Mitch Vogel

Mitch Vogel

Nacimiento : 1956-01-17,


Mitch Vogel


Texas Detour
Dale McCarthy
Teenagers' van gets stolen and while the local authorites refuse to help they decidet to take manners to their own hands.
State Fair
Melissa and Jim Bryant live on an Iowa farm with their adult son Chuck, their adult daughter Karen, and their teenage son Wayne, who is a high school sophomore. Wayne is a talented singer and guitarist who dreams of country music stardom. Karen, newly separated from her husband, has recently rejoined the family with her own young son Tommy, who misses his father. This was a pilot film for a proposed television series that was not picked up.
State Fair
Wayne Bryant
Melissa and Jim Bryant live on an Iowa farm with their adult son Chuck, their adult daughter Karen, and their teenage son Wayne, who is a high school sophomore. Wayne is a talented singer and guitarist who dreams of country music stardom. Karen, newly separated from her husband, has recently rejoined the family with her own young son Tommy, who misses his father. This was a pilot film for a proposed television series that was not picked up.
Nacida inocente
Tom Parker
Christine Parker es una chica de catorce años víctima de los malos tratos de su padre, que la golpea cuando está de mal humor. La madre es alcohólica y hacen de su hija el objeto de su desahogo. Un día Chris decide escaparse de casa, y no es la primera vez, pues le es imposible vivir con ellos y sueña con irse a casa de su hermano mayor. Pero los padres deciden que lo mejor será internarla en un reformatorio y que allí la enderecen. Entonces comienza un auténtico infierno para Chris.
The Boy from Dead Man's Bayou
Jeannot Boudreau
Menace on the Mountain
Jamie McIver
A period piece about the McIver family trying to protect there home from Civil War deserters. Actor Jodie Foster, then approximately 8, plays Suellen McIver. Actor Mitch Vogel, Jamie, is their protector.
Jimmy Atkinson
A family of doctors that runs a medical clinic finds itself up against a sudden cholera epidemic and other difficulties like a movie star who refuses to cooperate with her treatment.
Los rateros
Boon (Steve McQueen) es un hombre alocado e irresponsable que coge el coche nuevo de su patrón, un espectacular Winston Flyer, y se marcha a Memphis. Le acompañan Ned, el mozo encargado del establo, y Lucius, un chaval de once años. Durante el viaje, vivirán toda clase de peripecias. Para poder participar en una espectacular carrera llegan a cambiar el coche por un caballo, e intentarán conseguir la victoria para poder recuperar el coche.
Tuyos, míos, nuestros
Tommy North
Helen North (Lucille Ball), una viuda con ocho hijos, se enamora de Frank Beardsley (Henry Fonda), un oficial de la marina, también viudo y padre de diez hijos. Cuando Helen y Frank se casen tendrán que enfrentarse a la compleja vida diaria y a los problemas de logística que ocasiona tan gigantesca familia.