You, Frank Zimosa, are dead - brutally killed by the Mistandrian Cultists and trapped in the nightmarish Hotel Inferno: a special layer of Hell where demons co-exist with cultists, providing them dark, forbidden knowledge in exchange for endless pain and suffering. Alongside another tormented soul, trapped in the inferno since the Middle Ages, you must locate the five elements comprising the human soul - so that you may reclaim your physical form on Earth - before your body rots away. Do you have the strength to face the hordes of hell and take the first element - The Fire - from the hands of its powerful, ancient protector? There's only one way to find out.
Terence Bernard
Biopic sobre el Príncipe Seretse Khama, el rey de Botsuana, que al contraer matrimonio en 1948 con Ruth Williams, una mujer blanca británica, originó un conflicto internacional, ya que el apartheid sudafricano no permitía los matrimonios interraciales. En 1947 Seretse conoció a Ruth, una oficinista londinense. La atracción fue inmediata; ella quedó prendada de él por su visión de un mundo mejor, mientras que él quedó cautivado por su disposición a aceptar esa visión. Eran la pareja perfecta, pero su intención de contraer matrimonio se enfrentó al rechazo, no sólo de sus familias, sino también de los gobiernos británico y sudafricano.
Jorge Mistrandia
Un sicario bien pagado, llamado Frank Zimosa, es contratado para una misión muy lucrativa: matar a un par de personas que se esconden en un hotel en Europa. Pero el encargo será más difícil de lo que Frank cree inicialmente.
Jonathan Abbott
In a small English coastal town, three teenage boys are drawn into a world of temptation and violence. Bored, troubled and excluded, the boys are unable to accept or even recognise moral boundaries. Their actions move inexorably towards a truly shocking act, that will horrify their sleepy community and expose its deepest, hidden fears.
No. 1 / Charles Bind
Number One Gun
Subway gang member
A man goes blind when remembering his lost girlfriend, but the doctors can't find anything wrong with his eyes. They fit him with an experimental device which allows him to see with the aid of a computer interface and brain electrodes. Meanwhile, a taxi driver is taking young women up to their apartments, giving them gas, and performing a little fatal amateur surgery on them. Their paths inevitably converge, and the blind man must try to stop the psychopath.
1st Intern
Miriam Blaylock colecciona no sólo arte del Renacimiento y colgantes del Antiguo Egipto sino, sobre todo, amantes y almas. Moderna y elegante, Miriam es una vampiro intemporal residente en Manhattan, una mujer bendecida con la belleza y maldecida con su sed de sangre.
A new schoolteacher learns that the previous teacher was killed by his students, and he fears the same fate will befall him.