Karim Sebastian Elias
Nacimiento : 1971-08-05, Borken, Germany
En 1981 se produjo la última ejecución en la historia de la antigua Alemania del Este. Basada en la historia real de un economista que había sido reclutado por la Stasi como informante encubierto y es acusado de espionaje.
Talal Derki returns to his homeland where he gains the trust of a radical Islamist family, sharing their daily life for over two years. His camera focuses on Osama and his younger brother Ayman, providing an extremely rare insight into what it means to grow up in an Islamic Caliphate.
Toni and Marc want to divorce, because the great passion seems to be extinguished after 15 years of marriage. It should be a consensual separation, but the new beginning is not so easy: Both have just the chance of a job abroad.
William Wolff is nearly 90 and perhaps the most unconventional rabbi in the world. As the State Rabbi of North-East Germany, he looks after the Jewish Communities in Schwerin and Rostock, but still lives in a bungalow near Henley-on-Thames. Midweek he usually flies from Heathrow to Germany. After the services on Saturdays, he either makes his way home or on a leisure city trip. His annual highlight is betting at the Horse Race of Royal Ascot and joining a fasting-retreat in Bad Pyrmont. Willy Wolff leads a Jet-Set-Life, which he actually cannot afford, but dealing with money isn't one of his strengths. Naturally, that occasionally leads to quite temporal conflicts. Rabbi Wolff is the portrait of a fascinating character, a deeply religious man who, blessed with a tremendous joie de vivre, defies all conventions. More than that, it gives insight into the world of Judaism and introduces us to a uniquely German biography.
Original Music Composer
Junto con Thomas, Jana lleva al etnólogo Philip Lavar a la clínica. El científico sufre una misteriosa enfermedad infecciosa, y la búsqueda de la fuente de la infección les conduce a una tribu...
Original Music Composer
Original Music Composer
Un niño de 11 años es asesinado y su cuerpo aparece en el bosque del pueblo donde vivía. Un testigo vio a un vecino adolescente en el lugar de los hechos y la policía lo considera el principal sospechoso, poniendo a todos los vecinos contra el chico y su familia.
Original Music Composer
Johanna, la hija de un médico que desempeña su labor en algún remoto lugar de África, viaja hacia allí con la esperanza de verlo antes de morir. A su llegada, el doctor fallece dejando desolados a amigos y colaboradores, sobre todo a un piloto con quien mantuvo una estrecha amistad.
In the north of Berlin, tucked away in a residential area surrounded by walls, there is a jungle of trees, rhododendrons and ivy. In between the rampant foliage are thousands of stones – large and small, some artistic-looking, others simple, some magnificent and crumbling; some nameless and others with indecipherable inscriptions. Weißensee is the largest Jewish cemetery still in use in Europe. It is so large that it could contain approximately eighty-six football pitches. Walking through the cemetery is like taking a walk through history and the list of famous artists, philosophers, lawyers, architects, doctors, teachers of religion and publishers who are buried here is long indeed. Not many are aware that in a few years’ time, this protected area will officially be listed as one of UNESCO’s world heritage sites.
Berlin, 1989. Sascha is a young East German border guard and Franzi is a lively young West German woman who's just moved into a flat next to Sascha's watchtower at the Berlin Wall. It takes only a slight mishap and a selfless act of chivalry and the two fall in love. But soon the Stasi believes they are witnessing the start of a revolt. This is the time of mass protests and East Germans taking refuge in the West German embassy in Prague after all. Franzi and Sascha have to find their ways to stand up for their love and strive for the impossible; to bring down the wall.
Holocaust survivor, Gerda Schrage, shares her experience about giving birth to her child in Auschwitz.
Original Music Composer
Una cesta va flotando por el río Rin cuando, repentinamente, un pequeño puño sale de su interior destrozándola. Se trata del pequeño Sigfrido, un niño de poderes extraordinarios e incontrolables. El herrero Mime le salva de las aguas y le adopta. Pronto Siggy, así le conocen en el pueblo, da pruebas de su gran fuerza y se convierte en la pesadilla de sus vecinos. Pasa el tiempo, Siggy ya es adulto, pero sigue viendo el mundo con los ojos de un niño de siete años. Sus amigos han acabado por rehuirle, así que su único compañero es un cerdo. Y aunque se trata de un tipo realmente encantador y bueno, sus convecinos están deseando que abandone el lugar. La oportunidad llega cuando se topa con una bella joven en el bosque...
Original Music Composer
RHYTHM IS IT! records the first big educational project of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra under Sir Simon Rattle. The orchestra ventured out of the ivory tower of high culture into boroughs of low life for the sake of 250 youngsters. They had been strangers to classical music, but after arduous but thrilling preparation they danced to Stravinsky's 'Le Sacre du Printemps' ('The Rite of Spring'). Recorded with a breathtaking fidelity of sound, this film from Thomas Grube and Enrique Sánchez Lansch documents the stages of the Sacre project and offers deep insights into the rehearsals of the Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra.
Original Music Composer
Olaf is to take care of the family's cleaner's store, while his dad is away on a fair. In the evening he runs into three Brazilian ladies thrown out of a limousine not knowing where to go. Olaf invites them to stay with him and his deaf pot-smoking grandfather, which at first just causes some confusion as he soon is to marry his girlfriend Vera. The next day it's topsy-turvy all over.