Jordan Charney

Jordan Charney

Nacimiento : 1937-04-01, Brooklyn, New York, USA


Jordan Charney


Queenie in Love
A quirky, romantic New York comedy about the pursuit of love, life and the right to be yourself.
Her Wicked Ways
Bernie Robbins
A young reporter forces her way into a veteran newswoman's life.
The Revenge of Al Capone
J. Edgar Hoover
After Al Capone is imprisoned, he still continues to run his empire, and plots to assassinate the mayor of Chicago.
David is a six-year-old boy who is caught in the middle of his two feuding (& divorced) parents. His father, Charles, kidnaps him to California, where he eventually sets him on fire as a means of revenge against Marie, David's mother (Young David receives third-degree burns over 90% of his body). This movie chronicles David's struggle to recover and the obstacles he faces along the way.
To Heal a Nation
The true story of Jan Scruggs, an embittered Vietnam veteran who returns from the war a broken man. However, with the help of his loving wife Becky, he begins to find a new life for himself, and a personal goal when he agrees to begin a determined campaign to raise funds for a veteran's memorial.
The Town Bully
When one man terrorizes a town and its citizens, they join together to take 'care' of him. A special prosecutor is brought in to find the guilty person.
Baja Oklahoma
Beecher Perry
Juanita Hutchins works at Texas bar, but she aspires to be a country songwriter. When she's not looking after her impulsive daughter, Candy, or vouching for her promiscuous friend, Doris Steadman, she's trying to maintain some semblance of a romantic life. As Juanita prepares to make the leap to Nashville, her former boyfriend, Slick Henderson, returns to town, further complicating her situation.
My Little Girl
Dr. Gruner
Una joven se compromete a trabajar en un centro para niñas que no pueden permanecer con sus padres. Se envuelve en los apuros de varias de las chicas, y trata de ayudar, pero sólo se mete en problemas con sus padres y su supervisor.
Samaritan: The Mitch Snyder Story
Pete Stark
Final Jeopardy
Mr. Clemens
A small-town couple find themselves stranded in an unfamiliar, and unfriendly, big city. Weaving in and out of the proceedings are a bunch of murderous criminals with names like DOA, Ice and Slash. The couple are in for a night that they won't forget.
Crime Of Innocence
Two teenage girls are locked up for a minor offence by a harsh judge who thinks a night in jail will do them good. It's a traumatizing experience that includes an assault. Afterwards, one of the girls and her family seek justice against an unfair legal system.
Commissioner Bert Daniels
Amos Lasher loses his wife and home in an accident, finding himself in the care of the state, or specifically speaking, the Sunset Nursing Home. Here he finds the head nurse, Daisy Daws, ruling the cowed patients with an iron hand, but as his determination to get out of Sunset grows, the more sinister his situation becomes.
Dr. Whitaker
Algunas personas son mas creadoras que otras. Este es el caso del doctor Harry Wolper, que se quedó viudo hace 30 años, y que intenta recuperar a su esposa en su sofisticado laboratorio, poniendo en marcha un complicado proceso para recrear a su amada Lucy. Cierto día, un promíscuo vagabundo aparece ofreciendo al doctor el fértil huevo que necesita para su experimento. El "Igor" del doctor es un estudiante que le presta su ayuda, pero ambos se encontrarán con dificultades ante un pomposo técnico que no comparte la pasión del doctor. Cuando el Doctor Wolper está a punto de descubrir el misterio de la vida aparece una jóven y sexy asistenta.
Do You Remember Love
Marvin Langdon
Barbara Wyatt-Hollis is an English professor who begins to experience the effects of Alzheimer's. The film documents her decline and the emotional turmoil it causes for her. It also shows how the changes impact her husband, George, and their children. The film also looks at the process by which families can be educated and supported to deal with the impact of the disease, as well as what is done for those afflicted.
Kids Don't Tell
When a documentary-maker begins to make a film about child sexual abuse, the subject begins to eat into him and affect his relationship with those around him, particularly his wife.
The Impostor
After being released from prison, small-time con artist Cade tracks down his old girlfriend. When she rebuffs him, he fakes his past in order to get hired as the principal of the school where she teaches, in the hopes of winning her back. Cade soon begins to take a sincere interest in the welfare of his students, and enlists the help of his friend Matthew to break a drug-dealing network that has infested the school.
El ladrón y la estrella
Ben Foley
Para saldar una deuda, un hombre se ve empujado a robar unas joyas, pero todo se complica cuando se enamora de la dueña de éstas.
Los cazafantasmas
Dean Yager
Los Drs. Venkman, Stantz y Epengler, son tres doctores en parapsicología que se quedan sin empleo tras quedar excluidos de una beca universitaria de investigación. Entonces deciden formar la empresa "Los Cazafantasmas", dedicada a limpiar Nueva York de ectoplasmas. El aumento repentino de apariciones espectrales en la Gran Manzana será el presagio de la llegada de un peligroso y poderoso demonio.
Ernie Kovacs: Between the Laughter
Harry Ascot
This is a splendid little sleeper of a movie. Ernie Kovacs was one of the giants of early television. I think he would be pleased with the way Jeff Goldbloom captures his wonky personality. Melody Anderson also distills that of Edie Adams. There is a very basic heart tugging story about the search for Kovacs' two abducted daughters. But at the same time the film is funny --- Cloris Leachman is a hoot as Kovacs impossible mom --- and has many of the offbeat and innovative qualities of the old Kovacs show itself.
Congressman Harris Stowe
A cult of descendants of the Amazons plot to take control of mankind, but an inquisitive doctor might uncover their plans.
Harold Clurman
Frances Farmer debuta en el cine con sólo 23 años. Es hermosa e inteligente, y muchos le auguran una brillante carrera. Pero es, además, una persona poco convencional, algo que en el Hollywood de los años treinta no se considera precisamente una cualidad. Tras un fracaso sentimental, se da a la bebida y emprende el camino de la autodestrucción. Su madre, una mujer autoritaria, obtiene la custodia legal y la interna en un hospital psiquiátrico, donde es sometida a electrochoques y a una cura de insulina. Frances se encuentra al borde del abismo y no le queda más que una esperanza: recurrir a su mejor amigo, Harry York.
Witches' Brew
Charlie Reynolds
Tres jóvenes y bellas esposas utilizan sus habilidades en brujería y magia negra para ayudar a sus esposos en sus carreras profesionales. Mediante el uso de sus mágicos poderes, Margaret, Susan y Linda buscan asegurar la posición de sus maridos. Sus conjuros, pócimas y hechizos parecen inicialmente dar resultado, pero algo imprevisto va a cambiar sus planes, a cuyo misterio tendrán que enfrentarse.
Marriage Is Alive and Well
A talented wedding photographer, at a crossroads with his own marriage, reflects on tales of past clients and the hope, adversity and romance that holy matrimony brings. Starring as the photographer, football great Joe Namath narrates the unconventional tales of three couples: Judd Hirsch and Melinda Dillon as a twosome who have married and divorced multiple times and who are on the verge of repeating their mistake; an anxious newlywed who prefers the "freedom" that living together allows; and Jack Albertson as an aging comedian who wants to marry his much younger secretary despite the disapproval of his son.
Who'll Save Our Children?
John Drake
A childless couple provide shelter for a pair of homeless children. When they try to adopt them the natural parents appear leading to the inevitable court battle.
Network, un mundo implacable
Harry Hunter
Tras 25 años trabajando en una cadena, el veterano presentador Howard Beale debe abandonar su puesto por el bajo nivel de audiencia. Su jefe y mejor amigo, Max Schumacher, le da dos semanas para despedirse de los espectadores. Beale, viudo y alcohólico, queda trastocado y decide anunciar durante una emisión que se suicidará en su último programa ante las cámaras. El hecho sin precedentes provoca una gran expectación y los propios compañeros tratarán de convertir la destrucción de este hombre en un negocio rentable.
Anatomía de un hospital
A Herbert Block (George C. Scott), prestigioso director de un importante hospital de Nueva York, no sólo lo ha abandonado su mujer, sino que además ha perdido el respeto de sus hijos. Por si esto fuera poco, tendrá que afrontar el hecho de que en la clínica se estén produciendo extrañas e inexplicables muertes que han originado manifestaciones de protesta.