Johanna-Christine Gehlen

Johanna-Christine Gehlen

Nacimiento : 1970-05-11, Hamburg, Germany


Johanna-Christine Gehlen was born on May 11, 1970 in Hamburg, West Germany. She is an actress, known for Mama und der Millionär (2005), Wohin der Weg mich führt (2012) and Zwei Millionen suchen einen Vater (2006). Her father is actor Elmar Gehlen and she has been married to Sebastian Bezzel since September 10, 2009. They have two children.


Johanna-Christine Gehlen
Johanna-Christine Gehlen


Am Abgrund
Kerstin Strauch
Gerd Meineke is a committed member of the Bundestag and member of the Parliamentary Assembly in the Council of Europe. And he has a problem: Leyla, the daughter of his partner Alina, was taken into custody as an opposition figure in her country of origin, Azerbaijan. The blogger fights there for democracy and against environmental destruction. Gerd travels to Baku as an election observer for the Council of Europe, where he wants to campaign for the release of Leyla and other political prisoners. Only on site does he realize that the government and the lobbyists of influential companies are using politicians like him to gain credibility for the ruthless, environmentally destructive extraction of critical raw materials. Leyla and her friend Valentina open his eyes to the extent of corruption that does not stop at Western European politicians. Will Gerd, together with Leyla and the help of her friend, be able to make the corruption of politics public?
Papa hat keinen Plan
Sesame Street presents: The Time Machine
Verena Winkel
La Mentira tiene Piernas Bonitas
A una rápida cita, hace clic entre el trabajador público de los greens, Andi, quien finge ser un abogado, y la matemática de seguridad Kathrin (40), cuya hermana casada envidiaba a Susanne, la convenció de que lo intentara, pero reaccionó ante el rechazo de candidatos anteriores. Profesión planteada como enfermera. Sin embargo, al descubrir su engaño, ella reacciona de forma exagerada, pero no puede olvidarse de él y debe ser descubierta ella misma después de "deshacerse de él", creyendo que la venganza se puso de pie, mientras que él solo dudó en llamar. Los compañeros de trabajo de Andi, Norbert y Susanne, vienen limpios, lo que lleva a otra cita.
Donde el camino me lleva
Sarah Stein
La abogada Sarah Stein tiene su vida firmemente bajo control y tiene un objetivo claro en mente para su carrera: convertirse en socia del famoso bufete de abogados de Frankfurt para el que trabaja. Sin embargo, el último caso, que su jefe la confía, se parece más a un trabajo para principiantes: el viejo padre adoptivo del viticultor Peter Jahn, ha muerto.Como parece que no hay ultimas voluntades, el hijo biológico Siggi ,plantea todos los reclamos al viñedo familiar. Y dado que Peter no ha respondido a la carta del abogado, Sarah deberá entregarle personalmente el aviso.
‎The Cold Sky‎
Verlobte von Cromer
A desperate woman tries to find help for her son, who has great mathematic ability but a profound problem developing social skills.
No hay futuro sin pasado
Clarice van Horn
Hace años , el chef Lucas Gillespie dejó el Valle de Hudson y a su esposa, Perdita Dylan , que se quedó a llevar adelante una granja orgánica y se divorció mientras él se unió a la cadena hotelera , en Nueva York .Allí se convirtió en el novio de Claire, una rica heredera. Ahora la pareja regresa para volver a abrir un famoso club , el Grantly, con un restaurante de una estrella . El arquitecto Roger Owen es contratado para diseñar los campos de golf , para los cuales deben adquirir una finca colindante.
2 für alle Fälle - Ein Song für den Mörder
Juliane Martens
Inspektor Barbarotti - Mensch ohne Hund
Kristina Willnius
Die Treuhänderin
Birgit Breuel
Lilly Schönauer - Für immer und einen Tag
Laura Althoff
Oh Tannenbaum
The lawyer Dr. Wagner is a real disgust - neither for his employees nor for the residents of his apartment building does he have a friendly word. But when a violent pipe break in Wagner's penthouse flooded the apartments underneath on Christmas, the neighbors who had become "homeless" made a radical decision: Since Wagner refused to help his tenants, they settled under the leadership of the resolute Rita and her adult daughter Sophia without further ado with the stubborn loner - for a few happy, if not exactly quiet, Christmas holidays.
Liebling, wir haben geerbt
Hannah hero finds out that her husband Martin is cheating on her. Angered, she announces that she wants a divorce. But Hannah is waiting for the million-dollar legacy of her great-aunt Käthe and a divorced woman will never entrust her family heritage to the tradition-conscious old lady. So Hannah arranges the separation of table and bed with her future ex-husband. Then Hannah and Martin move into Aunt Käthe's villa and play a harmonious married life.
Die Erntehelferin
Ariane von Braunfels
After escaping from the Sudeten German Marienbad, Clara, together with her widowed brother-in-law Johann and his four children, is quartered in a small Franconian village in 1946. In addition to hunger and poverty Clara burdens the tuberculosis of her six-year-old niece Heidi. To raise money for life-saving medicines, she works as a harvest helper at Gut Braunfels. Here she meets the estate manager Martin again, her great love she had to leave because of the children. Immediately it sparkles again between the two, but also the power-conscious squire has kept an eye on Clara.
Based on 'Susanne Fröhlich' 's bestselling diet book, this comedy focuses on Carla Hahn, hosting a radio show as "Christin, the sexiest voice of Berlin". However, her listeners don't know that she is full-figured. When Tom, a charming admirer, persistently calls her on the show, she wants to meet him. As he thinks she looks a slim top model, Carla desperately tries to loose weight until their first date...
Utta Danella - Der Himmel in deinen Augen
Nina Sander
Shortly before her wedding with the smart businessman Paul, the Munich veterinarian Nina learns that her beloved Aunt Charlotte is hospitalized with a heart attack. Nina immediately travels to Lake Chiemsee to visit Charlotte. Once there, her aunt asks her not to marry Paul - he is the wrong man for Nina. An alternative candidate has the older lady already ready: the sympathetic artist Daniel, who is about to move in with his little son at Charlotte.
Zwei Millionen suchen einen Vater
Gabriela Wegner
Mama und der Millionär
Leonie Blume
The single mother Leonie has great worries: Since her ex-boyfriend left her a huge debt mountain, knows the young cosmetics saleswoman hardly how to make a living. In her distress, Leonie decides to catch a millionaire. She is on the verge of falling in love with her new colleague Oliver. What Leonie does not suspect: The alleged temporary worker is in truth no less than the son of her employer - and thus a "real" millionaire
Hölle im Kopf
Verführung für Anfänger
Lehrerin Marie Winter
Utta Danella - Das Familiengeheimnis
Imma Bornemann
Journalist Jakob Goltz visits his parents at Bodenee for the first time in many years. The encounter with his hard-hearted mother Jonah tears up old wounds in Jacob, who has only sad memories of his childhood. When his wife Madlon plunges into an affair with Jonas estate manager Rudolf, Jacob's worst fears seem to be reaffirmed: All those who are close to his mother become unhappy. But Jakob does not suspect that Jonah has a sad secret in him
Mein Weg zu Dir
Dr. Lena Seidel
The young, successful lawyer Lena Seidel travels to the small winegrowing town of Hilleritz on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Transport. There she is to convince the unruly villagers of the construction of a highway connection. Hardly Lena has arrived in Hilleritz, the canny head of the county Vogt puts his charming son Steffen on her: He should turn the "city lady" dubiously in the head, so they lose their original travel reason out of sight. However, when the two really fall in love with each other, the complications really start.
Rosamunde Pilcher: Sternschnuppen im August
Penelope 'Penny' Trevors
Der Unbestechliche
Marie Hagedorn
Scheidung mit Hindernissen
Sandra Wulff
The ambitious business newcomer Marc wants to marry the successful lawyer Sandra. On paper, he is still married to Katrin, from whom he lives separately. The divorce thus appears as a mere formality, but when Katrin says the wrong word in front of the judge at the wrong time, the two spouses receive a second chance against their will.
Wie verliebt man seinen Vater?
Nora Feldmeier
Die Liebenden vom Alexanderplatz
Sarah Weinberg
Drama about a former couple who met again 55 years after word war II.
Wilder Hafen Ehe
Kleiner Mann sucht großes Herz
Tamila Freund
Der Weihnachtswolf
Die Gefesselten
Der Schnapper: Ein Toter kehrt zurück
Tinka Speichert
Dreamboy macht Frauen glücklich
Ellen Schmitz
My Wife Loves Two
Pánico en el autobús
Marcus Voss, máximo responsable de la construcción de un túnel, vive momentos dramáticos cuando un autobús lleno de pasajeros se hunde justo encima del túnel, y la vida de las personas que van en él, entre ellas su hijo, corre peligro.
Der Kinderhasser
Der gefälschte Sommer
Tag der Abrechnung - Der Amokläufer von Euskirchen
This movie depicts the story of Erwin Makolajczyk, a psychopath who killed 9 people in a courtroom on the 9th of March 1994.