Peter Keglevic

Peter Keglevic

Nacimiento : 1950-01-01, Salzburg, Austria


Peter Keglevic


Christoph Waltz - The Charm of Evil
Das Tal der Mörder
Eva begins to work under a false name on the farm of the Gasser family as a housekeeper. She wants to find evidence to back up her recently deceased mother Alma's allegation.
Treibjagd im Dorf
A terrible accident occurs while 13-year-old Franzi is doing target practice in the quarry . A bullet misses its target and hits his grandfather, old farmer Anton Wolf. While Anton falls into a coma , the true remainCircumstances of the fact unknown for the time being . Instead , the rumor spread in the village that Franzi 's father Franz was the shooter, especially since there were constant arguments between father and son about running the farm . A real drive hunt in the village begins .
Ein Geheimnis im Dorf - Schwester und Bruder
Irene, the mayor of a Styrian community, also helps her mother and stepfather in their small department store and takes touching care of her 17-year-old brother. But when Paul Berger, an innovative cook, wants to take over the old village inn, wounds of the past break open and a dark secret slowly comes to light...
Die Fremde und das Dorf
In the tranquil Styrian highlands, the waves rise when an Italian earthquake victim threatens to expose a dark family secret. Highly dramatic, enthralling and high-carat busy. Right down to the supporting roles, Austrian celebrities can be found in this modern Heimat film, which tells of the imponderables of love.
El chino
La policía investiga el asesinato de 18 vecinos de una pequeña ciudad sueca. La jueza Birgitta Roslin descubre que las víctimas tenían alguna relación con ella y sus sospechas la llevarán hasta China.
Nicki Ziegler, Oberleutnant der Feldjäger, wird zu einem Auslandseinsatz in den Ostkongo geschickt. Gemeinsam mit ihrem forschen Kollegen Werner Malinckrodt soll sie den Selbstmord des Soldaten Wenz klären. Tatsächlich deutet zunächst alles auf Selbstmord hin: Wenz kam mit den verstörenden Verhältnissen in dem afrikanischen Krisengebiet nicht klar und zudem wollte ihn offenbar seine Frau verlassen. Als Nicki auf dem Handy des Toten ein sonderbares Video findet, tendiert zu allerdings zu Mord...
Ken Folletts Eisfieber
Das Geheimnis im Wald
Die dunkle Seite
After greengrocer Mehmet Üsker is murdered, police detective Inspector Menemenci is put on the case. At the same time, detective Vera Gemini is on the lookout for a former foreign legionnaire who, however, has been presumed dead for years. It soon turns out that there must be a connection between the two cases.
Tarragona: Paraíso en llamas
Tarragona 1978. Por su emplazamiento al borde del mar y su clima mediterráneo, el camping de Els Alfacs es un paraíso para muchos veraneantes procedentes de todas partes. Familias con niños, parejas de enamorados, jóvenes y mayores regresan cada año al paraíso del descanso. El 11 de julio de 1978, a medio día, un camión cisterna que transportaba propileno, un gas altamente inflamable, explosiona a su paso por la carretera que bordea el camping. Todo queda aniquilado al instante. Más de 200 víctimas mortales, una veintena de desaparecidos y el recuerdo imborrable de la tragedia que se podía haber evitado. Basada en el desastre de Els Alfacs, un cámping próximo a Tarragona que acogía a multitud de turistas germanos. (FILMAFFINITY)
Two Days of Hope
Der Tanz mit dem Teufel - Die Entführung des Richard Oetker
When wealthy college student Richard Oetker is kidnapped and held for a hefty ransom, state police officer Georg Kufbach becomes obsessed with bringing the kidnapper to justice. This film is based on a true story.
Vacaciones mortales
Un grupo de amigos organiza tiene la tradición de organizar cada año unas vacaciones para mantener viva su amistad: el viaje consiste en una ruta de senderismo por un lugar perdido de África, aislados del mundo, sin teléfono, radio, ni ningún otro medio de comunicación. Sólo un mapa y la ilusión que les supone la aventura. Las cosas marchan a la perfección hasta que empiezan a ser acosados por un asesino. No saben nada de él, ni conocen su aspecto ni su paradero. Sólo saben que está siempre al acecho y que no parará hasta conseguir lo que quiere.
Das Callgirl
Vickys Alptraum
You Are Not Alone - The Roy Black Story
German TV movie chronicling the life of singer and actor Roy Black.
Der Blinde
An encounter with a blind man ends unexpectedly for Susan Howard. The supposedly helpless man stuns and kidnaps her. The case is handed over by the Home Secretary to Sir John, the head of Scotland Yard. He entrusts Chief Inspector Higgins and Superintendent Lane with the investigation. Their investigations quickly lead Higgins and Lane on the trail of murder, white slavery and blackmail.
Das Karussell des Todes
Lady Osborne's gardener becomes the victim of a burglar when he catches him in the Lady's house. Soon more mysterious murders occur and Inspectors Higgins and Lane suspect a connection between the victims and the Lady's long-dead husband.
Edgar Wallace - Die Katze von Kensington
Whenever a criminal is killed in London, a black Jaguar is nearby, with a white cat always sitting in the passenger seat. Inspector Higgins and Inspector Lane find a joker card on all the victims. Their investigation leads them to a diamond smuggling ring.
5 Stunden Angst – Geiselnahme im Kindergarten
Tag der Abrechnung - Der Amokläufer von Euskirchen
This movie depicts the story of Erwin Makolajczyk, a psychopath who killed 9 people in a courtroom on the 9th of March 1994.
Stockholm Marathon
A gardener decides to exact revenge on the men he believes to be responsible for the death of his mentally disturbed wife.
The Police Murderer
A woman is found murdered in a closed amusement park. A young couple who happen to be there at the same time become, without their knowledge, suspects for the murder. They are chased by a large number of police but only Martin Beck believes them to be innocent.
Kill Cruise
Two British beauties go to Barbados with a yacht captain who does not know what he's in for.
Kill Cruise
Two British beauties go to Barbados with a yacht captain who does not know what he's in for.
Das Milliardenspiel
The young toolmaker Gerd Asselt knows how to exploit his acquaintance with the influential Albrecht Maybach for a breathtaking career: With pumped money, he takes over companies in need of reorganization and quickly racks up an entire business empire. But pride comes before a fall...
Ein ungleiches Paar
Magic Sticks
Felix is a down-and-out young drummer who obtains a pair of magic drumsticks from a street vendor. He soon finds out the sticks are able to make native New Yorkers dance uncontrollably.
The Cop & the Girl
A tough cop but his life in ruins. His superiors are only looking for a reason to sack him. The girl is 17 years old and lives on the street. As the cop helps her one night, she steals his gun and flees. He should report the loss of his gun to his boss, so he has to search for the girl. At the Dutch border it falls into the power of the police! Henceforth they are on the run, without a plan and without a goal ..
The Cop & the Girl
A tough cop but his life in ruins. His superiors are only looking for a reason to sack him. The girl is 17 years old and lives on the street. As the cop helps her one night, she steals his gun and flees. He should report the loss of his gun to his boss, so he has to search for the girl. At the Dutch border it falls into the power of the police! Henceforth they are on the run, without a plan and without a goal ..
Bella Donna
This film of a glitzy showbiz world by director Peter Keglevic in his first feature-length effort recounts the saga of a married torch singer whose numerous lovers are meant to steady her nerves and a saxophone player who loves her but cannot get his own act together. Singing and cinematography are pluses.
Years Passed
30 years old Gregor is traveling with his ten years old daughter to his childhood town where he meets old friends.
Years Passed
30 years old Gregor is traveling with his ten years old daughter to his childhood town where he meets old friends.
Zuhaus unter Fremden
Bernd gets to know Ayshe, who is of Turkish origin.
Am Ende wird alles sichtbar