Production Sound Mixer
Craig Alexander, a con-man "psychic" on the carnival circuit receives the opportunity to pilfer some legendary rubies in Kenya. His luck holds and he winds up the sole beneficiary of the ill-gotten wealth, which he parlays into an astrological broadcasting empire. But once he reaches the top, there's only one direction he can go...
Adventure drama during WW2 in Italy where a mixed group of people get trapped inside a cave after a bomb raid. But can they co-operate? And will they survive?
Adventure drama during WW2 in Italy where a mixed group of people get trapped inside a cave after a bomb raid. But can they co-operate? And will they survive?
A bored insurance salesman quits his job to go into politics. He first starts preaching about how man is greater than he thinks and that man can live forever. He ends up forming his own political party, "The Eternal Man" party. He begins to be referred to as "God". Then he starts having doubts about the eternalness of man. Restored by the Academy Film Archive and The Film Foundation, with funding provided by the Hobson/Lucas Family Foundation.
Set Designer
A helicopter crashes in the desert, and the crew winds up in the underground city of Atlantis and get mixed up in a slave revolt.
A helicopter crashes in the desert, and the crew winds up in the underground city of Atlantis and get mixed up in a slave revolt.
In 1960, a pilot testing an experimental rocket powered aircraft accidentally flies into the future and finds himself in a sealed city whose people suspect he is a spy from outside their walls, but who want to keep him to procreate with the ruler's daughter because the majority of the inhabitants are sterile.
Un científico loco inventa una fórmula para volverse invisible. Planea usarla para crear un ejército de zombies invisibles.
Segunda guerra Púnica (218-201 a.C.) El plan romano de doble ataque contra los cartagineses (en Hispania y África) fracasa ante la sorprendente ofensiva de Aníbal (Victor Mature) que cruza los Pirineos y los Alpes con 50.000 hombres (entre ellos numerosos iberos), 9.000 caballos y 37 elefantes. En su avance hacia Italia conoce a Silvia (Rita Gam), que ha escapado de prisión para unirse a las tropas romanas al mando de Fabio Massimo. Aníbal, el gran guerrero y estadista, tras muchas batallas, finalmente comprende cuál es su verdadero destino.
A young American painter and his French wife move with their small daughter to the US when the husband's father dies. His mother takes an instant dislike to the wife, and when she finds out that her daughter-in-law is a nudist who once posed naked for an artist, she declares her son's wife to be an unfit mother and sets out to break up the marriage--which may not be difficult to do, as the son is a weak-willed "mama's boy" who's terrified to stand up against his domineering mother.
After having been recently shipwrecked, a group of survivors begin dealing with both the reality of being stranded on a remote island as well as with feelings of alienation and isolation. Adapted from the novel by Johann Wyss, this was the pilot episode for a proposed television series co-produced by Edgar G. Ulmer and Louis Hayward. Filmed in Mexico in 1957 and bearing a 1958 copyright, Swiss Family Robinson: Lost in the Jungle was not "released" until 2000, when it was included as an extra feature on the DVD version of Ulmer's The Pirates of Capri.
After having been recently shipwrecked, a group of survivors begin dealing with both the reality of being stranded on a remote island as well as with feelings of alienation and isolation. Adapted from the novel by Johann Wyss, this was the pilot episode for a proposed television series co-produced by Edgar G. Ulmer and Louis Hayward. Filmed in Mexico in 1957 and bearing a 1958 copyright, Swiss Family Robinson: Lost in the Jungle was not "released" until 2000, when it was included as an extra feature on the DVD version of Ulmer's The Pirates of Capri.
After having been recently shipwrecked, a group of survivors begin dealing with both the reality of being stranded on a remote island as well as with feelings of alienation and isolation. Adapted from the novel by Johann Wyss, this was the pilot episode for a proposed television series co-produced by Edgar G. Ulmer and Louis Hayward. Filmed in Mexico in 1957 and bearing a 1958 copyright, Swiss Family Robinson: Lost in the Jungle was not "released" until 2000, when it was included as an extra feature on the DVD version of Ulmer's The Pirates of Capri.
Una serie de crímenes se están sucediendo y la hija del doctor Jekyll cree que posee una herencia mitad humana y mitad monstruosa. Pero en realidad es que alguien se ha apoderado de la fórmula de su padre para utilizarla en su beneficio propio.
Manuel es un pobre, pero orgulloso granjero mexicano que está casado con María. Cuando el lenguaraz vagabundo Santiago le propone que participe en el robo de un tren, Manuel al principio se resiste, pero acaba aceptando la propuesta por culpa de la codicia de su mujer. Corrompido por el afán de riqueza, Manuel empieza a tramar el asesinato de Santiago. Al mismo tiempo María hace planes para deshacerse de Manuel y escaparse con un apuesto extranjero.
El cadáver del Sr. Dean es encontrado boca abajo en la chimenea, con su rostro desfigurado por las quemaduras, sin poder ser reconocido. Los detectives Patrick (Paul Langton) y Rawley (Robert Shayne) arrestan a Eden Lane (Barbara Payton), una cantante de un nightclub, que es condenado por el crimen. De camino a la cárcel, Eden ve a un hombre a través de la ventanilla del tren, que lo identifica como el asesino, y tanto Patrick como la propia Eden saltan del tren para capturarlo... (
Liala es la primera actriz de una compañía de cómicos de la legua. De ella dependen los ingresos del grupo. Al final, sacrificará su amor por el futuro de sus amigos.
Hedy Winsor recibe una invitación para asistir a un baile de disfraces y se le presenta el dilema de elegir entre tres mujeres: Genoveva de Brabante, Josefina de Beauharnais o Helena de Troya. En su imaginación recrea los episodios más característicos de sus vidas, pero finalmente decide que debe acudir con su propia y exclusiva personalidad.
Production Design
Hassan, el Kadi de Bagdad, tiene en su harem doce bellas mujeres, pero concentra su atención en Zohara. La recién llegada Kyra les induce a la rebelión mediante el inaudito hecho de quejarse al Califa por el gran número de mujeres existentes en el harem. Hassan sufre un fuerte impacto cuando su nieto, Ezar, afirma que las mujeres son iguales a los hombres. Hacen una apuesta en la que Hassan deberá sentar la cabeza en un harem convencional, a menos que Zohara pueda superar a Hassan en los próximos diez días.
Hassan, el Kadi de Bagdad, tiene en su harem doce bellas mujeres, pero concentra su atención en Zohara. La recién llegada Kyra les induce a la rebelión mediante el inaudito hecho de quejarse al Califa por el gran número de mujeres existentes en el harem. Hassan sufre un fuerte impacto cuando su nieto, Ezar, afirma que las mujeres son iguales a los hombres. Hacen una apuesta en la que Hassan deberá sentar la cabeza en un harem convencional, a menos que Zohara pueda superar a Hassan en los próximos diez días.
A gang of con artists disguise themselves as clerics in order to pull off a job, but soon find that even pretending to be religious people is having an effect on them.
Un misterioso alienígena procedente del Planeta X se encuentra con un científico que estaba realizando un estudio del comportamiento de dicho astro. Las diferencias entre ambos incrementan la mutua curiosidad.
A group of men calling themselves 'The Pirates of Capri", headed by Captain Sirroco, who is really Count Amalfi, are trying to restore freedom to the people of Naples. The Queen is advised of the pirate's assault of a member of her court and she seeks to escape to Palermo. But, she is advised it would be good politics for her to attend a ball Amalfi is giving for his fiancée, Mercedes, who is unaware of the dual role Amalfi is playing.
Horace Vendig es, en apariencia, un generoso filántropo, pero en realidad se trata de un hombre obsesivo con una codicia sin límites y una afición desmedida a enamorar y abandonar mujeres.
Nora, una joven irlandesa y melómana, trabaja en el Carnegie Hall como chica de la limpieza. Está enamorada de Tony Salerno, un pianista dotado pero rebelde que se enfrenta con el director de orquesta por la diferente concepción que tiene de la interpretación de una pieza de Tchaikovski. Tras la muerte de Tony, la protagonista sigue trabajando en el Carnegie Hall, y se obsesiona con que su hijo, también llamado Tony, triunfe como concertista de piano. Nora lleva todas las noches al pequeño al Carnegie Hall, convirtiendo el edificio en la mejor escuela de música posible.
Bangor, 1824. Gracias a su deslumbrante belleza, Jenny Hager manipula a los hombres a su antojo y es capaz de conseguir de ellos todo lo que se propone. Tras contraer matrimonio con un acaudalado comerciante, no tarda en seducir al hijo de su marido con el único fin de inducirlo al asesinato de su padre. Al mismo tiempo, se encapricha del prometido de su mejor amiga
Bangor, 1824. Gracias a su deslumbrante belleza, Jenny Hager manipula a los hombres a su antojo y es capaz de conseguir de ellos todo lo que se propone. Tras contraer matrimonio con un acaudalado comerciante, no tarda en seducir al hijo de su marido con el único fin de inducirlo al asesinato de su padre. Al mismo tiempo, se encapricha del prometido de su mejor amiga
A WWII tale of romance that begins during New Orlean's "Mardi Gras" celebration when a soldier and a girl meet and fall in love. He asks her to marry him but she decides to wait until his next leave. He is sent overseas and she does not receive his letter and feels abandoned, but she does find out she is pregnant. She gives the child to her married sister and does not see her child again for three years. She returns to her sister's home to reclaim the child, and the soldier, who has been searching for her, also turns up. The sister is not interested in giving up the child. Written by Les Adams
In this sequel to the original story, Monte Cristo count Edmund Dantes (Martin Kosleck) returns to Paris to get revenge but soon finds himself pursued by a cruel policeman (John Loder). The count's brave wife Haydée (Lenore Aubert) throws the cop off her husband's scent by dressing up as the masked avenger herself and proving that she too is most competent with a sword.
In this sequel to the original story, Monte Cristo count Edmund Dantes (Martin Kosleck) returns to Paris to get revenge but soon finds himself pursued by a cruel policeman (John Loder). The count's brave wife Haydée (Lenore Aubert) throws the cop off her husband's scent by dressing up as the masked avenger herself and proving that she too is most competent with a sword.
La vida de Al Roberts, pianista en un club nocturno de Nueva York, se convierte en una pesadilla cuando decide hacer autostop hasta Los Ángeles para visitar a su novia.
A doctor answers a suicide call in a Latin nightclub.
El joven Paul padece una noche un extraño sueño en el que se entremezcla la imagen de su madre enamorándose de un hombre peligroso con la fantasmagórica visión de la muerte de su padre en accidente de coche. Con la ayuda de su tío médico, Paul irá desentrañando el oculto significado de su pesadilla nocturna hasta que descubre el terrible secreto que se esconde tras la muerte de su padre. Lo que en principio había sido tomado como desafortunado accidente se torna en terrible y trágico crimen.
Un peligroso asesino, apodado Barba Azul, tiene aterrorizados a los habitantes de París. A todos menos a Lucille, una modesta costurera que, desoyendo el clamor popular, decide salir a dar un paseo nocturno por la ciudad. Gracias a ello conocerá a Gaston Morrell, un titiritero que le ofrecerá trabajo como modista en su espectáculo de marionetas. La llegada de Lucille a la compañía provocará los inevitables celos de Renee, la amante de Gaston. Lo que ninguna de las dos conoce es que Gaston posee una cara oculta que desearían no conocer jamás.
Second Unit Director
Unusually elaborate for a PRC film, Minstrel Man is a lively musical drama built around the talents of veteran vaudevillian Benny Fields. The star is cast as Dixie Boy Johnson, who rises from the ranks of minstrel shows to become a top Broadway attraction. On the opening night of his greatest stage triumph, Dixie Boy's wife dies in childbirth. Profoundly shaken, he walks out of the show, leaving the baby to be raised by his showbiz pals Mae and Lasses White (Gladys George, Roscoe Karns). The kid grows up to be an attractive young woman named Caroline (Judy Clark), who follows in her dad's footsteps by billing herself as-that's right-Dixie Girl Johnson. This leads to a tearful reunion between Caroline and the father she'd long assumed to be dead. If Minstrel Man seems at times to be a dress rehearsal for Columbia's The Jolson Story (1946), it shouldn't surprising: the PRC film was directed by Joseph H. Lewis, who went on to helm Jolson Story's musical highlights.
Production Design
Unusually elaborate for a PRC film, Minstrel Man is a lively musical drama built around the talents of veteran vaudevillian Benny Fields. The star is cast as Dixie Boy Johnson, who rises from the ranks of minstrel shows to become a top Broadway attraction. On the opening night of his greatest stage triumph, Dixie Boy's wife dies in childbirth. Profoundly shaken, he walks out of the show, leaving the baby to be raised by his showbiz pals Mae and Lasses White (Gladys George, Roscoe Karns). The kid grows up to be an attractive young woman named Caroline (Judy Clark), who follows in her dad's footsteps by billing herself as-that's right-Dixie Girl Johnson. This leads to a tearful reunion between Caroline and the father she'd long assumed to be dead. If Minstrel Man seems at times to be a dress rehearsal for Columbia's The Jolson Story (1946), it shouldn't surprising: the PRC film was directed by Joseph H. Lewis, who went on to helm Jolson Story's musical highlights.
Unusually elaborate for a PRC film, Minstrel Man is a lively musical drama built around the talents of veteran vaudevillian Benny Fields. The star is cast as Dixie Boy Johnson, who rises from the ranks of minstrel shows to become a top Broadway attraction. On the opening night of his greatest stage triumph, Dixie Boy's wife dies in childbirth. Profoundly shaken, he walks out of the show, leaving the baby to be raised by his showbiz pals Mae and Lasses White (Gladys George, Roscoe Karns). The kid grows up to be an attractive young woman named Caroline (Judy Clark), who follows in her dad's footsteps by billing herself as-that's right-Dixie Girl Johnson. This leads to a tearful reunion between Caroline and the father she'd long assumed to be dead. If Minstrel Man seems at times to be a dress rehearsal for Columbia's The Jolson Story (1946), it shouldn't surprising: the PRC film was directed by Joseph H. Lewis, who went on to helm Jolson Story's musical highlights.
A young classical musician becomes the conductor a high-school all-girl jive band to entertain the troops.
Three women inherit a 10-ton truck and decide to go into business. Hi jinks ensue.
An evil sea captain and the forces of nature threaten two divers' search for a fortune in gold in the South Pacific.
An evil sea captain and the forces of nature threaten two divers' search for a fortune in gold in the South Pacific.
Production Design
Despues de las atrocidades cometidas por los nazis en un pueblo checo, Reinhardt Heydrich, un comandante de las SS, es asesinado por unos campesinos.
Despues de las atrocidades cometidas por los nazis en un pueblo checo, Reinhardt Heydrich, un comandante de las SS, es asesinado por unos campesinos.
A fired teacher finds work at a girls reform school and helps a detective on a case.
A fired teacher finds work at a girls reform school and helps a detective on a case.
Learning that his long-unseen son is soon to arrive for a visit, a small-time con-man enlists the help of his cronies to help him pretend to be a wealthy and important businessman. Comedy.
Learning that his long-unseen son is soon to arrive for a visit, a small-time con-man enlists the help of his cronies to help him pretend to be a wealthy and important businessman. Comedy.
A doctor and his staff in a hospital on the Philippine island of Corregidor shortly after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor try to treat the sick, injured and wounded as American and Filipino troops desperately try to beat back a ferocious Japanese attack.
A doctor and his staff in a hospital on the Philippine island of Corregidor shortly after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor try to treat the sick, injured and wounded as American and Filipino troops desperately try to beat back a ferocious Japanese attack.
Training film demonstrating the usage of the turbosupercharger, a device for providing greater engine capability at high altitude. Various techniques for operating and servicing the turbosupercharger are shown using a B- 17 bomber.
Training film demonstrating the techniques and requirements of flying the B-24 bomber equipped with a turbosupercharger, a mechanism designed to help engines function at full capacity at high altitudes.
Julie Bronson, whose father operates a desert cafe, is attracting the unwanted attention of a half-crazed gangster known as The Ghost who runs a desert night club several miles away.
En una pequeña isla tropical, al sur del Pacífico, un plantador estadounidense se ve enfrentado a un cruel agente japonés. Sabe que ha instalado una emisora de radio de onda corta cerca de su casa, y que barcos estadounidenses han sido atacados n esa parte del Pacífico con mortal eficacia ...
Boasting the assistance of the Navajo Service and the Untied States Office of Indian Affairs, Another to Conquer was targeted at Native Americans and features stunning location shooting. Nema and Don, made orphans by tuberculosis, are left on the reservation following the wisdom of their science-fearing grandfather and the community’s respected leader, Slow-Talker. Robert, their neighbor and friend, has gone away to school—forsaking tradition, according to his detractors—and has learned the scientific ways of the white man. He has also learned that he has TB and, through rest and treatment, is cured. The film progresses as a battle between traditional faith and contemporary medicine. Medicine wins and Slow-Talker, a convert to its ways, becomes its spokesperson.
A doctor explains to his children the dangers of tuberculosis, what it is and how to prevent against contracting it.
Diagnostic Procedures in Tuberculosis documents how to perform particular tests for tuberculosis.
Young man of "Everytown" has an oral hemorrhage which subsequent examination and tests show was caused by tuberculosis. He goes to sanitarium for treatment and extensive bed rest. Epidemiological investigation reveals source of infection was lip contact with his fiancée. The importance of occupational therapy and aptitude tests is demonstrated during the patient's recovery and rehabilitation. Scenes include: sputum and blood samples, enlarged tubercle bacilli, tuberculin test, X-ray, pneumothorax surgery, and patient drafting in occupational therapy.
Produced in both English and Spanish, the film focuses on the Lopez family, now motherless because of tuberculosis. When Consuelo, the daughter of the family, begins to manifest symptoms, she prays fervently, though a “wise padre,” as the credits would have this character, advises her to seek medical attention.
Nat Silver has been engaged 7 times already. This time, his 8th, he's really going to get married. But a visitor shows up, Shirley's old boyfriend. With a gun ! He'll kill himself unless he can have Shirley back, and Nat graciously gives in. According to Nat's mother, his Uncle Shya was unlucky at love but lucky as a matchmaker, and Nat is just like Shya. Nat tells his family he's going to Italy. But he remains in New York and sets himself up with a new name and new business, Nat Gold, Advisor in Human Relations...
Nat Silver has been engaged 7 times already. This time, his 8th, he's really going to get married. But a visitor shows up, Shirley's old boyfriend. With a gun ! He'll kill himself unless he can have Shirley back, and Nat graciously gives in. According to Nat's mother, his Uncle Shya was unlucky at love but lucky as a matchmaker, and Nat is just like Shya. Nat tells his family he's going to Italy. But he remains in New York and sets himself up with a new name and new business, Nat Gold, Advisor in Human Relations...
Art Direction
In the pre-Civil War South, a plantation owner dies and leaves all his possessions, including his slaves, to his young son. While the deceased treated his slaves decently, his corrupt executor abuses them unmercifully, beating them without provocation, and he is planning to sell off the father'e estate--including the slaves--at the earliest opportunity so he and his mistress can steal the money and move to France. The young boy doesn't want to sell his father's estate or break up an of the slave families, and he has to find someone to help him thwart the crooked executor's plans.
Production Design
The Light Ahead is possibly the greatest of Edgar G. Ulmer’s shtetl films. Here, the director counterpoints his pastoral Green Fields to criticize the poverty and superstition that oppress a pair of star-crossed lovers. Made on the eve of World War II, The Light Ahead is at once romantic, expressionist, and painfully conscious of the danger about to engulf European Jews. Impoverished and disabled lovers Fishke and Hodel dream of life in the big city of Odessa, free from the poverty and stifling old-world prejudices of the shtetl. The benevolent and enlightened bookseller Mendele helps them, turning small-town superstitions to their advantage. Based on Mendele Mokher Seforim's story of love frustrated by small-town ignorance, this luminous allegory of escape marries Edgar Ulmer's masterful direction with superb acting by members of New York's Artef and Yiddish Art Theaters.
The Light Ahead is possibly the greatest of Edgar G. Ulmer’s shtetl films. Here, the director counterpoints his pastoral Green Fields to criticize the poverty and superstition that oppress a pair of star-crossed lovers. Made on the eve of World War II, The Light Ahead is at once romantic, expressionist, and painfully conscious of the danger about to engulf European Jews. Impoverished and disabled lovers Fishke and Hodel dream of life in the big city of Odessa, free from the poverty and stifling old-world prejudices of the shtetl. The benevolent and enlightened bookseller Mendele helps them, turning small-town superstitions to their advantage. Based on Mendele Mokher Seforim's story of love frustrated by small-town ignorance, this luminous allegory of escape marries Edgar Ulmer's masterful direction with superb acting by members of New York's Artef and Yiddish Art Theaters.
The Light Ahead is possibly the greatest of Edgar G. Ulmer’s shtetl films. Here, the director counterpoints his pastoral Green Fields to criticize the poverty and superstition that oppress a pair of star-crossed lovers. Made on the eve of World War II, The Light Ahead is at once romantic, expressionist, and painfully conscious of the danger about to engulf European Jews. Impoverished and disabled lovers Fishke and Hodel dream of life in the big city of Odessa, free from the poverty and stifling old-world prejudices of the shtetl. The benevolent and enlightened bookseller Mendele helps them, turning small-town superstitions to their advantage. Based on Mendele Mokher Seforim's story of love frustrated by small-town ignorance, this luminous allegory of escape marries Edgar Ulmer's masterful direction with superb acting by members of New York's Artef and Yiddish Art Theaters.
Hardworking Minnie (Cora Green) marries "Dollar" Bill (Bud Harris) a shady gambler after her money and her attractive daughter, Sue (Izanetta Wilcois). Sue meanwhile, is in love with Bob (Carl Hough), an idealist fond of looking out over the skyline and saying "Harlem... there's so much to be done here--it's fairly screaming for leadership." When Bob decides to organize the community against local racketeers he little realizes would-be father-in-law Dollar Bill is one of them. Bill meanwhile has problems of his own: A vicious white mob from lower Manhattan is muscling in on his action, and bullets are about to fly.
Hardworking Minnie (Cora Green) marries "Dollar" Bill (Bud Harris) a shady gambler after her money and her attractive daughter, Sue (Izanetta Wilcois). Sue meanwhile, is in love with Bob (Carl Hough), an idealist fond of looking out over the skyline and saying "Harlem... there's so much to be done here--it's fairly screaming for leadership." When Bob decides to organize the community against local racketeers he little realizes would-be father-in-law Dollar Bill is one of them. Bill meanwhile has problems of his own: A vicious white mob from lower Manhattan is muscling in on his action, and bullets are about to fly.
Aimed at African Americans and shot at Tuskegee University, this film instructs viewers in the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis by focusing on a pair of sympathetic siblings, George and Mary, whose lives are altered by the disease. Starring Rex Ingram as Dr. Gordon, the film suggests that organized religion is an important defensive location in this particular community, and warns of the dangers of the previous generation’s superstitions and its fear of medicine. The Health Department prominently featured the film at the 1939 World’s Fair. Directed by Edgar Ulmer.
Aimed at African Americans and shot at Tuskegee University, this film instructs viewers in the prevention and treatment of tuberculosis by focusing on a pair of sympathetic siblings, George and Mary, whose lives are altered by the disease. Starring Rex Ingram as Dr. Gordon, the film suggests that organized religion is an important defensive location in this particular community, and warns of the dangers of the previous generation’s superstitions and its fear of medicine. The Health Department prominently featured the film at the 1939 World’s Fair. Directed by Edgar Ulmer.
Director Edgar G. Ulmer executed the low-budget COSSACKS IN EXILE (1939), for Ukrainian-Canadian producer Vasile Avramenko, with a stylish flair; this obscure little operetta contains many pleasant moments. In the Ukraine, 1775, the Zaporogian Cossacks learn that Moscow is sending soldiers to destroy their fort. The Ukrainian villagers appeal to Czarina Catherine, but she insists that they join the Russian army or risk annihilation. Instead, the Cossacks burn their fort and flee on the Danube River to Turkey, where they live in peace, but still yearn for their homeland.
Moishe Oysher, the renowned cantor and star of Yiddish radio, stars in Edgar G. Ulmer’s musical version of David Pinski’s play Yankl der Shmid. Singing, dancing, and flashing his eyes, Oysher gives his most robust performance as a passionate shtetl blacksmith who must struggle against temptation to become a mensch. Recently rediscovered footage makes this the most complete extant version of Ulmer’s lively folk operetta, replete with an example of Yiddish swing.
Based on the famous operetta, Natalka Poltavka was the first Ukrainian film directed in the USA. Natalka and Petro want to get married, but Natalka's father doesn't approve of the marriage — there are more affluent men in the village. Petro goes off to earn the required fortune.
Ulmer's soulful, open-air adaptation of Peretz Hirshbein's classic play heralded the Golden Age of Yiddish cinema. When an ascetic young scholar ventures into the countryside, searching for the city of "true Jews," he learns some unexpected lessons from the Jewish peasants who take him in as a tutor for their children.
Ruth Roland in her last role alongside Roland Drew in a mystery about murder, blackmail and stolen jewels.
A cowboy tries to protect a young woman whose father was murdered because he had railroad maps that showed the location of a proposed new line. Now the killers are after her because they think she has the maps.
Second Unit
An ex-convict, unable to get a good job because of his prison record, gets mixed up in a phony stock scam.
Set Designer
Una pareja en viaje de luna de miel, viajan en tren por las tierras de Budapest con destino a Wiesegrad, para después dirigirse a Gombos. Debido a un error de la ferroviaria, deben de aceptar hospedar en su vagón privado a un huésped, el doctor Vitus Werdegast, psiquiatra. Aunque a regañadientes, y para evitar que el intruso se quede en el pasillo toda la noche, aceptan. Una vez juntos, el doctor Vitus les dice que va a Wiesegrad a ver a un viejo amigo, pero por la expresión de su rostro no parece tener muy buenas intenciones. Durante el transcurso del viaje, la joven pareja se queda dormida, momento que aprovecha el doctor para acariciar la cabeza de la desposada. Pero el marido lo ha observado todo.
Costume Design
Una pareja en viaje de luna de miel, viajan en tren por las tierras de Budapest con destino a Wiesegrad, para después dirigirse a Gombos. Debido a un error de la ferroviaria, deben de aceptar hospedar en su vagón privado a un huésped, el doctor Vitus Werdegast, psiquiatra. Aunque a regañadientes, y para evitar que el intruso se quede en el pasillo toda la noche, aceptan. Una vez juntos, el doctor Vitus les dice que va a Wiesegrad a ver a un viejo amigo, pero por la expresión de su rostro no parece tener muy buenas intenciones. Durante el transcurso del viaje, la joven pareja se queda dormida, momento que aprovecha el doctor para acariciar la cabeza de la desposada. Pero el marido lo ha observado todo.
Una pareja en viaje de luna de miel, viajan en tren por las tierras de Budapest con destino a Wiesegrad, para después dirigirse a Gombos. Debido a un error de la ferroviaria, deben de aceptar hospedar en su vagón privado a un huésped, el doctor Vitus Werdegast, psiquiatra. Aunque a regañadientes, y para evitar que el intruso se quede en el pasillo toda la noche, aceptan. Una vez juntos, el doctor Vitus les dice que va a Wiesegrad a ver a un viejo amigo, pero por la expresión de su rostro no parece tener muy buenas intenciones. Durante el transcurso del viaje, la joven pareja se queda dormida, momento que aprovecha el doctor para acariciar la cabeza de la desposada. Pero el marido lo ha observado todo.
Una pareja en viaje de luna de miel, viajan en tren por las tierras de Budapest con destino a Wiesegrad, para después dirigirse a Gombos. Debido a un error de la ferroviaria, deben de aceptar hospedar en su vagón privado a un huésped, el doctor Vitus Werdegast, psiquiatra. Aunque a regañadientes, y para evitar que el intruso se quede en el pasillo toda la noche, aceptan. Una vez juntos, el doctor Vitus les dice que va a Wiesegrad a ver a un viejo amigo, pero por la expresión de su rostro no parece tener muy buenas intenciones. Durante el transcurso del viaje, la joven pareja se queda dormida, momento que aprovecha el doctor para acariciar la cabeza de la desposada. Pero el marido lo ha observado todo.
Production Design
Suecia, siglo XVII. Durante la guerra de los Treinta Años (1618-1648) muere, en la batalla de Lutzen, el rey Gustavo Adolfo de Suecia. Hereda el trono su hija Cristina, que desde la infancia se entrega en cuerpo y alma a los problemas de estado, lo que la lleva a renunciar al matrimonio con el principe Carlos Gustavo, héroe nacional y el pretendiente preferido por todos. Sin embargo, Cristina se enamora profundamente de Don Antonio, Conde de Pimentel y embajador del rey de España en Suecia.
An extramarital affair leads to a young couple contracting venereal disease.
An extramarital affair leads to a young couple contracting venereal disease.
Set Designer
First adaptation of Hans Fallada's novel of the same name.
Art Direction
Corrupt politicians resort to murder and blackmail when a young boy accidentally witnesses them taking payoffs.
Supervising Editor
Última película de Murnau, que empezó como una colaboración para escribir y dirigir conjuntamente con el famoso documentalista Robert J. Flaherty, aunque por diversos problemas sólo la firmó Murnau. Rodada en Tahití y Bora-Bora retrata en forma casi de documental, al igual que "Nanook of the North" hacía con los esquimales, las costumbres y modo de vida de la gente del pacífico sur.
Última película de Murnau, que empezó como una colaboración para escribir y dirigir conjuntamente con el famoso documentalista Robert J. Flaherty, aunque por diversos problemas sólo la firmó Murnau. Rodada en Tahití y Bora-Bora retrata en forma casi de documental, al igual que "Nanook of the North" hacía con los esquimales, las costumbres y modo de vida de la gente del pacífico sur.
Production Manager
Última película de Murnau, que empezó como una colaboración para escribir y dirigir conjuntamente con el famoso documentalista Robert J. Flaherty, aunque por diversos problemas sólo la firmó Murnau. Rodada en Tahití y Bora-Bora retrata en forma casi de documental, al igual que "Nanook of the North" hacía con los esquimales, las costumbres y modo de vida de la gente del pacífico sur.
Set Designer
Un asesino de niñas tiene atemorizada a toda la ciudad. La policía lo busca frenética y desesperadamente, deteniendo a cualquier persona mínimamente sospechosa. Por su parte, los jefes del hampa, furiosos por las redadas que están sufriendo por culpa del asesino, deciden buscarlo ellos mismos.
Assistant Director
In the South Seas, a half-caste island girl refuses to follow tradition and marry a fellow islander, instead falling in love with a white man and heir to an American fortune.
Production Design
El contrabandista y propietario de un club nocturno, Johnny Franks, recluta a un joven hombre llamado Louis Scorpio para unirse a su banda, que está liderada por el deshonesto abogado Richard Newton. Scorpio finalmente se hace cargo de la administración de Franks, vence a una banda rival, se vuelve rico y domina la ciudad por varios años, hasta que un grupo secreto de seis empresarios enmascarados lo procesan y lo envían a la silla eléctrica con la ayuda de su rival, el periodista Carl Luckner y Hank Rogers. La camarera Anne Courtland se debate entre su amor por el honesto periodista Rogers y su dependencia financiera de su generoso jefe, Scorpio.
Executive Producer
Película con espíritu documental que intenta retratar la vida cotidiana del Berlín de 1930. Para ello se utiliza una pequeña historia de ficción en la que dos hombres y dos mujeres pasan una jovial jornada de domingo en la ciudad.
Película con espíritu documental que intenta retratar la vida cotidiana del Berlín de 1930. Para ello se utiliza una pequeña historia de ficción en la que dos hombres y dos mujeres pasan una jovial jornada de domingo en la ciudad.
Assistant Art Director
Primer film sonoro de Murnau (y último de ficción). Durante su producción y rodaje (en tierras americanas, donde había realizado ya la obra maestra "Sunrise"), surgieron importantes divergencias del director alemán con el dueño de la Fox, William Fox. La más importante fue la imposición de ser un film hablado (Murnau comenzó la película siendo muda), dado el fulgurante éxito del cine sonoro, así como la incapacidad del estudio por conseguir a la estrella Janet Gaynor (protagonista de "Amanecer"). Murnau, desencantado, decidió una vez acabada la película asociarse con el documentalista Robert J. Flaherty, para rodar "Tabu" sin ningún tipo de imposición de los estudios. "El pan nuestro de cada día" está basada en la obra "The Mad Turtle", de Elliott Lester, y narra la historia de un joven de Minnesota que va a Chicago y se enamora.
Art Direction
Art Direction
Line Producer
Assistant Art Director
The circus provides the backdrop for this melodrama that chronicles the lives of four children raised within the big top. Film historian and collector William K. Everson stated that the only surviving print was lost by actress Mary Duncan who had borrowed it from Fox Studios. In the December 1974 issue of "Films in Review," he explained that Mary Duncan, one of the film's stars, wanted it to show to a group of friends in Florida. The star was aware that it was a dangerous nitrate print and assumed that Fox had others. She threw the only copy in the ocean, a mistake characterized by Everson as "a monumental blunder to rank with Balaclava, Sarajevo, and the Fall of Babylon as one of history's blackest moments."
Set Designer
Set Designer
El agente 326 de la Policía Estatal (Willy Fritsch) debe desbaratar una red de espionaje y detener a su cabecilla. El nº 326 desconoce que se trata del banquero Haghi (Rudolf Kein Rogge), quien trata por todos los medios de confundir al Servicio Secreto y neutralizar al nº 326 especialmente tras saber que su mejor espía, Sonja (Gerda Maurus), se ha enamorado del agente.
Assistant Art Director
Un granjero convive felizmente en el campo con su esposa. Pero la aparición de una seductora mujer de la ciudad hace que comience a enamorarse de ésta, y a pensar que su mujer es un estorbo que se interpone en la felicidad entre él y su nueva y sofisticada amante.
Set Designer
En una megalópolis del año 2000, los obreros están condenados a vivir recluidos en un gueto subterráneo, donde se encuentra el corazón industrial de la ciudad. Sin embargo, incitados por un robot, se rebelan contra la clase dominante y amenazan con destruir la ciudad exterior. Freder (Gustav Frölich), el hijo del soberano de Metrópolis, y María, una muchacha de origen humilde, intentarán evitar la destrucción apelando a los sentimientos y al amor.
Assistant Director
Carter Brace is out to murder Belden. Collins who was sent to bring in the border gang led by Brace, saves Belden's life in San Francisco. When they all reach the border, Brace tries again.
Art Direction
La señora Erlynne, mujer de dudosa reputación, regresa a Londres y manda llamar a Lord Windermere. Le revela que es la madre de su esposa, a quien ésta cree muerta, y exige dinero por su silencio. También solicita una invitación a la fiesta de cumpleaños de Lady Windermere, pero ésta se niega. La señora Erlynne toma la carta de rechazo por la invitación y se presenta en la fiesta, desatando los celos de Lady Windermere.
Set Designer
Crítico retrato social de la Viena en los días posteriores a la Primera Guerra Mundial que provocó cierto escándalo por el realismo y el atrevimiento de sus imágenes. Fue una de las primeras películas en las que intervino Greta Garbo.
Assistant Director
Un portero de un lujoso hotel, es bruscamente degradado a mozo de los lavabos. Privado de su antiguo trabajo y del uniforme que le identifica, intenta ocultar su nueva condición, pero su vida se desintegra lentamente.
Production Design
Un portero de un lujoso hotel, es bruscamente degradado a mozo de los lavabos. Privado de su antiguo trabajo y del uniforme que le identifica, intenta ocultar su nueva condición, pero su vida se desintegra lentamente.
Set Designer
Cuando Kriemhild, sedienta de venganza, se casa con Etzel, rey de los hunos, invita al rey Gunther y a su corte a visitarlos, con la intención de tomar finalmente la vida del hombre responsable de su desgracia.
Set Designer
Reconstrucción minuciosa de la sociedad sueca de principios del siglo XIX a través de la historia de un sacerdote alcohólico redimido por el amor de una condesa.
Gösta Berling es un ministro joven y atractivo. Debido a que es un alcohólico y sus sermones son demasiado atrevidas, finalmente es expulsado. Sale de la ciudad en desgracia y llega a la mansión de la condesa Marta. Su nuevo trabajo allí es ser tutor de la hermosa hijastra de la condesa. Pronto se enamoran el uno del otro, pero no saben que la condesa lo contrató solo porque tiene sus propios planes secretos. (Eddie Constanti)
Set Designer
Siegfried, hijo del rey Siegmund de Xanten, viaja a Worms, capital del reino de los burgundios, para pedir al rey Gunther la mano de su hermana, la bella Kriemhild.
Assistant Director
Cinta de intrigas 'palaciegas' ambientada en el diminuto ducado mediterráneo de Abacco.
Production Design
Cinta de intrigas 'palaciegas' ambientada en el diminuto ducado mediterráneo de Abacco.
Art Direction
En la Viena de los albores de la Gran Guerra el último de los Von Hohenegg, el Conde Franz Maximilian, cae rendidamente enamorado de la humilde organillera de la feria del Prater, la cual trabaja para el brutal Huber, que también la pretende. Haciéndose pasar por un vendedor de ropa la seduce pero el Emperador ha decretado ya su inminente matrimonio con la Condesa Gisella Von Steinbruck y Franz no puede negarse, rompiéndole así el corazón a la bella Agnes. Finalmente llega la Guerra y en las trincheras el Conde se encontrará con Sylvester Urban, padre de Agnes y payaso del circo, quien lo maldecirá en su lecho de muerte, causándole una enorme impresión que a punto estará de costarle su propia vida.
Production Design
Superproducción de la época que adaptaba la historia de Sodoma y Gomorra, dividida en dos partes. 1ª parte (El pecado): Mary Conway, incitada por su ambiciosa madre Agathe, decide casarse con el banquero Jackson Harber -un hombre bastante maduro y con pocos escrúpulos-, pese a que está enamorada del escultor Harry Lighton, quien se desvive por ella. Lighton, despechado, intenta suicidarse y Mary comienza a dar rienda suelta a un incontrolable afán seductor que involucra al hijo del banquero e incluso al sacerdote-tutor que le acompaña. 2ª parte (El castigo): Mary sueña que es Lía, la esposa de Lot y revive, como una mujer pecaminosa, el episodio bíblico de Sodoma y Gomorra. Después se verá a sí misma como la perversa reina de Siria. Esto será muy significativo para su vida.
Set Designer
Clásico del cine mudo alemán que cuenta la leyenda de una estatua: el Golem. En el siglo XVI, en el gueto de Praga, vivía el Rabino Löw, mago y maestro en el arte de la nigromancia. Para evitar la expulsión de los judíos, ordenada por el Emperador Rodolfo II, modeló la figura de arcilla del Golem e invocó al espíritu de Astaharot para que le otorgará la vida. Sin embargo, cuando los judíos consiguen quedarse en la ciudad, y el Golem salva la vida del Emperador, el rabino trata de invalidar su conjuro y quitarle la vida porque ya ha realizado su cometido. Pero cuando un sirviente, cegado de amor, se la devuelve, la figura de arcilla escapa de la influencia humana y se convierte en una amenaza. Esta fascinante obra maestra del expresionismo, claro precedente del mito de Frankenstein es, seguramente, la primera gran película sobre monstruos de la historia del cine .