Sutrisno Wijaya


Indonesian fantasy / action.
Jurus Dewa Naga
Story about brotherhood.
A Pair of Deadly Eyes
After being fired from his job for embezzling, Supandi moves to a remote village with his wife Lia and begins working as a well digger. On one of his jobs he finds the decapitated head of a man who was murdered by some martial arts students. The head possesses him and uses him to get revenge.
Pertarungan Iblis Merah
Markoni has repented for his life of crime and now lives in a secluded valley with his wife, Ningrum, and a servant. But Karto, his old gang member, asks him to return to crime and asks about Markoni’s treasure from past robberies. When Markoni refuses him, Karto, aka Aria Geni, sends his men to attack Markoni’s house when he is not home. Ningrum is raped and murdered along with the servant.
Shadow Angel
Iblis Merah
Thousand Centipedes
Swordfights, disturbing midgets, kung fu, black magic, killer centipedes, zombies, special effects rivalling the Turkish Evil Dead.
La espada del diablo
La Espada del Diablo se encuentra oculta en la caverna de la Montaña del Diablo, todo el que ha intentado encontrarla y apoderarse de élla ha muerto, porque se dice que quien la posea, será el guerrero más poderoso. Cuatro guerreros malvados atacan al encargado de custodiar el mapa de la ubicación de la espada y después de torturarle le dejan por muerto. Cuando Mandala se entera de lo sucedido, sale detrás de los guerreros para darles caza y evitar que encuentren la caverna y la espada. En su camino deberá luchar contra la "Reina Cocodrilo" y sus secuaces, siendo el más peligroso y cruel, Ban Yu Yaga.
Wild Fighter
Cokro / Cakra
Orphan Angga discovers his father was murdered. He then studies "Silat" (Indonesian martial arts) to prepare for revenge.
Magic Stick
After his father is killed and his mother is raped, Marsan decides to study silat (Indonesian martial arts). After receiving enough training and given the magic stick by his teacher, Marsan returns to his village to seek revenge.
Mystery of the Eight Fighters
Jaka Lelana
A monkey man is terrorizing a village. First, he's likely behind the disappearance of eight fighters who once controlled the village. Second, he's a sex maniac who ravages the female populace and demands one virgin as sacrifice each year. Jaka Lelana, a new arrival in the village and also a fighter, is asked to help put a stop to the madness.