Camera Operator
The incredible story of Bruno Lüdke (1908-44), the alleged worst mass murderer in German criminal history; or actually, a story of forged files and fake news that takes place during the darkest years of the Third Reich, when the principles of criminal justice, subjected to the yoke of a totalitarian system that is beginning to collapse, mean absolutely nothing.
En 2010 el festival y desfile electrónico nacido como celebración contracultural en el Berlín de 1989 se había convertido en un negocio colosal que se disputaban varias ciudades. Finalmente, una vieja estación de mercancías de Duisburgo, en la región del Ruhr, fue el enclave elegido. Reunió a 250.000 personas y acabó en desastre. En este documental describen lo ocurrido y el subsiguiente proceso penal infinidad de voces autorizadas –el juez, abogados, fiscales, testigos, acusados, técnicos y periodistas.
Color Grading
Director of Photography
Daniel lives in Bernau, a small town north of Berlin.This film tells this 21-year-old’s story and describes the radical right-wing milieu in which he grew up. In his candid portrait of how right-wing radicalism breeds, Daniel explains how difficult it is to break out of a vicious circle of violence, self-hatred and a right-wing extremist frame of mind.
Director of Photography
Director of Photography
About a group of door-to-door salesman who try to sell vacuum cleaners from "Vorwerk", a German manufacturer.