Patrick Campbell

Nacimiento : 1913-06-06, Waukegan, Illinois, USA

Muerte : 1980-11-09


Sábado 14
Mailman (uncredited)
Una familia se muda a una misteriosa mansión donde pronto empiezan a pasar cosas extrañas.
Smokey Bites the Dust
Follows the rivalry between a small-town Southern sheriff and a small-town delinquent who steals cars and then destroys them with the sheriff’s daughter by his side.
Halloween with the Addams Family
Louie The Lard/Little Bo Peep
The original TV Addams Family members prepare for Halloween.
La última locura
Motel Bellhop
Homenaje satírico al cine mudo norteamericano, en el que grandes estrellas como Paul Newman o Burt Reynolds se autoparodian. Mel Brooks interpreta a un director que propone lo que él considera una idea fantástica: hacer una película muda. Está convencido de que su original idea evitará la desaparición de los estudios de cine para los que trabaja.
Sillas de montar calientes
MC at Show (uncredited)
El avaricioso gobernador Lepetomane y su malvado ayudante Hedley Lamarr quieren que los habitantes de Rock Ridge abandonen la ciudad, para vender los terrenos a una compañía de ferrocarril. Para facilitar sus maquiavélicos planes, nombran sheriff a Bart, un negro condenado a la horca, para que fomente el desorden y la anarquía en la ciudad.
Senderos tortuosos
Taxi driver
"Apretón de Manos" es una agencia matrimonial que, además de ofrecer un servicio a sus clientes, facilita sus datos a un despiadado personaje que se dedica a engañar y asesinar de un modo muy particular a sus acaudaladas víctimas, después de haber conseguido, de un modo muy sutil, extraerles hasta el último céntimo.
Deadhead Miles
A long-distance trucker, dressed like a sea captain, aimlessly sails the American highways in his 18 wheeler mumbling manic, southern accented non sequiturs; carnivalizing roadside stops and happenstance towns while out-weirding cops and weigh stations with his new cryptic, over-coated hitchhiker buddy.
Bartleby, an enigmatic man who calmly refuses to carry out his duties, is introduced in this period dramatization of Melville’s haunting story as a scrivener in a 1969 film production of Encyclopedia Britannica Educational Corporation.
Enter Laughing
David Kolowitz, a nice young man living with his parents in New York City in 1938, works at a machine repair shop. His parents want David to study to become a pharmacist. But what he really wants is to be an actor like his idol, Ronald Colman. One day, at his friend Marvin's suggestion, David tries out for a part in a play, and gets it, despite his obvious lack of acting experience (not to mention ability). True, it's a rather small part in a low-rent production. Leading the troupe is a washed-up, alcoholic actor who hires David at the urging of his actress-daughter, who finds David "cute." To play his part, David must come up with his own costume - a tuxedo - and pay the house five dollars a week, ostensibly for tuition. But it is David's first acting job, one which calls for him to "enter laughing." And if it doesn't work out - well, there's always pharmacy school.