Michael Doven

Nacimiento : 1959-02-18,


Michael Doven has an extensive 25 year career as an executive producer.  The CEO and founder of United Pictures Group credits as Associate Producer in box office movies grossing in the billions of dollars world wide. He is well known as the personal assistant to Tom Cruise in the height of Cruise's movie career from 1992-2004. Not only was Michael his personal assistant, he acted as the chief of staff to Cruise. During his time, he met and married Andrea Morse, who was another person working for Cruise.  There are several notable movies he was a Production Associate in: Mangolia (1999), Eyes Wide Shut (1999), Mission Impossible II (2000) and was the assistant to Tom Cruise in movies like Jerry Maquire (1996), The Firm (1993), Far and Away (1992), and Interview With a Vampire (1994).  Other movies Michael is given credit for: A Few Good Men (1992), Vanilla Sky (2001), Minority Report (2002), The Last Samurai (2003), and Collateral (2004). He also did a little bit of acting in Murder, She Wrote (1989) and Eyes Wide Shut (1999). Michael works in script development, preproduction, production, and post production as well as assisting in marketing and international press tours. His relationships and wide variety of experiences in the industry keep him in the forefront of executive producers.  In 2015, he founded United Pictures Group. He founded this company for one main reason - to carry on his passion for influential and powerful films.  In a recent interview, he discusses his love for reading, and how much certain literature has inspired him to have his own company. "I read as much as I do so I can continually learn new approaches to solving the difficulties that sometimes arise during film production," he comments. "Some of the greatest minds the world has ever known have inspired me like no other. I've learned so much about myself and life, and i now know that having my own company is my calling."   Under United Pictures Group, he released his first film "The Squeeze" in Spring 2015.  The family-friendly movie had great reviews from both users and critics.  Michael was ecstatic to release this movie, not only because it was the first movie under his new company, but because he was on the right track to producing movies that he truly loves. "The Squeeze" is about a young and talented golfer who gets caught up in some high stake gambling on the course. The suspense, alongside the unique and riveting characters, with a twist ending is right up Michael's alley. Durant's Never Closes, starring Tom Sizemore, is an exciting up-and-coming movie.  Michael is ecstatic and passionate about his new opportunity. Michael is also an accomplished photographer. He is known for photographing professional golfer Rick Rhoden, Beck's sister Alyssa Suede and other high profile individuals. Michael's photography skill show when his photography work was featured in a music album, "Bittersweet" by Mark Isham and Kate Ceberano (2009). He was also featured on the cover of a Nikon magazine issue calling him "Photographer's Next Rockstar", with a 6 page article and interview. You can see his photography work here: http://www.manta.com/c/mrylxsn/michael-doven-photography. Most recent films United Pictures Group is credited for: Double Doozy (2016) Mission Accomplished (2016) Durant's Never Closes (2015) Lucky Bastards (2015)


In Search of Fellini
Lucy, a small-town girl from Ohio, discovers the delightfully bizarre films of legendary filmmaker Federico Fellini and sets off on a journey across Italy to find him.
The Squeeze
Un joven humilde con unas habilidades poco comunes se ve atrapado en el peligroso mundo de las grandes apuestas.
Associate Producer
Vincent es un frío y calculador asesino a sueldo que siempre va a por todas. Max es un taxista con muchos sueños y sin grandes resultados. En aquella noche fatídica, Max ha de llevar a Vincent a su próximo trabajo: una noche, cinco paradas, cinco golpes y una salida. Juntos, con sus vidas en choque continuo, ninguno de los dos volverá a ser el mismo. Esta noche todo va a cambiar...
El último samurái
Associate Producer
1870. El capitán Nathan Algren es un hombre a la deriva. Las batallas que libró en otro tiempo parecen ahora lejanas e inútiles. Una vez arriesgó su vida por el honor y por la patria, pero, en los años transcurridos desde la Guerra de Secesión estadounidense, el mundo ha cambiado. El pragmatismo ha reemplazado al valor, el interés personal ha ocupado el lugar del sacrificio y el honor no se encuentra en ninguna parte, especialmente en el Oeste, donde su papel en las campañas contra los indios acabó en desilusión y tristeza. En algún lugar de las implacables llanuras junto a la ribera del río Washita, Algren perdió su alma. En un mundo completamente distinto, otro soldado ve como su modo de vida está a punto de desintegrarse.
Minority Report
Associate Producer
Washington DC, año 2054. La policía utiliza tecnología psíquica para arrestar y enjuiciar a los asesinos antes de que cometan un crimen. El futuro se puede predecir y los culpables son detenidos por la unidad de élite Precrime antes de que puedan delinquir. Las pruebas se basan en los "precogs", tres seres psíquicos cuyas visiones sobre los asesinatos nunca han fallado.
Misión imposible 2
Associate Producer
El agente especial Ethan Hunt tiene una nueva misión: evitar que un despiadado ex-agente y ahora terrorista internacional se haga con un virus mortal que podría soltar sobre Australia causando millones de víctimas. Para evitarlo, contará otra vez con la inestimable ayuda del genio informático Luther Stickell, del experto conductor Billy Baird y de la presencia de la sensual y exótica ladrona internacional Nhye, que en el pasado mantuvo una relación sentimental con el criminal y que ahora se siente atraída por Hunt.
Eyes wide shut
Ziegler's Secretary
William Harford es un respetable médico neoyorquino cuya vida parece ir muy bien: está casado con una preciosa mujer, tiene una hija y tiene un trabajo que le gusta. Pero, al día siguiente de asistir a una fiesta, su esposa Alice le habla de unas fantasías eróticas y de cómo estuvo a punto de romper su matrimonio por un desconocido. Abrumado por esta confesión, acaba entrando en un local, donde un antiguo compañero le habla de una congregación secreta dedicada al hedonismo y al placer sin límites. A partir de entonces un mundo dominado por el sexo y el erotismo se abre ante él.