Annette Mayer

Annette Mayer

Nacimiento : 1962-03-27, Düsseldorf, Germany


Annette Mayer


The parents of the silent Felix are passionate hunters. Not only in the hunting ground, but also at home they keep order with a firm hand. But can that what disturbs the peace of the forest be tamed with rules or does the parents' plan drive the whole family into gloom.
Nunca he estado en Nueva York
Dance Partner #2
Tras un accidente María, la madre de la presentadora de televisión Lisa Wartberg, sufre de pérdida de memoria. Todo lo que puede recordar es que nunca ha estado en Nueva York. Sin más preámbulos, la anciana se sube de polizón a bordo de un crucero.
Das Menschenmögliche
Tochter Leybold
Judith is a doctor who is very committed to her profession. Aiming to become a cardiologist, she performs part of her residency in a chronically understaffed hospital emergency room. During a particularly difficult shift, she makes a mistake that causes the death of a patient. Judith is devastated and doubts whether she is suited to the profession. Her fellow doctors, including her partner Mark, advise her to just carry on as before. While Judith’s actions are investigated, she is assigned to ambulance duty. Being in a new environment and having some distance to the clinical routine allow her to see things in a new light.
Winter Hunt
On a cold, wintry night, Lena shows up on the doorstep of the Rossberg family mansion. She claims her car has broken down, but her arrival is intentional. Lena is in pursuit of Anselm Rossberg, an aged Auschwitz guard who lives with his daughter, Maria. Anselm and Maria both deny Anselm's past, but Lena is determined to get him to confess, even as her own weapon is turned on her and she is forced into a moral dilemma.
Einer wie Bruno
Mutter Sonja
E. + U.
Katja Schoder
E. is abandoned by O. and wants to start a family with U. U. wants to have sex. U. doesn't want to start a family.
Wolfis Mutter
Heute fängt mein Leben an
For a lifetime, Hedi Ohlsen subordinated her needs to the family. She raised a child, took care of the house and learned the unloved profession of dental assistant for the sake of her husband Johannes. And although John has left her for a younger one, Hedi still cares for her elderly mother-in-law Agnes. As this now blesses the time and Hedi finally wants to start her own life, suddenly her pregnant daughter Leonie is attacking at the door. She has quit, no money and no father for the child Hedi is to raise for her. Is the dream of late freedom back?