Vittoria Prada


The Monster of the Opera
A theater troupe's young, energetic leader has secured an old theater in which to produce his new production. The theater's elderly caretaker urges the group to leave at once. A vampire is awakened and discovers that one of the troupe is the reincarnation of the woman who he once loved.
Death on the Fourposter
A group of friends decide to spend a weekend in a castle belonging to Riccardo, a moody and hyper-sensitive young artist. The only other inhabitants of the castle are a mysterious housekeeper, Caterina, and the demented Aldo. The group are joined by two friends: Serena and a young American medium, Anthony. During a seance Anthony predicts a tragedy, then leaves the castle, shocked by his own visions. An hour later, Serena is found strangled to death in bed. The others become gradually more and more diffident and suspicious, especially when another girl is murdered...
Una última carta de Don Quijote dirigida a su amada Dulcinea llega, por medio de su escudero Sancho, a manos de Aldonza, moza de una venta castellana. La carta conmueve tanto a la muchacha que desde ese momento asume la personalidad de Dulcinea y acude en busca de Don Quijote, a quien encuentra en su lecho de muerte. La nueva Dulcinea, infundida por el deseo de su amado de que continúe con las andanzas que él ha dejado, se lanza a los caminos repartiendo amor y caridad entre los pobres. A pesar de que consigue sortear todo tipo de dificultades ahora se debe enfrentar a la Santa Inquisición, que la acusa de brujería.
Sweet Ecstasy
Olivier, un joven estudiante apuesto pero insensible y malhumorado, recoge a una actriz entusiasta durante un ensayo teatral, y se presenta a sus conocidos, un grupo de niños adinerados que pasan su tiempo asaltando la Riviera acosando a los transeúntes, lanzando fiestas salvajes y Siguiendo todas las últimas tendencias. Cuando el sexy Elke lo mira, deja a la actriz en la estacada y se une a la pandilla para una fiesta decadente a bordo de un yate. Sin embargo, las maneras insensatas de Elke y la inexperiencia de Olivier no encajan. Charlie accidentalmente incendia el yate. La pandilla provoca su venganza al atraerlo hacia una peligrosa competencia de bravura en un sitio de construcción.
Freddy und der Millionär
The Fruit Is Ripe
It is fruit-picking season in the plain and pickers come from all over and live in a camp for several weeks. Among the many pretty girls are Kissa, a natural vamp who delights in exciting men; Margo who is hard and tough, and Josine who is tender and romantic. They work in a feverish atmosphere and inflamed by the summer heat, youthful passions run riot, and the girls' sensual behavior cause rivalry among the men. Lorry driver Armand applies the same degree of ardor to his love-making as to his work, and his biggest rival is the boss' son, Berto, a strutting rooster who is very proud of his American car. After work each day, Kissa queens it in the cabaret on shore, and derives great pleasure in arousing jealousy between the men.