Robert Dölle

Robert Dölle

Nacimiento : 1971-01-01, Frankfurt am Main, Germany


Robert Dölle


Die Füchsin - Alte Sünden
Ralf Eisner
Die Teufel von Loudun - Bayerische Staatsoper
Penderecki's Opera of an entire convent, in the small French village of Loudun, apparently possessed by the devil.
Patrick and Julia have an enviable, stable marriage, there is security and inspiration. But no sex. The couple's well-established life structure falls apart when they outsource the deficit with the help of a confident, attractive young woman, who completely underestimates her feelings.
Die Füchsin - Romeo muss sterben
Ralf Eisner
Youssef's niece Saida finds her boyfriend, the young doctor Hagen Hoffmann, slain in their shared apartment. Based on the victim's computer activities, the police assume that the crime was committed in a drug environment.
Die Füchsin - Treibjagd
Ralf Eisner
The wife of the Düsseldorf Police Council Rainer Bachmann is kidnapped. While trying to save his mother Monika, the adult son is shot dead. His widow Nicola desperately seeks support.
Die Füchsin - Schön und tot
Ralf Eisner
During a dress rehearsal for a fashion show, the model Nastja believes to have seen a murder. The victim is her friend Kira, but there is no trace of her. The detectives Anne Marie Fuchs and Youssef el Kilali, however, soon come across the body of the young woman in a clothes trolley belonging to the fashion company and begin to investigate.
Die Füchsin - Im goldenen Käfig
Ralf Eisner
Youssef's cousin Jamila is said to be forced into marriage, but at the henna evening the German groom is disfigured with baseball bats. Soon afterwards, Youssef and his fellow detective Anne Fuchs find Jamila's secret lover - dead.
Mack the Knife - Brecht's Threepenny Film
Richter Weigert
Following the phenomenal success of “The Threepenny Opera”, the film industry wants to win over the celebrated author. But Bertolt Brecht is not prepared to play by their rules. His concept of the “Threepenny Film” is radical, uncompromising, political, and incisive.
Die Füchsin - Spur in die Vergangenheit
Ralf Eisner
Anne Marie Fuchs' ex-husband Konrad Gelden was shot dead in his villa. This shatters the private detective's hope of solving the riddle of the disappearance of her son Florian. Almost thirty years ago, he was kidnapped as a boy to punish Anne for leaving the Stasi. When Anne's business partner Youssef receives a new order, the tide turns.
In the Lighthouse
One night at a German pub can bring you philosophic arguments about being a machine, the difference of Indian and African elephants and gambling addiction.
Die Füchsin – Spur auf der Halde
Ralf Eisner, Kommissar
During their investigation into a toxic waste scandal, Yousseff and Anne Marie Fuchs' client are found dead, and the two detectives find themselves in a life-threatening situation.
Die Füchsin - Dunkle Fährte
Ralf Eisner
Mid-fifties Anne Marie Fuchs lives modestly and withdrawn in Düsseldorf. When a murder happens, it becomes clear that the inconspicuous lady, who is always in short supply, seems to be an absolute investigator with a razor-sharp mind. No wonder, because Anne Marie Fuchs is a former East German spy, especially one who still has a bill from her active time open.
Frechen Overdose
Karsten Ries
Dr. Großmann
Un niño de 11 años es asesinado y su cuerpo aparece en el bosque del pueblo donde vivía. Un testigo vio a un vecino adolescente en el lugar de los hechos y la policía lo considera el principal sospechoso, poniendo a todos los vecinos contra el chico y su familia.
Erich Konstantin
Im Netz
Tom Willing
In the middle of the night, a special police force storms the bedroom of management consultant Juliane Schubert. Just returned from a business trip to the Middle East, Juliane is questioned after her arrest by the commissioners Theissen and Hindrichs: They should have rented apartments and cars that should serve to prepare a terrorist attack. The evidence is overwhelming. Has anyone gained access to the businesswoman's computer, stolen her virtual identity and used it for criminal purposes?
Historia de una obsesión
Justus Sonnleitner
Un policía conoce a una estrella del patinaje y desde el primer momento siente una atracción irresistible, hasta el punto que se vuelve incontrolable. Su mujer percibe rápidamente que a su marido le pasa algo, pero lo que ella no imagina es que a causa de su obsesión será capaz de perderlo todo. (FILMAFFINITY)
Online: Mi hija en peligro
Torben Marquas
Katja se está divorciando cuando su hija, Jessy, se encierra en sí misma y utiliza internet como válvula de escape. Jessy, a sus 12 años, no tiene amigos y está constantemente conectada a la red.
Conférencier Loopool
A nameless man receives phone calls intended for someone else and ends up pretending to be that person, while a female character rebels against her author.
Above Us Only Sky
A woman discovers the man she has lived with for years is not who she thought he was...
Bis aufs Blut
Fresh out of juvenile prison, Tommy has sworn off the drugs. But when the going gets tough, the only support he finds is from his best friend Sule - who has "the master plan": one last drug deal to finance their own auto body shop.
Quemado por el Sol 2: Éxodo
Año 1941. Ha pasado un lustro desde que el destino del general Kotov y su familia cambiara de forma irreversible. Continuación de "Quemado por el Sol" (Burnt by the Sun, 1994). Esta secuela es la producción más cara de la historia del cine ruso.
Mit einem Schlag
Mitte 30
Mein alter Freund Fritz
Dr. Manfred Böck
Dr. Müller
Sie ist meine Mutter
Franziskas Gespür für Männer
Jan Holler
Vier Töchter
TKKG - The Secret of the Mysterious Mind Machine
La masai blanca
Al final de sus vacaciones en Kenia, Carola (Nina Hoss) conoce al guerrero Massai, Lemalian (Jacky Ido), que le llama la atención por su gran atractivo. Fascinada, Carola se enamora de él e impulsivamente cancela el viaje de vuelta; Su novio (Janek Rieke) regresa solo a casa y ella permanece en Kenia para ir tras la huella de Lemalian. Después de un agotador viaje a través del paisaje africano, llegará a Barsaloi, el pueblo de la tribu de Lemalian. Carola decide regresar a Suiza y enfrentarse a su familia para luego establecerse en África y llevar una nueva vida. Pero lo que ella alguna vez sintió como el amor más grande de su vida, se convierte en una durísima prueba, una aventura entre el cielo y el infierno que un día la llevará al límite... (FILMAFFINITY)
August Wilhelm Iffland