What use is a good Abitur if the climate is changing? For 17-year-old high school student Lilly, there are more important things than school. It looks correspondingly bleak with their admission to the Abitur! While father Martin fails with a bang to lure her with a dream trip, mother Nina makes an unusual deal: if Lilly really crams from now on, her parents will in return help protect the climate. From now on, only fresh food will be cooked at home, lavender will replace industrial washing powder and you can go to work by bike! There are only exceptions for little brother Tom. But the road to an emission-free life is not a sure-fire success. After weeks, agency owner Nina and chief physician Martin are not only looking for secret exceptions to the rules, but also get into discussions about their lives up to now. And since Lilly doesn't quite stick to the deal with her parents either, the initially abstract discussion about climate-friendly living escalates into a true family crisis.
Paul is living the dream. He’s a pilot who gets to fly across the globe, and at home, his beautiful younger wife Susan waits for him. The only catch: he promised to retire early and take care of their 4-year-old son Franz. But when he breaks his word, Susan leaves him… alone with Franz. On top of that, the kids from his two previous marriages appear on his doorstep: lovesick, morbidly shy 22-year-old Jonas, and Tabea, a teenager in trouble. His kids make him face the dire truth: he’s a bad dad. Now, Paul has one week to show he’s capable of being a father, or Susan won’t come back. When Paul reluctantly shows his kids how much he loves them, they finally bond! But is that enough to win Susan back? - BetaFilm
Conny tiene 37 años y hasta el momento siempre ha antepuesto sus necesidades para satisfacer los deseos de su familia. Se llevará una sorpresa cuando su marido le pida el divorcio.
Jack (Adrien Brody) es un tipo de lo más peculiar. Por un lado, se gana la vida timando a hombres de negocios con la ayuda de su socio Charlie (Jon Seda) y de dos aspirantes a actriz que se hacen pasar por prostitutas y, por otro, bajo su fachada de tipo duro, oculta un espíritu sensible y atormentado que se apasiona con la literatura y sueña con escribir una novela. Cuando conoce a Claire (Charlotte Ayanna), una estudiante de biología de la universidad de Columbia, sus dos mundos entran en conflicto, porque intenta convencerse a sí mismo de que no la necesita cuando, en realidad, está perdidamente enamorado de ella. Pero las apariencias pueden más que los sentimientos y Jack hace todo lo posible por alejarla de él, arrastrándola hacia los submundos del vicio y la delincuencia. El gran problema es que, cuando se dé cuenta de su error, tal vez sea demasiado tarde…
Las paredes de un estricto internado en Leipzig no pueden contener el ánimo ni la creatividad del joven protagonista de esta historia. Su espíritu rebelde lo llevará a pretender montar una obra teatral poco convencional para las festividades navideñas, sin imaginarse que el director de la escuela esconde un secreto que dicha representación podría poner en evidencia.
Heavyweight Ludwig Burg doesn't have it easy among his stylish colleagues at the Düsseldorf advertising agency. To make matters worse, he was of course chosen for the Slim-O-Matic campaign on television. A diet in front of the camera, so to speak...