Valentin (archive footage)
Documental sobre la realización del film de F.W. Murnau "Fausto" (1926).
Madame Rinaldi, owner of a bordello, helps thief Mario Forni locate an ancient buried treasure.
Karin is now continuing her father's research and is also caught in the cross hairs of the mysterious opponents. Johanson himself retreats to a Cambodian monastery in order to escape the gangsters' shots and recover. Meanwhile, the international criminals manage to steal Johanson's energy formula. Karin then goes after the thieves, supported by Lundstrom. But he also has his own goals. The hunt takes them around the world. It soon turns out that a certain Madame Latour is behind the sinister machinations. Eventually old Johanson falls into her hands. In Southeast Asia, a showdown ensues between the kidnappers and Lundstrom and Karin.
Professor Johansson has made a huge scientific breakthrough; a device that will create a huge magnetic pulse that knocks out all electricity over a continent-wide area. The military applications are already being thought of when Dr. Johansson is kidnapped by a group of profit-seeking mercenaries. Meanwhile, his daughter, Karin, finds herself having to consort with all manner of shady characters as she searches for her father.
Kirila Petrowitsch
Dubrowsky (Italian: Il vendicatore) is a 1959 Italian- Yugoslav historical period drama film directed by William Dieterle. It is based on the novel Dubrovsky by Alexander Pushkin.
Dubrowsky (Italian: Il vendicatore) is a 1959 Italian- Yugoslav historical period drama film directed by William Dieterle. It is based on the novel Dubrovsky by Alexander Pushkin.
Omar Khayyam was one of the greatest Persian poets. He was also a brilliant mathematician. Though his quatrains were written in the 11th century, they are still popular the world over. The details of his life are unknown, so this movie invents a biography for him and includes in it his real achievements - the invention of a new calendar and the penning of those epigrammatic poems. This film has him romancing a sultan's bride and foiling the assassin sect's plot to kill the sultan's son.
Recrea la vida del controvertido compositor del siglo XIX, Richard Wagner, y su extraña relación con Ludwig II, conocido como "El Rey Loco" de Bavaria.
Recrea la vida del controvertido compositor del siglo XIX, Richard Wagner, y su extraña relación con Ludwig II, conocido como "El Rey Loco" de Bavaria.
Una bella y joven recién casada (Elizabeth Taylor) se va a vivir con su marido (Peter Finch) a Ceilán, donde tienen una enorme plantación de té, llamada "la senda de los Elefantes". La mujer se enamora del capataz (Dana Andrews), pero este asunto queda relegado a un segundo plano por otros acontecimientos más graves: se desata una epidemia de cólera, la sequía causa estragos y hordas de elefantes enloquecidos por la sed amenazan con devastar la plantación.
Salomé es enviada a Galilea para vivir con su impopular padrastro el Rey Herodes, comienza un romance con Claudiso discípulo en secreto de Juan Bautista. Para salvarle, Salomé bailará ante Heredes la danza de los Siete Velos.
John Conroy, fiscal del distrito, emprende una cruzada contra el sindicato del crimen, pero la mafia tiene muchos funcionarios de la ciudad bajo su control. Está asistido por un periodista, Jerry McKibbon, pero Conroy piensa que no es lo suficientemente fuerte como para manejar esta tarea casi imposible.
An agent for horse jockeys faces his greatest challenge.
Hacia el final de la Guerra Civil Norteamericana (1861-1865), un oficial del ejército Confederado se ve involucrado en los delitos de una cuadrilla de bandidos que recorren el territorio robando y asesinando.
A group of refugees fleeing Chinese Communist rule via train are beset by a gang of terrifying outlaws.
El empresario David Lawrence y la pianista Marianne Stuart se conocen en un viaje y se enamoran. Por uno de esos caprichos del destino, se los da por muertos en un accidente de avión cuando en realidad ellos no se encontraban en ese vuelo. Esto les da la oportunidad de estar juntos y libres de sus vidas anteriores. Desafortunadamente, este arreglo artificial los lleva a sentir una creciente tensión. La situación fracasa y deciden separarse, volviendo a sus intereses originales.
Primera película de Charlton Heston en Hollywood, es un relato de cine negro, ayudado por las sombras callejeras y ese inhóspito ambiente en que viven aquellos que bordean el delito. Charlton lidera un grupo de estafadores que despluman a un hombre de negocios (Don DeFore), que se sume en la desesperación y se ahorca. Ahí es donde toma partido el hermano psicótico del fallecido (Mike Mazurki), que inicia un raid para cazar y asesinar a los cuatro jugadores (Jack Webb, Ed Begley y Harry Morgan). Para completar el cuadro aparece la novia del protagonista (Lizabeth Scott) que es cantante de cabaret.
Two sisters fall in love with the same man. After the wedding, the new husband realizes he may have married the wrong sister.
An exiled Italian prostitute (Anna Magnani) shields her sister (Geraldine Brooks) from a deep-sea diver (Rossano Brazzi) on an island volcano.
Una serie de personajes buscan unos diamantes escondidos en algún lugar de Sudáfrica, entre ellos un jefe de policía, un comerciante de joyas con pocos escrúpulos y una sospechosa dama.
Una profesora de psicología en una Universidad de California se defiende del ataque sexual de uno de sus alumnos matándolo de forma accidental. Sin embargo, el acoso de un detective que investiga el caso hará que la mujer acabe reconociendo ser culpable de esa muerte. En el juicio, dicho policía, enamorado de ella, hará todo lo posible porque sea declarada inocente.
Un pintor arruinado y abatido por haber perdido la inspiración conoce, un frío día de invierno, a una chiquilla en Central Park vestida de un modo anticuado. A partir de ese momento se suceden otros encuentros, con la particularidad de que en breves intervalos de tiempo la chica se va convirtiendo en una bellísima joven, de la cual el pintor se enamora. Pero Jennie esconde un secreto.
Pearl Chavez es una hermosa mestiza que se convierte en ahijada del primer amor de su fallecido padre, y se ve disputada por sus dos hijos.
With a screenplay adapted by Lillian Hellman from her own play, director William Dieterle's 1946 drama stars Robert Young as a U.S. ambassador in Europe in the years before WW2.
At a convention, medical researcher Michel Touzac goes with colleagues to see stage caricaturist Targel, whose assistant Florence recognizes him...and attempts suicide. Saved by Touzac's new technique, Florence is revealed in a flashback as Michel's abandoned wife Karin, whom their daughter Susette thinks is dead. Can Susette cope if they now re-unite?
Roger pide a su compañero de armas, Allen, que escriba en su nombre cartas de amor a Victoria, joven a la que conoció en un encuentro breve en Inglaterra antes de ser enviado al frente italiano.
La historia transcurre en vísperas de Navidad, cuando una frágil muchacha, obsesionada con la muerte de un hombre que quiso abusar de ella, y un sargento del ejército traumatizado por la guerra, se encuentran en un tren camino a casa y pasan juntos las fiestas.
Un califa decide vivir de incógnito entre los habitantes de su reino para saber lo que piensan realmente. Así conoce a una joven de la que se enamora; pero las diferencias sociales son tan profundas que el califa no sabe si debe desvelar su verdadera identidad.
The tumultuous presidency of 19th-president Andrew Johnson is chronicled in this biopic. The story begins with Johnson's boyhood and covers his early life. During the Civil War, Johnson stays a staunch Unionist and upon Lincoln's reelection in 1864, becomes his Vice President. After Lincoln's assassination, Johnson becomes the President and became the first U.S. president ever to be impeached.
A young trumpeter rises through the jazz world and finds love.
A young trumpeter rises through the jazz world and finds love.
Jabez Stone es un laborioso granjero que intenta ganarse la vida honestamente. Sin embargo, una racha de mala suerte le impulsa a cometer lo inimaginable: hacer un trato con el mismísimo Demonio. A cambio de siete años de buena fortuna, Stone promete su alma al "Señor Scratch". Cuando el atribulado granjero se da cuenta de su error, busca la ayuda de un hombre que puede salvarle. El legendario orador y político Daniel Webster.
Jabez Stone es un laborioso granjero que intenta ganarse la vida honestamente. Sin embargo, una racha de mala suerte le impulsa a cometer lo inimaginable: hacer un trato con el mismísimo Demonio. A cambio de siete años de buena fortuna, Stone promete su alma al "Señor Scratch". Cuando el atribulado granjero se da cuenta de su error, busca la ayuda de un hombre que puede salvarle. El legendario orador y político Daniel Webster.
German Julius Reuter sends 19th-century news by carrier pigeon and then by wire, founding a news agency.
True story of the doctor who considered it was not immoral to search for a drug that would cure syphillis.
París, Francia, 1482. El juez Frollo, al servicio del benévolo rey Luis XI, se enamora de Esmeralda, una joven gitana. El jorobado Quasimodo, protegido de Frollo y campanero de Notre Dame, vive en paz entre las campanas, en las alturas de la inmensa catedral, hasta que el retorcido magistrado lo involucra en sus maliciosos planes, desesperado por liberarse del supuesto hechizo de Esmeralda, que él cree que es obra del diablo.
La lucha de Juárez contra Maximiliano I de Habsburgo, emperador de México por voluntad del emperador Napoleón III.
En la guerra civil española, un campesino se rebela ante la idea de abandonar su tierra para incorporarse a filas. Cuando es trasladado al cuartel general para entrar en combate, conoce a una hermosa mujer, que resulta ser una espía del bando contrario. Durante un ataque aéreo, buscan cobijo refugiándose en una casa que resulta bombardeada, quedando ambos bajo los escombros. El campesino intentará convencer a la mujer de que sus ideas representan la opresión...
Biografía del famoso escritor francés Emile Zola, que incide especialmente en su participación en el famoso "Caso Dreyfuss", que puso en jaque al ejército francés.
El Coronel John Wister (Ian Hunter), destacado en el desierto de Dubik con el ejército británico, retorna a su Inglaterra natal. Allí se enamorará de Julia Ashton (Kay Francis), que cuidará de él pero se ve incapaz de amarle al tener reciente la muerte de su prometido. Wister la convence para casarse, pero al retornar a Dubik conocerá al Capitán Denny Roark (Errol Flynn), quién despertará en ella todo el amor que no ha podido ofrecer a su marido. El inicio de la guerra con las tribus locales, y la consciencia de Wister del romance entre su mujer y su mejor amigo, hará que se avecine la tragedia.
El oficial O'Malley detiene a John Phillips por una infracción de tráfico, perdiendo así la posibilidad de conseguir un buen trabajo. Dado que Phillips tiene una esposa y una hija lisiada, decide cometer un robo desesperado...
In the second screen version of The Maltese Falcon, a detective is caught between a lying seductress and a lady jewel thief.
In mid-nineteenth century England the medical establishment does not recognize the value of skilled nurses, cleanliness, nutrition and kindness. Florence Nightingale's heroic measures slowly changes all of this.
Tragedia que depende de la incomprensión, de la incultura, de la injusticia y de la ingratitud, magnificadas en un hombre para el que su bandera era la ciencia y de su aplicación dependía el bien de la Humanidad. Está estructurada en tres partes marcadas por acontecimientos relacionados con los estudios de Pasteur en el campo de la Microbiología y las enfermedades infecciosas: teoría microbiana de la enfermedad, mantenida a lo largo de la película y eje vertebrador de la trama, estudios sobre el carbunco e investigaciones sobre la rabia. (FILMAFFINITY)
Dr. Socrates gave up his brilliant career as surgeon in a prominent hospital because his betrothed died under his knife. He is now a struggling doctor in a small town that has a gangster's hideout.
Teseo, duque de Atenas, se va a casar con Hipólita, Reina de las Amazonas. Demetrio está comprometido con Hermia, pero Hermia ama a Lisandro. Helena ama a Demetrio. Oberon y Titania, del reino de las hadas, tienen una pequeña disputa sobre si el niño que Titania está criando se unirá al bando de Titania o al de Oberon, por lo que Oberon intentará alejarlo de ella usando algo de magia. Pero no están solos en ese bosque. Lisandro y Hermina tienen una cita, Helena y Demetrio también están allí, así como algunos actores, que están practicando una obra de teatro para la próxima boda de Teseo e Hipólita. Debido a algunos malentendidos, todo se vuelve un poco confuso...
Before Ruth Vincent, daughter of a state governor, and state attorney general Robert Sheldon can announce their marriage, the governor is accused of bribe-taking. To avoid the appearance of a conflict of interest, they decide to keep their marriage secret. The political intrigue becomes more involved, and no one is quite what they seem. Soon Sheldon and Ruth must decide between saving the governor's career and an innocent person's life.
Prohibited from seeing her actor sweetheart Herman Brandt by her tyrannical parents, sweet young Vienesse lass Mariette defies authority by regularly visiting Brandt's downstairs apartment. The lovers' signal is a song called "The Firebird," which Brandt sings whenever he wants Mariette to visit him. When the actor is murdered, poor Mariette and her parents are prime suspects. But the truth is a bit more complicated than that, involving as it does a haughty aristocrat, a powerful diplomat and a most unusual "candid camera" device.
Dolores Del Rio plays 18th-century French courtesan DuBarry like a 20th-century golddigger on the make. Brought to Versailles as the companion of courtier D'Aigullon (Victor Jory), former street waif DuBarry charms her way into the heart -- and boudoir -- of gouty King Louis XV (Reginald Owen).
Val takes the assistance of a society reporter and a journalist to investigate the disappearance of her half-sister Arlene, a wealthy socialite who is involved in criminal activities.
When the Manhattan investment firm of Sherwood Nash goes broke, he joins forces with his partner Snap and fashion designer Lynn Mason to provide discount shops with cheap copies of Paris couture dresses.
Assistant Director
Alison Drake (Ruth Chatterton) administra una empresa de automóviles y mantiene una buena relación con sus empleados, en especial con los hombres, con los que suele tener fugaces relaciones sexuales. Un día, llega a su empresa el ingeniero Jim Thorne, un hombre independiente por el que se siente atraída.
When a Broadway playboy is found dead, it's up to detective Jim Stevens to pick the murderer out of several likely candidates.
The French Foreign Legion is the setting for this episodic adventure yarn. Victor Jory plays a Legion doctor falsely accused of murdering his commander over the love of Loretta Young. Jory escapes prosecution by heading for parts unknown, but when a deadly illness strikes his old fort, he returns to aid his comrades. He is arrested, but clears himself of the murder charge and ends up with Young. Devil's in Love is distinguished by the surprise appearance of Bela Lugosi, who shows up unbilled as a relentless prosecuting attorney in the courtroom scenes.
Rebellious Princess Marie "Mitzi" Christine must try to marry the man she loves, instead of the stuffy old prince her parents want her to marry.
A Russian waiter in New York City becomes a national celebrity after he develops a "system" for winning at contract bridge.
Idealistic attorney Anton Adam makes headlines when he successfully prosecutes a prominent New York racketeer named Gilmurry. Adam's sudden renown attracts the attention of high-profile legal eagle Granville Bentley, who asks Adam to become a partner in his law firm. But Adam's rising career takes a nosedive when he's framed by Gilmurry and a sexy actress in a trumped-up breach of promise suit. The only constant in Adam's life is the loyalty and unrequited love of his secretary Olga.
During the Russian Revolution, a young nobleman and his peasant maid flee from their homeland to Constantinople where they marry and begin a challenging new life.
A murder victim is brought back to life by a scientific experiment. However, the effects only last for six hours, and he must find his killer in that time.
Una pareja de ricos formada por Linda Gault y Geoffrey Gault viven felizmente. Ella solo piensa en no volver a ser pobre y hace todo lo que está en sus manos para ayudar a su marido. Pero llega el fatídico crac del 29 y la bolsa se desploma.
A gentleman thief charms a Viennese baron's wife and also conducts a daring daylight robbery of a jeweller's shop.
A female editor of a magazine falls in love with her male secretary.
The wealthy von Wellingens are shocked when the father of their son Fred's fiancée Lia juggles desserts at a formal dinner. They encourage Fred to break the engagement. Lia goes to Berlin to marry a Baron von Schwarzdorf, and Fred arrives too late to stop the marriage.
Cinco pilotos, veteranos de la Primera Guerra Mundial, se muestran temorosos a afrontar su devenir diario tras el término del conflicto. Todos los horrores que han vivido les hacen adoptar un nihilista estilo de vida y esconderse en la ciudad de París bebiendo sin parar.
Hajj, a rascally beggar on the periphery of the court of Baghdad, schemes to marry his daughter to royalty and to win the heart of the queen of the castle himself. This is a German-language version made in Hollywood along side the 1930 production directed by John Francis Dillon.
This is the German-language version of 1929's "The Sacred Flame", from the W. Somerset Maugham play, shot by Warner Bros. in Hollywood with a German-speaking cast.
The two happy fitters Eddy and Tommy are doing overtime to ensure the great travel-exhibition of the department store they work in is ready for display. Outside, they see a poor newspaper seller, who looks longingly at the beautiful things in the display window. So they simply decide to smuggle the unfortunate inside and compete to win her favor by giving her gifts from the shelves of the department store. In their frenzy of happiness, they don’t notice that the girl is taking the fun little game for the truth. When she realizes that she has to give back the alleged gifts, she runs away.
The two happy fitters Eddy and Tommy are doing overtime to ensure the great travel-exhibition of the department store they work in is ready for display. Outside, they see a poor newspaper seller, who looks longingly at the beautiful things in the display window. So they simply decide to smuggle the unfortunate inside and compete to win her favor by giving her gifts from the shelves of the department store. In their frenzy of happiness, they don’t notice that the girl is taking the fun little game for the truth. When she realizes that she has to give back the alleged gifts, she runs away.
The two happy fitters Eddy and Tommy are doing overtime to ensure the great travel-exhibition of the department store they work in is ready for display. Outside, they see a poor newspaper seller, who looks longingly at the beautiful things in the display window. So they simply decide to smuggle the unfortunate inside and compete to win her favor by giving her gifts from the shelves of the department store. In their frenzy of happiness, they don’t notice that the girl is taking the fun little game for the truth. When she realizes that she has to give back the alleged gifts, she runs away.
Captain Ahab
Ahab pursues a whale that chewed off a leg when his brother, vying with him for the hand of a minister's daughter, pushed him overboard. When he has caught the monstrous whale he will then deal with his brother.
This is the German-language version of 1930's "The Way of All Men", shot by Warner Bros. in Hollywood with a German-speaking cast.
This is the German-language version of 1930's "Those Who Dance", shot by Warner Bros. in Hollywood with a German-speaking cast.
This is the German-language version of 1930's "Those Who Dance", shot by Warner Bros. in Hollywood with a German-speaking cast.
In the last years of his life, Bavarian king Ludwig II (1845 – 1886) devotes himself to ambitious architectural projects, which strain the state coffers to the extreme. The monarch, who is afraid of people, also withdraws more and more into a dream world at his various castles. His brother is already in a psychiatric institute and Ludwig is also eventually put under the care of psychiatrist Bernhard von Gudden. The king attempts to get out from under this guardianship at Starnberg lake…
Ludwig II - König von Bayern
In the last years of his life, Bavarian king Ludwig II (1845 – 1886) devotes himself to ambitious architectural projects, which strain the state coffers to the extreme. The monarch, who is afraid of people, also withdraws more and more into a dream world at his various castles. His brother is already in a psychiatric institute and Ludwig is also eventually put under the care of psychiatrist Bernhard von Gudden. The king attempts to get out from under this guardianship at Starnberg lake…
In the last years of his life, Bavarian king Ludwig II (1845 – 1886) devotes himself to ambitious architectural projects, which strain the state coffers to the extreme. The monarch, who is afraid of people, also withdraws more and more into a dream world at his various castles. His brother is already in a psychiatric institute and Ludwig is also eventually put under the care of psychiatrist Bernhard von Gudden. The king attempts to get out from under this guardianship at Starnberg lake…
Heinz von Ettingen
In the year 1914: The assistants of cobbler Lehmann compete for the affections of his daughter Frieda. Actually she’s in love with her ambitious cousin Fritz, but the cunning Franz knows how to string her along. When Fritz gets drafted, Frieda gives in and marries Franz. Soon Fritz is declared missing and the old cobbler dies of grief. Along the way Franz, who dodged the military service, earns his money with large-scale racketeering. Frieda is miserable. But then Fritz returns from Soviet captivity, prompting Frieda to divorce Franz. Finally Frieda accepts an inheritance from the USA and marries Fritz. With the money they open up a shoe store.
Franz Sommer (as Wilhelm Dieterle)
A young man is convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to a term in prison. There he forms a close relationship with his cellmate. Upon his release his wife is concerned as to how prison has changed the man she married.
A young man is convicted of manslaughter and sentenced to a term in prison. There he forms a close relationship with his cellmate. Upon his release his wife is concerned as to how prison has changed the man she married.
Harro, Graf von Torstein
Agnes Günther’s heart-rending fairy tale dazzled turn-of-the-century German audiences and sold hundreds of thousands of copies before being adapted into this tale of timeless passion, the beautiful The Saint and the Fool. The unapologetically sentimental classic was directed by Wilhelm Dieterle, who launched a successful career in Weimar cinema before becoming known for romantic, lush melodramas and technicolor extravaganzas, including 1945′s Marlene Dietrich unforgettable Love Letters. The dashing Dieterle himself plays Harrogate, Earl of Torstein, whose star-crossed love for the luminous Rosemarie of Brauneck (Lien Deyers, discovered by Fritz Lang) is further doomed by royal heroes and villains, the requisite evil stepmother, and fantastical elements that channel the intoxicating romance of Camille through the magic of the Brothers Grimm.
Agnes Günther’s heart-rending fairy tale dazzled turn-of-the-century German audiences and sold hundreds of thousands of copies before being adapted into this tale of timeless passion, the beautiful The Saint and the Fool. The unapologetically sentimental classic was directed by Wilhelm Dieterle, who launched a successful career in Weimar cinema before becoming known for romantic, lush melodramas and technicolor extravaganzas, including 1945′s Marlene Dietrich unforgettable Love Letters. The dashing Dieterle himself plays Harrogate, Earl of Torstein, whose star-crossed love for the luminous Rosemarie of Brauneck (Lien Deyers, discovered by Fritz Lang) is further doomed by royal heroes and villains, the requisite evil stepmother, and fantastical elements that channel the intoxicating romance of Camille through the magic of the Brothers Grimm.
Der Abbé
Josmarie Seiler
Robert Baumeister
A mill situated on the border between two unnamed countries and the residents therein become pawns in a future war.
Moritz Jäger
Die Weber (1927), a rousing German tale of the 1844 weavers’ revolution.
Fritz Sehring
Relata la historia de un célebre pensador que después de buscar sin descanso la esencia del conocimiento y la verdad oculta de las cosas, es tentado por el diablo y vende su alma.
Jap Geel
Josef Baumann
Wulf Tormann
Freiherr von Borkenhagen
Heinz von Springe
Assistant Director
Cuenta la historia de un joven escritor que acepta un anuncio para escribir historias en torno a las figuras que se exponen en un gabinete de estatuas de cera exhibido en una feria. La hija del dueño, muy pronto, queda atraída por el joven empleado...
The Poet / Assad the Baker / Russian Prince
Cuenta la historia de un joven escritor que acepta un anuncio para escribir historias en torno a las figuras que se exponen en un gabinete de estatuas de cera exhibido en una feria. La hija del dueño, muy pronto, queda atraída por el joven empleado...
Marquis Posa
Carlos y Elisabeth es una película dramática muda alemana de 1924 dirigida por Richard Oswald y protagonizada por Conrad Veidt
Lauer - der Jäger
A lost Murnau peasant-farm film.
Giovanni Sforza, Herr von Pesaro
Rodrigo Borgia, Pope Alexander VI, has three adult children: Juan, who is virtuous and has a sweetheart who is a woman of the people, Lucrezia, who is virtuous and wants to marry Alfonso, and Cesare, who is wicked and lusts after Lucrezia, Juan's girlfriend, and probably others. Cesare has vowed to kill any suitor for Lucrezia's love, and he has three thugs to carry out his wishes. Bodies fall into the Tiber, into the Colosseum (with lions prowling), and onto the Vatican floors.
Junge Charolais
An old count has been keeping an eye on the granddaughter of his lock-keeper for quite some time. But the young Maria is in love with the young painter Walter, who is only moderately gifted as an artist. The two marry and become parents of a child. However, the count does not want to let go of his desire for Mary and now chooses another way to gain her favor.
Author: Ulf Kjell Gür
A loose adaptation of August Strindberg's Miss Julie. The daughter of a count witnesses her mother's increasing mental instability after being spurned by a lover.
Der Handwerker
In a poor neighborhood of a big city, a crippled mailman is in love with a maid who lives in his building. However, she is in love with a wealthy and handsome young man, who soon disappears. The mailman provides the maid with letters that get her hopes up... but tragedy will soon befall all three.
The Bear Joseph
"The Bear Joseph", so named because of a fight with a bear, is rescued by Wally, a farmer's daughter, from a dangerous situation in a vulture's nest. He then calls her "Geierwally". They fall in love. Wally's father disapproves of this romance. He has other plans for Wally.