Irene von Meyendorff

Irene von Meyendorff

Nacimiento : 1916-06-06, Tallinn, Estonia

Muerte : 2001-09-28


Irene von Meyendorff
Irene von Meyendorff
Irene von Meyendorff
Irene von Meyendorff


Countess Stockau
El archiduque Rodolfo, heredero del Imperio Austro-Húngaro, lleva una vida tediosa a pesar estar rodeado de toda clase de lujos. Incluso sus amoríos le aburren, pero un día conoce a Marie y se enamora perdidamente de ella. Sin embargo, el emperador Francisco José considera que Marie no es una mujer adecuada para ser emperatriz.
Hell Is Empty
Helen McGee
On the run from the police, a female thief and her band of robbers take refuge on a desert island where they discover a mansion inhabited by a family whom they take hostage. One of the robbers falls for the couple's daughter.
Piernas largas, dedos largos
Lady Hammond
Un abogado inglés se enamora de una joven baronesa austriaca que, junto con su padre, roba joyas del cuello de una mujer aplicando el llamado "sistema de un dedo y medio" de su abuela.
Das Paradies
Frau Taluyer
The Ambassadress
Ruth Ryan
Im Namen einer Mutter
Nora Fellaner, Lehrerin
Die Freundin meines Mannes
Else Rietburg
Drei Birken auf der Heide
Ada Wedekind
Holidays in Tyrol
10-year-old Rosmarin von Stetten lives with his widowed father Robert in the big city. During the holidays one day in the morning Rosmarin goes to the lake near the castle and meets Thymian, the poorest boy of the village, whose mother did not come back from the war and who has to do several jobs in the village for his living. The boys enter a boat, but both fall into the lake. Thymian crawls out of the water first and is found by a servant from the castle, who thinks he is Rosmarin and bring him to the castle and to bed. The boy doesn't know what happens and thinks he's spellbound...
Sabine Brand
Rittmeister Wronski
Liane von Templin
A Polish officer works undercover in 1930s Berlin to discover Nazi Germany's plans against his homeland.
Portrait of an Unknown Woman
seine Frau
Keller, a painter, while at the ballet is impressed with the beauty of Nicole and sketches her head on the body of a nude model. When it is shown, it causes embarrassment to Nicole's husband, Walter, a diplomat whose career is threatened.
Der Vetter aus Dingsda
Irmgard von Ottenberg
Gift im Zoo
Vera Pauly
Animals start to mysteriously die in a zoo in Hamburg. Is somebody poisoning the animals and with what purpose?
Eine seltene Geliebte
Hortense Clairmont
Conchita/Braut von Martin Jarzombeck
The reporter Peter Zabel stumbles upon the sinking of the luxury yacht Orplid in Hamburg on August 14, 1949. The ship went down with a wedding party run by artists on a pleasure trip from Hamburg to Scotland . In spite of good weather and no technical problems. Out of personal curiosity, Zabel starts researching. Could the sinking of Orplid have political reasons? A German political thriller and film noir inspired by Carol Reed's "The Third Man".
The Original Sin
An apple juice producer can't decide between his wife and his secretary and tries to commit suicide. Being committed to psychiatry, he falls asleep and dreams of adventures as Adam and Eve in heaven and hell.
The Mozart Story
Luisa Weber Langer
Film Without Title
Angelika Rösch
A screenwriter comes up with a story about an affair between a maid and her employer.
During Napoleon's victorious campaign in Germany, the city of Kolberg gets isolated from the retreating Prussian forces. The population of Kolberg refuses to capitulate and organizes the resistance against the French army, which immediately submits the city to massive bombardments.
Der Fall Molander
Elisabeth Molander
The Great Sacrifice
Octavia Froben
Äls, a young woman from Sweden living in Hamburg in the summer months attracts a newly married explorer, Albrecht Froben who has just returned to his native city. But although Äls seems to be 'life itself', she suffers from a tropical disease which is slowly killing her. Froben is torn between Äls and his wife Octavia, who he seen as a kind of 'heavenly' counterpart to the earthy and beguiling Äls.
Maria Hartwig
Um neun kommt Harald
Edith Gedeye
Eine kleine Sommermelodie
Eva-Maria Tiedemann
Wen die Götter lieben
Aloisia Lange
Biography of Mozart
Einmal der liebe Herrgott sein
Marie Christine Passecker
Was geschah in dieser Nacht?
Frau Luna
Berlin's theatre crowd is excited about the new operetta "Frau Luna". But for the head of the city's vice police, who was invited to the dress rehearsal, the costumes for the ladies onstage are a bit too revealing. He demands the show be cancelled as offensive. The president of the Thusneldenbund has taken it upon himself to alert everyone about the growth of immorality in the capital. The theatre director Knopp has come up with an idea to convince these "fine" gentlemen to let the operetta go onstage again: He intends to win over the friendship of the moral police and then nothing will stand in the way of "Frau Luna" once more being performed.
Casanova heiratet
Gertrud Pank
The actor Ralph Gregor plays "Casanova" on the stage and everyone expects, that he also lives out the role in real life. Johanna Brinkmann, known as "Joe", tries everything to make her husband jealous of Ralph. Ralph, however, is actually dating his colleague Steffie. After a fight with her, he takes off on a short trip into the countryside and there gets to know the attractive Gertrude, with whom he falls in love. In short order, he proposes to and marries her. Soon, however, Gertude gets to know Steffie and Joe, who appear to know Ralph much better than they do, and Gertrude loses it.
We're Dancing Around the World
Leinen aus Irland
Schneider Wibbel
Fahrendes Volk
Kunstreiterin Yvonne, seine Tochter
Fernand has escaped from prison and finds shelter in the traveling circus Barlay, where his former wife Flora works as a predator trainer. Their son, now grown up, Marcel is an art rider and does not know that Fernand is his father. Marcel loves Yvonne, the daughter of director Barlay. He is against the connection, sends his daughter to Italy and convinces Marcel that Yvonne does not return his feelings.
Two Women
Eva von Barkow
The Stars Shine
German all-star musical from 1938 that was a big commercial success.
The Traitor
Hilde Körner
This 1936 film tells the story of the doings of foreign agents in Germany and their allies among the German population. Having placed an ad in a local paper looking for "contact with bigwigs in German industry", enemy agents Morris and Geyer end up making contact with an engineer named Brockau. Brockau has developed an improvement in turning oil into gasoline and that's just what these enemy agents are looking for. Brockau, for his part, needs money, because his girlfriend is a selfish cow who demands more and more toys and trinkets, which has put our naive little nerd deep into debt. Brockau, however, is not the only unwitting maroon to fall into the clutches of the evil agents: the former bank agent Hans Klemm, now doing his service in the Wehrmacht, ends up being contacted by an agent from the other side and ends up getting blackmailed into working for them.
Die letzten vier von Santa Cruz
Madeleine - seine Braut