Mankind is reluctant to take responsibility for ravaging the planet. Populace imagines a world where the solution is to impose a strict genetic caste system, a eugenics policy that keeps numbers below the tipping point and protects the greater good. Clones are manufactured to carry out this work. Must we give away our freedoms to protect the earth from mankind?
Ruth, Kathy y Tommy pasan su infancia juntos en el internado inglés de Hailsham y son inseparables. Sin embargo, a medida que van creciendo tienen que afrontar los sentimientos que van germinando en su interior: Tommy y Ruth se convierten en pareja, pero Kathy también está enamorada de Tommy. Pero además, hay un secreto sobre su futuro que descubrirán en el internado, algo que afectará de forma directa a su destino y su vida adulta.
When events at work prove too stressful for Douglas Knott, a diligent and extremely busy office manager, he decides to throw a sickie. Unfortunately, his attempts to enjoy a day off are soon sabotaged by the insidious voice of his conscience. Literally.