers her own future, but also her first great love.
Der Tölpelhans
Späte Ankunft
The Break
A story about massive robbery from the safe of German railways set in 1946.
Der Aufstand der Fischer von St. Barbara
Iron Hans
In a king's kingdom there is a forest so dangerous that every man who goes into it is never heard from again. Iron Hans, who is responsible for the deaths, is found at the bottom of a lake and locked up in the king's palace
Wengler & Sons
A story spanning three generations, from 1871 to 1945. When Gustav Wengler, a farmer’s son, returns from the Franco-German war in 1871, he goes to work for a precision mechanics and optical company, where he soon becomes a master craftsman. Wengler loyally promises the owner on his deathbed that his sons and grandsons will also stand by the company.
Duelo a muerte
Atkins deja la ciudad para regresar al valle donde antes vivía. Allí se encuentra con nativos americanos que aprenden a confiar en él. Le piden a Atkins que compre armas para ellos. En su viaje, Atkins conoce a Morris, cuyo interés en los recursos minerales pone a prueba la lealtad de Atkins hacia los nativos americanos.
The Swapped Queen
A tale about the evil queen who gets swapped with a simple and nice woman.
Die Drei von der Müllabfuhr - Altlasten
Die Drei von der Müllabfuhr - Arbeit am Limit