Noun Serra


Guy Gilles
1958. A twenty-year-old man leaves his native Algeria to make a living. Fifty years later, three teenagers and a big apartment overlooking a Parisian boulevard. At the corner of a room, a window, a face, come the films of Guy Gilles, traces, voices and images of an unknown work, out of tune with his time.
Lord of the Dance/Destroyer of Illusion
The documentary focuses on the annual Mani Rimdu festival of Tibet and Nepal, an event which encapsulates the Himalayan Buddhist experience.
Third World
Assistant Director
An actor is placed in dangerous situations and his fear will be broadcast to the television audience. The audience's emotions will determine whether he is sent into the future or the past.
An actor is placed in dangerous situations and his fear will be broadcast to the television audience. The audience's emotions will determine whether he is sent into the future or the past.
Themroc, el cavernícola urbano
Michel Piccoli interpreta a un trabajador de una fábrica que, una mañana, harto de la rutina de su trabajo, se convierte en una especie de cavernícola humano, expresándose a través de gruñidos.
Un dimanche à Aurillac
A day in Aurillac on a rainy Sunday.
Love at Sea
Valses entre personas desplazadas de sus países, confusiones en los sentimientos de Daniel y Guy, marinos de vuelta a Francia después de la guerra de Argelia, y Geneviève, ella también moviéndose entre París y Brest. Jóvenes turbados por sus sueños de libertad y sus vacilaciones entre las seducciones parisinas y las playas soleadas del verano...