The young student Mary spends the beginning of her holiday with boat trips, visits to her wealthy groom, and gardening. In fast-paced, rhythmic cuts, Louise and Jakob Fleck draw their audience into a carefree, urban romantic comedy. With a single scene, however, it turns into a melodrama about sexual violence, shame and perpetrator-victim reversal.
Un excéntrico millonario reúne a cuatro hombres que, por distintas circunstancias, querían suicidarse. La propuesta que les hace es la siguiente: viajarán a un islote que, según la leyenda, surgió del mar cuando se hundió la Atlántida y que alberga un fabuloso tesoro enterrado por los incas. Pero ese territorio está poblado por la peor banda de piratas y malhechores que haya conocido el mundo.
Four-generation story-saga dealing with the decline of a middle-class Lübeck family.
The first adaptation of a Thomas Mann book was also Gerhard Lamprecht’s first major film.
In his film version, Curt Goetz shifts the focus away from the poetic output towards the young Friedrich Schiller himself: on the misery of his soul whilst a pupil of the ducal military academy, his opposition to the strict physical drill and the narrow intellectual confines of the "Karlsschule", his juvenile passion for the works of Shakespeare, Klopstock and Lessing, his anger at unjust authorities, his devotion to women, and finally his inability to cope with financial matters
This anti-communist propaganda film discusses the revolutionary curse of communism in the Soviet-Union shortly before and after the fall of czardom in Russia, told from the point of view of Belarusians in exile. Anti-communist copy in color which has been discovered, restored and printed by the Royal Belgian Filmarchive.
En el castillo Vogeloed, unos aristócratas están esperando a la baronesa Safferstatt, cuando, de repente, aparece el indeseable conde Oetsch, al que nadie había invitado. Todos están convencidos de que él asesinó a su hermano, el primer marido de la baronesa Safferstat. Sin embargo, Oetsch, pese a no ser bien recibido, se queda en el castillo, arguyendo que él no sólo no es el asesino, sino que además encontrará a quien mató a su hermano.