Jon Neuburger


Sacred Cow: The Nutritional, Environmental and Ethical Case for Better Meat
Una película sobre el debate actual acerca de la alimentación y la cría de ganado, que muestra que los alimentos de origen animal son nutritivos para los seres humanos y pueden criarse de forma beneficiosa para el medio ambiente.
"McCarthy" chronicles the rise and fall of Joseph McCarthy, the Wisconsin senator who came to power after a stunning victory in an election no one thought he could win. Once in office, he declared that there was a vast conspiracy threatening America — emanating not from a rival superpower, but from within. Free of restraint or oversight, he conducted a crusade against those he accused of being enemies of the state, a chilling campaign marked by groundless accusations, bullying intimidation, grandiose showmanship and cruel victimization. With lawyer Roy Cohn at his side, he belittled critics, spinning a web of lies and distortions while spreading fear and confusion. After years in the headlines, he was brought down by his own excesses and overreach. But his name lives on linked to the modern-day witch hunt we call “McCarthyism.”
The Circus
Drawing upon a vast and richly visual archive and featuring a host of performers, historians and aficionados, this four-hour mini-series follows the rise and fall of the gigantic, traveling tented railroad circus and brings to life an era when Circus Day would shut down a town and its stars were among the most famous people in the country.
The Great War (American Experience)
Drawing on unpublished diaries, memoirs and letters, The Great War tells the rich and complex story of World War I through the voices of nurses, journalists, aviators and the American troops who came to be known as “doughboys".
The Ghost Army
During World War II, a hand-picked group of American GI's undertook a bizarre mission: create a traveling road show of deception on the battlefields of Europe, with the German Army as their audience. The 23rd Headquarters Special Troops used inflatable rubber tanks, sound trucks, and dazzling performance art to bluff the enemy again and again, often right along the front lines. Many of the men picked to carry out these dangerous deception missions were artists. Some went on to become famous, including fashion designer Bill Blass. In their spare time, they painted and sketched their way across Europe, creating a unique and moving visual record of their war. Their secret mission was kept hushed up for nearly 50 years after the war's end.
Parallel Worlds, Parallel Lives
Mark Oliver Everett, singer of the band EELS, on his quest to get to know his late father, quantum physicist Hugh Everett III, who invented the Many Worlds theory.
Back from the Edge
A landmark documentary style short film that features compelling and dramatic first-person accounts of people living with, and recovering from, Borderline Personality Disorder. The production also features family members as well as leading clinicians, including Otto F. Kernberg, MD; Marsha Linehan, PhDl John Gunderson, MD; Wayne Fenton, MD; and Perry Hoffman, PhD, who put their stories into a broader social and medical context.
American Experience:  Victory in the Pacific
The last year or so of the war in the Pacific during WWII. It picks up at the point where the inevitability of an American victory seems certain--it's only a matter of time. It then discusses the ferocity of the Japanese defense, the American bombing campaign, the kamikaze, the Emperor and his resistance to surrender and the American feelings towards a negotiated peace.
Chicago: City of the Century - Part 3: Battle for Chicago
City of the Century tells how in just 60 years Chicago grew from a remote, swampy frontier town into one of the most explosively alive cities in the world. It's the story of the wealthy and the indigent, the heralded and the forgotten, the shop assistants and the millionaire retail barons who together created Chicago. It describes how through innovation, ingenuity, determination and sheer ruthlessness, the captains of industry created empires in a marshy wasteland. And it explores the hardships endured by the millions of working men and women -- most of them immigrants from Ireland and Northern Europe -- whose labor helped a capitalist class reinvent the way America did business.
American Experience: Ulysses S. Grant (Part 2)
As a general, he had fought to preserve the Union. As president, he helped to oversee the transformation from union to nation. As a former president, he was the embodiment of the very idea of national union, and of America's entry onto the world stage. As a dying general, he was the symbol of the nation's greatest and most traumatic war. The story of Ulysses S. Grant's life, from his first days on the Ohio frontier to his last days out-writing death in the Adirondacks, is an endlessly fascinating one. Few public figures have ever held a such a firm grip on the American popular imagination. Grant was a man whose rise from obscurity made him a hero to millions who could see themselves in him. An ordinary man who faced and met extraordinary challenges, his successes and failures seemed to encapsulate the national character. He was so popular with the American public that, despite his two scandal-ridden terms as president, he was nearly nominated to run for a third term.
Holding Ground
HOLDING GROUND is at once a cautionary tale of urban policies gone wrong and a message of hope for all American cities. In 1985, African-American, Latino, Cape Verdean, and European-American residents in Roxbury, MA united to revitalize their community. The Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative went on to gain national recognition as residents fought to close down illegal dumps, gain unprecedented control of land from City Hall and create a comprehensive plan to rebuild the fabric of their community. Through the voices of committed residents, activists and city officials, this moving documentary shows how a Boston neighborhood was able to create and carry out its own agenda for change.
La Piedra Mágica
Cinco siglos antes de que Colón descubriera el "Nuevo Mundo", cuando sus costas eran visitadas por guerreros vikingos guiados por lo que denominaban "piedras de navegación", un esclavo llamado Kilian roba una de estas piedras y escapa con uno de sus barcos. Es salvado por los nativos, que le acogen y enseñan a aprovechar los recursos naturales. Kilian, amando su nueva vida y a su bella Turtle, lucha con la tribu para expulsar a Ivan, un vikingo que ha decidido convertirse en el primer colono europeo de América. La lucha no será tan fácil como él se espera
Otra mujer
Associate Editor
Marion Post, una brillante profesora de Filosofía, ha solicitado una excedencia para escribir un libro. Un día descubre que desde el estudio en el que se ha instalado para trabajar puede escuchar las sesiones de psicoanálisis de una consulta contigua. Las conmovedoras confesiones de una de las pacientes la llevan a analizar en profundidad su propia vida, que, a partir de entonces, le parece vacía y basada en el autoengaño y el miedo a las emociones.
Assistant Editor
Después de un devastador ataque de nervios, una joven emocionalmente frágil, Lane, vuelve a la casa de Vermont donde se crió para recuperarse. Animada por un romance de verano con Sam, su vecino, Lane decide abandonar Vermont para comenzar una nueva vida. Cuando su relación con Sam comienza a enfriarse sin explicación y aparece su dominante madre con una noticia que podría cambiar el resto de su vida... Lane se encontrará sumergida en un entramado de pasión destructiva, decepción y manipulación. Ahora la única manera de tomar el control de su vida, será enfrentarse a los miedos que nunca ha podido superar y a un terrible secreto que la persigue esté donde esté.
Días de radio
Assistant Editor
Absorbido por las fantásticas historias de la radio sobre sangrientas guerras y bellas celebridades, Joe Needleman, un niño de 10 años anhela vivir aventuras y sueña con el día en que verá a un espía enemigo, a un soldado alemán o incluso a su sexy profesora de sexto con una gran sonrisa... (y poco más). Pero mientras la vida de Joe está llena de fantasías sobre las voces de la radio, los verdaderos dueños de esas voces tienen sus propias fantasías. Y, mientras nacen estrellas, se derrumban carreras profesionales y una nación se precipita hacia su futuro, sólo hay una cosa absolutamente segura: los días de radio quizá acaben, pero la magia de los recuerdos de Joe durará para siempre.
German director Wim Wenders made this documentary in which he tries to explore the Tokyo that was depicted in the films of Yasujiro Ozu. When Wenders visits Tokyo for the first time, he finds a very different city, one with a booming fascination with technology that often clashes with the traditional elements of Japanese culture. Wenders also interviews Ozu's cinematographer, Yuharu Atsuta, and Chishu Ryu, an actor who frequently collaborated with Ozu.
Reverse Angle: New York, March 1982
A short by and about Wim Wenders -- his life, work, thoughts, America, cinema.
The State of Things
On location in Portugal, a film crew runs out of film while making their own version of Roger Corman's The Day the World Ended (1956) . The producer is nowhere to be found and director Munro attempts to find him in hopes of being able to finish the film.
A Memory For The Future
Also titled The 20 Mile Limit, this is a short film that ran on Showtime between feature film showings. It centers on a dystopian government that has created a new present: the Evolutionary Reconstruction. This government has instated a 20 mile limit in the ocean, past which nobody can travel due to deadly radiation. Claire Lucas and Fred Hunter believe that there is more to the story.