Uri Klauzner

Uri Klauzner

Nacimiento : 1963-01-21, Israel


Uri Klauzner


The Death of Cinema and My Father Too
When Yoel hears about an imminent Iranian military attack on Tel Aviv, he knows what to do - escape with his family to a safe haven in Jerusalem. His son Assaf, who is a filmmaker and about to become a father himself, wants to give Yoel one last lead role in his movie by melting the fictional world into bittersweet reality.
Siempre contigo
Aharon ha dedicado toda su vida a criar a su hijo Uri. Viven juntos en una rutina amable, lejos del mundo real. Pero Uri es autista y ya es lo suficientemente adulto para ir a un hogar especializado. En su camino a la institución, Aharon decide escaparse con su hijo y se lanzan a la carretera, sabiendo que Uri no está preparado para la separación. Aunque quizá sea el padre el que no está preparado.
Letters to God
Since his daughter's death, Moshe lives alone rejecting his wife whom he blames for this tragedy. In order to get out of his confinement, he accepts a job from the Jerusalem post office, unaware that it is for a very special division: The Department of Letters to God. Through the letters sent by people from all over the world, Moshe will face humanity in its most secret privacy, sometimes most fanciful wishes. He doesn't believe in anything anymore but a series of strange events will transform his bitterness and lead him to discover how forgiveness can reconcile him with his wife and bring him peace again.
The Israeli Boys
Secrets, lies, surprises and more are explored in this rich selection of gay short films from Israel. The 6 short films are: Three (2018); A Trip to the Desert (2016); Rubber Dolphin (2018); Stav (2018); After His Death (2017); Leave of Absence (2016).
Golden Voices
Victor y Raya Frenkel fueron las voces doradas del doblaje de películas soviéticas durante décadas. En 1990, con el colapso de la Unión Soviética, los Frenkels decidieron emigrar a Israel, al igual que cientos de miles de judíos soviéticos. Pero allí no hay necesidad de artistas de doblaje de habla rusa, y los intentos de Victor y Raya de usar su talento causarán eventos extraños e inesperados durante sus primeros meses en Israel.
Christie Isn't Coming Back
When Filipina stay-at-home nurse Christie disappears, Araleh is forced to help his brother tend to their dying father. Trying to protect himself, he begins scattering white lies, which only bring closer the inevitable end they all feared.
Leave of Absence
After his daughters accidentally bleach his hair, before another stressful family dinner, Meir decides to escape. The middle-aged, suburban history teacher unexpectedly finds what he needed when a chance encounter with his former students plunges him into a night of pure rebellious energy.
Haifa on a sunny day. Moshe is a crumbling man walking up the Carmel Mountain on yet another work day. Will this day mark his collapse? Uri walks down the mountain to board a ship and leave behind all the things he loves and despises. His sense of belonging is losing ground. He is likely to miss his military reserve service-call, thus risking jail. Will the two collide or pass through one another? An existential comedy, where the overbearing mountain with its endless stairs takes control over destinies in this unique panorama of the Mediterranean port city.
Ticket Man
A drama centered on an orphaned Palestinian girl growing up in the wake of the first Arab-Israeli war who finds herself drawn into the conflict.
A political drama centered around Israel's pullout from the occupied Gaza strip, in which a French woman of Israeli origin comes to the Gaza Strip to find her long ago abandoned daughter.
The Belly Dancer
Debbie, a young belly dancer, her dangerous yet charming lover, a criminal, and a dance club owner tell the story about love and crimes, friendship and betrayal.
Zona libre
Moshe Ben Moshe
Rebecca (Natalie Portman), una joven estadounidense que vive en Jerusalén desde hace unos meses, acaba de romper con su novio. Sube al taxi de Hanna (Hanna Laslo), una mujer israelí que debe ir a Jordania, a la Zona Libre, a recoger una importante cantidad de dinero. Cuando llegan a su destino, Leila (Hiam Abbass), una mujer palestina, les explica que "el Americano" no está y que el dinero ha desaparecido. Una road-movie en Oriente Próximo; la historia de un encuentro inesperado, tres mujeres de culturas diferentes que intentarán, unir sus fuerzas para cambiar el curso de los acontecimientos. Es también el encuentro de religiones y culturas diferentes que nos permitirá comprender la compleja realidad del conflicto.
Year Zero
Through a mosaic of stories intertwined and created a current picture of the sad social and economic situation in Israel. Mother forced into prostitution to support her son; Blind man must survive after loosing his dog; Son is looking for his rocker father's; Apartment owner complicates his life while entering the underworld...
Un edificio de apartamentos en las afueras de Tel Aviv. El anciano Schwartz disfruta de una existencia tranquila en compañía de Linda, la joven filipina que cuida de él. Sus vecinos –Aviram, que no sale de casa sin su perro, y la divorciada Mali, que tiene una relación sentimental con Ilan, un hombre más joven que ella– apenas le habían molestado hasta ahora. Pero, desde hace poco, el caos se ha apoderado del edificio y a diario se escuchan gritos y gemidos. ¿Será porque Hezi ha alquilado discretamente un apartamento para poder hacer el amor con Gabi? ¿O que los nuevos vecinos han decidido ampliar su vivienda hacia el patio sin solicitar los permisos necesarios? Tampoco a Mali le faltan los problemas. Su ex marido ha contratado a los obreros chinos de sus vecinos, que no tienen papeles, y por si fuera poco, su hijo Eyal acaba de desertar del servicio militar.
Desperado Square
'Jellyfish' David
In ha-Argazim, a neighborhood that time forgot, the one-year anniversary of Morris Mandabon's death is approaching, and his youngest son, Nissim has had a dream in which his father orders him to re-open the old neighborhood movie theater, thus breaking the vow that Morris had made years before never to screen movies again. Nissim and his brother George, together with Aharon Gabardine, who was the projectionist back in the old days, are determined to fulfill Morris' request. The same day Nissim has his dream, Avram Mandabon, Morris' brother, returns for his brother's memorial after a 25-year absence. His reappearance causes old family feuds to resurface.
Time of Favor
Sivan (as Uri Klausner)
Is today's fanaticism tomorrow's policy? In a West Bank settlement, Rabbi Meltzer has a grand design: he's building a movement "to pray at the Temple Mount." His yeshiva has scholars, and the settlement is getting its own military company to be commanded by Menachem, a disciple of the rabbi. He also wants his daughter, Michal, to marry Pini, the yeshiva's best scholar. Michal has no interest in Pini, but she is attracted to Menachem. When she rebuffs Pini, he hatches a bold and secret plan. Is jealousy the motivation or something else? Meanwhile, the army and Moussad are closely watching the rabbi's activities and Menachem's military training. Who is trustworthy?
6 de octubre de 1973, todo está en calma en Israel, es la fiesta de Yom Kippour (Día del Perdón)... cuando súbitamente estalla la guerra. Weinraub y su amigo Russo parten hacia el sur del Golán en busca de Egoz, la unidad especial donde hicieron el servicio militar. Terminan llegando a la base aérea de Ramat donde formarán parte de un equipo de rescate a bordo de un helicóptero.
The year 2000 approaches in Jerusalem's Orthodox Mea Shearim quarter, where the women work, keep house, and have children so the men can study the Torah and the Talmud. Rivka is happily and passionately married to Meir, but they remain childless. The yeshiva's rabbi, who is Meir's father, wants Meir to divorce Rivka: "a barren woman is no woman." Rivka's sister, Malka, is in love with Yakov, a Jew shunned by the yeshiva as too secular. The rabbi arranges Malka's marriage to Yossef, whose agitation when fulfilling religious duties approaches the grotesque. Can the sisters sort out their hearts' desires within this patriarchal world? If not, have they any other options?