Kees Kasander
Nacimiento : 1955-01-01, Gorinchem, Zuid-Holland, Netherlands
Creative Producer
The documentary by Mari Soppela focuses on glass ceilings, a metaphor for the invisible borders between men and women in work life. Talk about glass ceilings is usually associated with women’s opportunities to advance to well paid managerial positions, but the documentary connects itself more broadly to the structural problems of work life from women’s perspective. Glass ceilings are long trials about equal pay, having to continually prove one’s skills, and 85-cent euros. The topic cannot be handled without intersectional crossings: what are invisible glass ceilings for some, are solid concrete for others.
The seventeen year old Stach is faced with five impossible assignments he has to complete in order to become king. Things do not go as easily as the boisterous Stach had expected, especially when he is confronted with matters of life and death.
Hendrick Goltzius solicita al Margrave de Alsacia un mecenazgo para imprimir un volumen de historias bíblicas ilustradas con grabados. A cambio, el pintor y su compañía de teatro representarán dichos cuentos para diversión del benefactor y su corte. Fiel a su discurso culto y abigarrado, Peter Greenaway sigue elaborando una concepción multidisciplinar del cine que, todavía hoy, pertenece únicamente a él. (FILMAFFINITY)
Mia es una adolescente de quince años de edad que sufre un verdadero colapso cuando se entera de que su madre está saliendo con un chico. Lo peor es que la madre insiste en traerle a casa, lo cual ya es demasiado para Mia, que está viviendo una juventud desencantada.
Documental que muestra la investigación personal del director Peter Greenaway sobre la conspiración y el asesinato que se esconden tras el famoso cuadro `La ronda de noche`, de Rembrandt. Greenaway asume el rol de historiador de arte, detective, fiscal y juez, analizando con detalle la escena del crimen y las pistas que se esconden con el objetivo de descubrir los asesinos entre los personajes representados en la pintura.
Retrata un periodo trágico de la vida del pintor Rembrandt van Rijn, cuando el artista pierde a su mujer y a sus tres hijos. En esa época, hacia 1642, es cuando -por encargo- pinta uno de sus cuadros más conocidos, 'The Night Watch' (La ronda de noche), el lienzo que refleja la conspiración de un vil asesinato.
Dolf es un chico de quince años que juega en un equipo de fútbol. Tras una derrota especialmente humillante, decide utilizar una máquina del tiempo para volver atrás y ganar el partido; pero comete un error y se traslada hasta 1212, momento en el que miles de niños y adolescentes parten hacia Jerusalén a combatir a los musulmanes en nombre de la Cristiandad. Esta increíble odisea ha pasado a la historia como "La Cruzada de Los Niños".
Una hilarante introducción, usando como ejemplo algunas de las mejores películas jamás realizadas, a algunas de las ideas más apasionantes del filósofo y psicoanalista esloveno Slavoj Žižek sobre la subjetividad personal, la fantasía y la realidad, el deseo y la sexualidad.
El polémico Larry Clark y el reputado director de fotografía Edward Lachman codirigen este drama, con abundantes escenas de sexo explítico, sobre un grupo de adolescentes que viven en una zona residencial de Visalia, California, en el seno de familias de clase media.
Executive Producer
Documentary about the lives of worshippers from the congregation of the Greater Bethany Community Church in South Central LA and the sermons of its Bishop Noel Jones
A movie director does a new film against heroin consumption, and the producers are heroin dealers.
This intimately narrated journey from Russia to Rotterdam, via rail, road and Finnish ferry, is a melancholy meditation on divinity, time and place in art, purpose (or its lack) and the loneliness of the soul. Passing through misty snowscapes, half-glimpsed cities and the icy night sea-swell.
"Rosa", with a libretto by Peter Greenaway and score by Louis Andriessen, is the first in a projected series of 10 operas, each dealing with the death of a famous composer - some real, others fictional. "Rosa" falls into the latter category; it tells the story of Juan Manuel de Rosa, a Brazilian who went to study music in America but spent most of his time in the cinema instead, becoming particularly entranced by Westerns. Now 32 years old and residing in an abandoned Uruguayan slaughterhouse, Rosa has become one of Hollywood's foremost composers, specialising in Westerns. He also has a beautiful 19-year-old fiancee, Esmeralda, but he pays her little heed, instead lavishing his attentions on a black mare named Bola. One day, a group of men attired as cowboys arrive at the abattoir and kill both Rosa and Bola; an investigation is conducted, with particular suspicion!
Tras la muerte de su madre,Stoney regresa a casa e intenta paliar el dolor de su millonario padre convirtiendo el castillo familiar en un lujoso prostibulo privado . Encontrar a las mujeres adecuadas es complicado ,pero finalmente consiguen varias expertas sexuales.
En Kyoto, en los años 70, un anciano calígrafo escribe con gran delicadeza una felicitación en la cara de su hija el día de su cumpleaños. Cuando se hace mayor, Nagiko recuerda emocionada aquel regalo, y busca al amante calígrafo ideal que utilice todo su cuerpo como una hoja en blanco...
Rapado es la historia de jóvenes que rodean los veinte años en donde sus acciones están marcadas más por el azar que por la aventura. A Lucio le roban su motocicleta, su dinero y sus zapatillas. A partir de ese momento, se rapa por completo y empieza a obsesionarse con la idea de poder robar una moto similar a cualquier persona. Sus intentos por llevar a cabo el robo lo llevan a encuentros que se disparan en varias direcciones y se entrelazan de manera enrevesada e inesperada.
Dinamarca, siglo VI. Historia del príncipe Hamlet basada en las obras del escritor del siglo XII Saxo Grammaticus. La vida es apacible para Amled, hijo de Hardvendel y Geruth, los reyes de Jutlandia. El joven ignora las intrigas que urde su tío Fenge para convertirse en rey. Durante una cacería, Amled y su hermano Sigud son testigos del asesinato de su padre, que muere ahorcado por los esbirros de Fenge. Ambos tratan de impedir la ejecución, pero Sigud muere y Amled tiene que fingir un ataque de locura para salvarse. Tras ser coronado rey, Fenge logra seducir a la reina Geruth, pero desconfía de la locura de Amled y lo teme porque ha prometido vengar la muerte de su padre.
A partir de la representación de una pieza religiosa en un teatro de la ciudad de Macon, donde hay una especie de epidemia de esterilidad, durante 1650, una joven explota a su hermano pequeño a través de las donaciones que recibe.
The ghosts of a middle-aged woman and a precocious little girl help an unwed jazz musician and a bar dancer reverse their bad fortune.
Marcel and Jim, two friends, appear to be plagued by a midlife crisis which is ruining both their artistic and emotional lives.
A revisionist biopic on Charles Darwin, illustrated via 18 tableaux covering details from Darwin's birth, his defining voyage on the HMS Beagle, the publication of his seminal Theory of Evolution and his ultimate death and consequent burial at Westminster Abbey.
A short film based on the work of choreographer Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker.
Entre 1599 y 1611, Próspero, ex duque de Milán, es desterrado con su hija Miranda a una isla muy alejada de Europa por su hermano Antonio y el aliado de éste, Alonso, actual Rey de Nápoles. Pero, cuando Miranda y el hijo de su principal adversario se enamoran, se le presenta la oportunidad de vengarse de todos sus enemigos.
These six video segments (10 minutes each) were originally developed for broadcast on Channel 4 as the second installment in the larger, never completed, series comissioned for Peter Greenaway and Tom Philips' A TV Dante (1989). But it was never aired. Ruiz's treatment of the six Cantos can be taken together as a bridge between his previous visions of hell in Mémoire des apparences AKA Life is a Dream (1986) and La Chouette aveugle (1987) and themore recent series of essay videos that he has made for Chilean television under the title Cofralandes (2002).
Una película de antología centrada en las aventuras del Nissan Figaro en París, Tokio y Nueva York.
Theo and Thea want to make a movie of Snow White, but Gerard Joling, who should play prince, cries off. Someone suggests to ask opera singer Marco Bakker. First he doesn't want to, but when Theo and Thea dress up like jazz singers Bea and Ans, he decides to join in. Marco even falls in love with the dressed-up Theo. Written by Clausule
Albert es el sádico dueño de un restaurante. Su fuerte carácter y las tiránicas formas que aplica en el trabajo hacen que todos los empleados estén sometidos a un continuo régimen de esclavitud, incluida su esposa, Giorgina, a quien ridiculiza.
Narra la historia de tres generaciones de mujeres que, además de compartir el mismo nombre, Cissie Colpitts, también tuvieron las tres que lidiar con sus problemas matrimoniales. La primera Cissie Colpitts decidió acabar con su adúltero marido ahogándolo en una bañera. El forense local la encubre certificando un suicidio a condición de que la mujer se case con él, pero ella no está dispuesta a acceder. Tiempo después, la acción de la abuela tendrá sus consecuencias en su hija y nieta.
Dos mujeres mueren en un accidente de tráfico y la conductora que iba con ellas pierde una pierna. Los maridos de las víctimas, dos zoólogos gemelos se sienten fascinados por el proceso de descomposición de los cuerpos. Después inician un idilio con la conductora amputada y comienzan a liberar animales del zoológico en el que trabajan.
Film professor Michael falls in love with one of his students and is confronted with his pupil's father, with whom he had an affair over 15 years ago. This unexpected meeting abruptly overturns the lives of all the characters. When the tutor decides to undertake a planned trip to London, not with the son but with the father, he is once again forced to choose; this time between his wife and his friend.
An ode to musicals past. Handsome men spend their time in a beautiful manor.
One day, Louis - who seems obsessed by weapons and all things related – visits his old school friend Ada. She is quickly won over and not long after they marry. After the wedding their honeymoon takes them to Verdun in northern France, where over 500,000 soldiers died during the First World War. Louis runs from one monument and cemetery to the next, like someone possessed, salivating because of how hard the fighting was there. Ada feels increasingly uneasy with her new husband. One day, he purposely has himself and Ada locked in at Fort Douamont where terrible events took place during the war. There he turns out to be a stark raving maniac.
A parody of anthropology, linguistics, and cultural imperialism. The film follows an unlikely team of linguists into the wilds of an ersatz Patagonia to study the last speakers of a dying language. That language apparently consists of a single word, which therefore means everything.
Dutch painter Hieronymus Bosch prophesies the events of 1492, the start of the modern world.
A writer, realising his last big adventure will very likely be death, takes a sabbatical and leaves his home in New York City’s Little Italy to travel with his family to Lucca, Italy in order to trace his ancestral roots and clean up the loose ends in his life.
From Moscow to Mexico City, Eisenstein was privileged enough to met the cultural heroes of the era and embrace them as compatriots, with a handshake. Such was his reputation as the wunderkind of the new art of cinema, everybody wanted to meet him; there were writers, painters, critics, theorists and philosophers, as well as composers, architects, and artists from all branches of the cultural life that was shaping minds and civilizations. Our project would follow Eisenstein's journey and note the significant characters he encountered on his travels, with a focus on Switzerland.
The 27 year-old Romanian sculptor Constantin Brancusi walked from Romania to Paris in 1903 and 1904 as a preparation and prelude to becoming the most important sculptor of the 20th century. Brancusi leaves his small village of Hobitza, south of the Carpathian Mountains and walks through Romania, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and parts of France to arrive in Paris, the metropolis of world culture for the first three decades of the 1900s. He walks in spring, summer, winter and autumn, treading the landscape away from the beaten track, experiencing sights, having adventures, suffering hardships, looking, touching and feeling the world as a preparation of what is to come for him.