Karl Skraup

Karl Skraup

Nacimiento : 1898-07-31, Wien, Austria

Muerte : 1958-10-02


Karl Skraup


Herr Puntila und sein Knecht Matti
Der Schäfer vom Trutzberg
Melchior von Trutzberg
Die Heilige und ihr Narr
Die Winzerin von Langenlois
Bindinger - Gerichtsvollzieher
Polizeibeamter Radic
This movie takes place during the premiere of Mozart's Die Zauberfloete (The Magic Flute). Not really depicting his entire life and loves, much of this is fictionalized scatology. Although not without basis in fact, Mozart has attained a somewhat colorful reputation and this is really just more of the same. The music is a joy, but the movie bogs down in titillation. Mozart's last days were lived in poverty and disgrace--stemming chiefly from his embracing of the Freemason stance, which was essentially a heresy in Austria and the rest of Europe at that time. None of this is depicted and even a satyr could not sustain the lifestyle Mozart has been portrayed as having here. Still, this is an interesting movie and worth a listen to.
Das Licht der Liebe
Hermann Linsmeyer
Set in the early part of 20th century Europe. There lived a dancer who becomes the romantic bone of contention between a humble shepherd and an imperious marquis.
Der Klosterjäger
Der König von Vineta
Adventure in the Castle
Frühling auf dem Eis
Gottlieb Hinterstoisser
Der Teufel führt Regie
On the Alm, there's no sin
Ignaz Nagler, Bürgermeister
An Austrian comedy about a mayor who gets headwind from all sides. The very strict mayor (Karl Skraup) not only rejects the marriage of his son with a Viennese woman, but he also denies 40 kids their intended holiday--paid for by the provincial government--because they are illegitimate children. The entanglements only get bigger when two reporters start writing about it. When the local nurse (Maria Andergast) pretends to be the mayor's illegitimate daughter, his resistance is finally overcome.
Die Schatztruhe
An klingenden Ufern
Onkel Benjamin
Ein Herz schlägt für dich
Vinzenz Haunstetter
The Angel with the Trumpet
A long time-span of Austrian history (from the late 19th century to the years after world war II) is reflected in the ups and downs of a family of piano-makers in Vienna.
Das singende Haus
Attila Meisel
Am Ende der Welt
Der weite Weg
Das Herz muß schweigen
Herr Welischer
On New Year's Eve 1900, Paul Holzgruber started a new praxis as a radiologist. The young Maximiliane Frey is his assistant and they have worked side by side for years helping people. Holzgruber repeatedly points out the dangers of radiation to Maximiliane, but is silent about the ulcers on his hand and the severe pain they have caused. Maximiliane has gotten to know the widower Axel von Bonin and has fallen in love with him. But then she is diagnosed with incurable cancer. To spare Axel the inevitable grief over her impending death, she leaves him and dedicates what is left her life to medicine.
Ein Blick zurück
Musik in Salzburg
Die keusche Sünderin
Prof. Minze
Xaver Bimshofer is the richest peasant in the village; and therefore, his only daughter Lenerl should marry a guy, who is diligent enough to keep the exemplary farm running. But Bimshofer doesn’t know, that Lenerl has long been a couple with the servant Sepp. So he suspects that every young man in the village wants to conquer his poor, innocent daughter. So that Lenerl really resists all these attempts, he gets a stone statue from Thomas Kammerlehner’s barn, “The Chaste Kunigunde”, which is supposed to protect the girl’s chastity and to protect her from sin by its positive energy.
Die heimliche Gräfin
Prof. Wladicka
Fabian Zirbel
Das Jüngste Gericht
Ferdinand Strubel
The greengrocer Ferdinand Strubel wants his daughter Marianne to marry the son of the brewery owner Baron von Schnackenberg. Since Strubel is an impossibly cheap bastard, the marriage is to take place on 20 May, which, coincidentally, is the same day the city is having a grand festival for him to celebrate his company's being in business for 100 years. Marianne, however, has fallen in love with Leopold, a gym teacher; and when he reads an article in the newspaper about the upcoming arrival of Haley's Comet on 19 May, he comes up with an idea how he can prevent the wedding from taking place: He tells Strubel that the world is going to come to an end when the comet shows up, so that Strubel will see the errors of his way, cancel the arranged wedding and will become a better person for it. (Sucker!).
Unsterblicher Walzer
Amon - Konzertmeister
Liebe streng verboten
In the eve of the war between Vienna and Berlin playing dear comedy with then popular occupation: The mother wants to marry her daughter to the lord of the manor, but the daughter prefers the elegant hoteliers.
13 Chairs
A classical art junk dealer and an almost bankrupt hairdresser who unexpectedly makes an inheritance go hunting behind thirteen chairs from which of a 100,000 DM contains which the rich aunt has hidden there.
Spiegel des Lebens
Ebeseder, 'Schusterdoktor'
The Restless Girls
Anton, Butler
Four orphaned friends move after the Abitur, supported by the janitor of her school, together in a flat and look for work to be able to finance her study. Two make the acquaintance of a frivolous young baron. One shoots in her outrage at him, nevertheless, is acquitted in court. - Stereotyped Jung's girl's cheap sensationalism, broken up by popular comic. Hans Moser stands out by his delightful character comic. The last in Austria produced film before the invasion of the armed forces ('Wehrmacht').
Musik für dich
The Happiest Married Couple in Vienna
The happiest one should be selected from 500 married couples to move a marriage-hostile American millionnaire's daughter to the marriage. - Shallow and turbulent love banter with some tumultuous and funny climaxes.
Requisiteur Lohrmann
As Fraulein Leander prepares for opening night, her life is thrown into turmoil by a variety of romantic misadventures. But she manages to show up on stage at the appointed time, scoring a huge success.
The Charm of La Bohème
René and his two artist friends lead a meager but careless life in a Parisian small apartment, their main worry being to avoid the housekeeper. Whenever they get some money they call more friends in and celebrate. This is how he meets beautiful but fragile Denise, who wants to be a singer as himself, and they fall in love. Yet when she finds out her real condition she takes a drastic decision which will determine their fates. La Bohème arias, and more.
Burg Theatre
Schneidermeister Schindler
In this convoluted melodrama, an elderly thespian falls for a rising young starlet. He admits his love for her and then announces that he will retire. The young woman pretends she loves him too, but her real motive is to give her struggling lover, also an aspiring actor, a break.
Heut' ist der schönste Tag in meinem Leben
Two twin brothers working in a Vienna fair and who are both gifted for singing meet different luck both in love and their careers.
Heizinger, Lenis musikalischer Begleiter
The confrontation between two women - a choreographer of a successful troupe and a prima ballerina. Stung by the news of her upcoming dismissal, the prima begins to scheme..
Immortal Melodies
Vienna, Austria, late 1870s. After suffering an irreparable misfortune, the Austrian composer Johann Strauss Jr. (1825-99), the Waltz King, falls in love with a ballet dancer, which disappoints the famous operetta singer Marie Geistinger…
Buchhalter Schnabel
The World's in Love
A Hungarian squire and his son compete for the favour of an operetta diva; the younger makes the running. - Unplausible mistakes, small intrigues and a lot of love in an old-fashioned musical comedy with proven comedians.
Suburban Cabaret
In Vienna of 1913 a young woman coming from vaudeville theatre circles stands before the wedding with a construction draftsman; this must move to the military and sends his bride on the country, so that she cannot be enticed to the stage. However, she does it and gets by an officer's love affair so in confusion that she commits suicide. - This end environment-close and differentiates of produced melodrama was rejected by press and audience vehemently; the new second film end with the rescue of the desperate was supplied later, so that in this version only a bittersweet common melodrama with excellent actors and good photograph was left. In the rental company copy is the second version of the end jointly contain.
The Eternal Mask
Venice Film Festival 1935
Salto in die Seligkeit
Ich bin ein Zigeuner