Egon Vogel

Nacimiento : 1908-07-23,

Muerte : 1993-05-10


The life and struggles of the German writer Heinrich von Kleist.
Zwei blaue Vergissmeinnicht
Los crímenes del Dr. Mabuse
El asesinato del reportero de televisión Peter Berg no es un hecho aislado. El clarividente Cornelius ha tenido una visión del crimen, pero por alguna extraña razón no ha podido ver al asesino. Como el hotel Luxor parece estar relacionado con los asesinatos, la policía intensifica la investigación en sus alrededores. Una terrible sospecha empieza a cobrar forma: el doctor Mabuse, un genio del crimen que pretendía dominar el mundo y a quien todos habían dado por muerto, quizá no lo esté.
Reifender Sommer
Der Eiserne Gustav
Nur eine Frau
Herr Schirmer
The Singing Ringing Tree
A brave prince must seek the fabled singing, ringing tree in order to win the heart of a beautiful princess.
Railway employee Fritz Marr is not regarded well by his superiors. It is the year 1920, and trains regularly pass the railway hub of Erfurt to the East to secretly transport weapons for the fight against the young Soviet Union. Marr knows about this and wants to mobilise other workers to stop these illegal deliveries. To muzzle him, Marr is relocated to a remote rail work construction site.
Der Fackelträger
The Brave Little Tailor
When Prince Vain got his shirt fixed, he proclaims that he had slain two lizards in front of the tailor's house - "two in one strike". When the tailor swats seven flies at once, he sows himself a banner saying "seven in one strike", and together with his bird he starts a journey into the world to pronounce his deed.
Teenage Wolfpack
The drama of a youthful triangle among gang leader Freddy, his brother Jan, and bad girl Cissy, in one of the first considerations of juvenile delinquency in post-war West Germany.
Robert Mayer, der Arzt aus Heilbronn
Pole Poppenspäler
On his travels, Paul, a journeyman from northern Germany, runs into a childhood friend, Lisei, a puppeteer's daughter. They fall in love and get married. Together with Lisei's father, the young couple moves to Paul's hometown. Although Paul himself is accepted - even respected - by the stuck-up and snooty citizens, the young woman is rejected by the town dwellers, who are imbued with class arrogance. Paul stands up for his wife but the scorn and abuse heaped on her weigh heavily upon him.
The Beacon
On a barren and stormy island, fishing families eke out a meager existence on what they can catch during summer, and what washes ashore during winter. But little has been washing ashore of late, and their situation worsens. Elders recall how twenty years ago, when the lighthouse keeper’s beacon went dark, a cargo ship broke apart on the cliffs. It proved a bountiful accident for the fishermen. Today people on the island view the conscientious lighthouse keepers with evil hungry eyes...
Wenn am Sonntagabend die Dorfmusik spielt
Figaros Hochzeit
Shortly after WWII, the DEFA Studios produced a series of operas and operettas which belonged to the classical German musical heritage. This enchanting film, the very first opera production of DEFA, stands out because of its lavish decor and costumes, its outstanding actors and their masterful voices of that time.
La mujer de mis sueños
Estamos en la Alemania nazi, pero sin casi referencias políticas salvo que las ambientaciones de ciertos números musicales están localizadas en Italia, España y Japón. Cuenta la historia de una artista de variedades que triunfa con sus obras musicales, donde canta y levanta pierna con mucha habilidad. Cansada de tanta gira huye de su manager en tren. Por casualidad queda atrapada en una estación alpina en pleno invierno, donde conocerá a dos ingenieros que trabajan en un nuevo trazado del ferrocarril. Uno de ellos suspira por una mujer a la antigua, el otro por una mujer a la moderna. ¿Con quién se quedará nuestra starlette?
El ponche
Musiklehrer Fridolin
El ponche del director Helmut Weiss se basa en la novela homónima de Heinrich Spoerl y Hans Reimann que se ha convertido en una película alemana de culto. La película cuenta la historia de un escritor, Johannes Pfeiffer, que se infiltra como estudiante en una escuela secundaria después de que sus amigos le dijeran que se había perdido una gran experiencia de vida desde que fue educado en casa.
Romanza en tono menor
Un esposo afligido intenta descubrir la verdad detrás del suicidio de su esposa, lo que lo lleva a descubrir una trágica historia de infidelidad y redención.
Los Rothschild
Primera de las tres películas antisemitas producidas por el régimen nazi en 1940, narra el ascenso al poder de la familia Rothschild en la Inglaterra de la lucha antinapoleónica como ejemplo del supuesto avance de la conspiración judía en pos del control del planeta.
Robert Koch, der Bekämpfer des Todes
Mitglied der Berliner Fakultät
Country Dr. Robert Koch is desperate: a tuberculosis epidemic is decimating the children in his district and no one is able to do anything about it. Every fourth child is already sick and the parents must helplessly watch as their young ones die. Now Koch is undertaking to find the cause of the tuberculosis --- something he has already been working on for years --- which has been causing this plague of illness. His work is made more difficult by envy; for example, that of his teacher, who was wounded defending his honor. But his greatest obstacle is the famous Berliner scientist and Reichstag deputy, Privy Councilor Rudolf Virchow: He is extraordinarily skeptical of Koch's theory, that the cause for tuberculosis is a bacteria.
D III 88
Across German screens at the outbreak of WWII streaks "DIII88: The New German Air Force Attacks", an aeronautic and maritime spectacle glorifying Hermann Goring's Luftwaffe and the spirit of the newly arisen Germany. Once war became imminent, Joseph Goebbels instructed the German film industry to initiate production of numerous militaristic projects, but DIII88 was initiated by the Propaganda Minister's rival, Goring, who commissioned several aviation pictures. DIII88 is not a war picture per se, because it takes place in peacetime, but the young, fresh-faced air aces enthusiastically look forward to the coming war. The propaganda is blatant: The only thing that matters is dedication to duty and unconditional commitment to the Fatherland.