Anne-Marie Giacalone


And the Party Goes On
In Marseille, Rosa, 60, dedicated her life to family and politics with the same sense of duty. Everyone considers her unwavering, until the day she falls in love with Henri. For the first time, Rosa is afraid to commit. Between the pressure of his family, politics and a desire to indulge in her feelings, the conflict is difficult to sustain.
Gloria Mundi
Costume Design
Una familia se reúne en Marsella para celebrar el nacimiento de la pequeña Gloria. A pesar de que todos se alegran, la vida es dura y viven tiempos difíciles. Pero al ambicioso tío de Gloria se le ocurre una idea para un negocio que podría sacarles del mal momento.
Carpet and Chaos
Costume Design
While supposedly taking mud baths in Korea, the paterfamilias of a family from Tehran’s Grand Bazaar dies of a sudden heart attack in Brive-la-Gaillarde. His wife and his oldest son travel to France to bring his body home and to investigate the circumstances of his death.
Costume Design
A pesar de que su pierna paralizada debería impedírselo, Grigris, de 25 años, sueña con ser bailarín. Un desafío. Pero su sueño se desvanece cuando su tío enferma gravemente. Para salvarle, decide trabajar para traficantes de gasolina…
Cockles and Muscles
Costume Design
Crustacés et coquillages is a fresh French comedy film with numerous surprise turnarounds and about the tolerance of a family of four. The family spend an idealistic summer vacation together where each of the family members gets involved in a new or old relationship.