Robert Popper


Friday Night Dinner: 10 Years and a Lovely Bit of Squirrel
Executive Producer
With exclusive interviews and outtakes, this anniversary special celebrates a decade of Robert Popper's iconic comedy, from celebrity fans to Paul Ritter's infamous squirrel-based catchphrase
Friday Night Dinner: 10 Years and a Lovely Bit of Squirrel
With exclusive interviews and outtakes, this anniversary special celebrates a decade of Robert Popper's iconic comedy, from celebrity fans to Paul Ritter's infamous squirrel-based catchphrase
Giant Sloth
In this existential animated short, Museum curator Gordon Boonewell's world is falling apart. And his mind may be following.
Alan Partridge on Open Books with Martin Bryce
Chris Beale
Alan Partridge appears on Open Books with Martin Bryce to promote his new autobiography.
Arma fatal
'Not' Janine
Nicholas Angel (Simon Pegg) es, sin duda alguna, el mejor policía de Londres. Sus detenciones superan en un 400% al segundo mejor agente del Cuerpo. Es tan bueno que, comparado a él, cualquier poli es malo. Por eso sus superiores deciden trasladarle a un lugar en que su talento no ponga a nadie en evidencia, a Sandford, un aparentemente adormecido y pacífico pueblecito.
Zombies Party
News Reporter (voice) (uncredited)
La vida de Shaun es un callejón sin salida. Se pasa la vida en la taberna local con su amigo íntimo Ed, discute con su madre y descuida a su novia, Liz. Cuando Liz le deja plantado. Shaun decide, finalmente, poner su vida en orden. Tiene que reconquistar el corazón de su novia, enmendar sus relaciones con su madre y enfrentarse a las responsabilidades de un adulto.
The Alchemists of Sound
A documentary about the BBC Radiophonic Workshop, responsible for creating some of the most memorable television and radio music in British popular culture, including "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" and Doctor Who (1963).
Hello, Friend
A satirical look at modern technology.
You Are Here
One-off late '90s comedy special from a cast full of up and coming comic actors and comedians.