Jacob Matschenz

Jacob Matschenz

Nacimiento : 1984-01-01, Berlin, Germany


Jacob Matschenz (born 1984, Berlin) is a German actor. He is notable for film and television work including The Wave (2008), 12 Paces Without a Head (2009) and The Sinking of the Laconia (2010). He won the Adolf Grimme Award in 2008 for his appearance in An die Grenze.


Jacob Matschenz
Jacob Matschenz


Meine Freundin Volker
Vivian Bernaise is the star of the Hamburg drag scene. After a glamorous performance in the Hamburg drag club "Die Donauwelle", she witnesses a mafia attack and has to flee. Vivian becomes Volker – and disguised as a straight man, she hides with the family of the elementary school teacher Katja in the rural areas of Schleswig-Holstein.
A Murder of Crows
Tobias Ritter
Empathy is a two-edged sword, especially for Martin. Tormented by the past, haunted by the present, the chief inspector is a brilliant investigator and, together with his team, solves the most convoluted cases. From kidnapping to hostage situations, to murder. Unable to eat or sleep until a case is solved, they all take their toll.
The Black Square
Nils Forsberg
Dos ladrones de arte han robado el famoso "Cuadrado negro" del pintor ruso Kasimir Malevich. Planean encontrarse con sus clientes en un crucero para entregar el arte saqueado. Sin embargo, las cosas no van tan bien como estaba previsto.
Whispers of War
When Khalil, a primary school teacher in Berlin, gets hold of images of war from his Kurdish hometown of Cizre, he is forced to question his entire existence in Berlin. His life spirals out of balance as he seems to recognise his long lost sister in the videos – whom he thought long dead. He tries everything to get in contact, to save his sister, to inform the public about this brutal war. And loses himself.
My Wonderful Wanda
The Polish woman Wanda, 35, looks after Joseph, 70, in his family villa by the lake. She is there for him around the clock and also helps his wife Elsa, 75. The youngest son Gregi, 28, likes her very much. The work is poorly paid, but Wanda needs the money for her own family in Poland. Since everyone lives under one roof, Wanda gets an intimate view of their family life. So intimate that Wanda unexpectedly becomes pregnant.
It's for Your Own Good
Three fathers who are also brothers-in-law make a pact to save their daughters from their boyfriends.
Chasing Paper Birds
Mia, Keks and Ian are at a turning point in their lives, searching for happiness but not sure of what will happen if they actually find it. Over a long night in Berlin, their storylines weave into one another.
Ondina. Un amor para siempre
Undine trabaja como historiadora dando conferencias sobre el desarrollo urbano de Berlín. Pero cuando el hombre que ama la abandona, el antiguo mito la alcanza. Undine tiene que matar al hombre que la traiciona y volver al agua.
Rest in Greece
David, an author in his mid-30s, travels to the Greek island of Tinos with his wife Nina to spend time in a secluded beach house in the off-season. While David searches for inspiration for his new novel, Nina is looking for a new spark in their life.
A Regular Woman
Hatun "Aynur" Sürücü, a vibrant young Turkish woman and mother is murdered at 23 by her youngest brother in an honor killing. Forced into an abusive arranged marriage with a cousin in Istanbul at 16 by her devout Muslim family, Aynur escapes to Berlin and gives birth to a son. She is considered a disgraceful burden by her parents and siblings, so Aynur soon leaves her family and attempts to start a new life.
Mord geht immer - Der Koch ist tot
Pascal Kemper
La sombra del pasado
Arendt Ivo
Kurt Barnert es un joven estudiante de arte en la Alemania del Este. Está enamorado de su compañera de clase, Ellie. El padre de ella, el Professor Seeband, un famoso médico, no aprueba la relación de su hija y está decidido a destruirla. Lo que ninguno de ellos sabe es que sus vidas están conectadas por un terrible crimen cometido hace décadas.
Los cinco y el valle de los dinosaurios
Marty Bach
Durante las vacaciones de verano, Los cinco conocen a Marty Bach, un joven de aspecto extraño que afirma que su difunto padre descubrió un esqueleto de dinosaurio completamente intacto, pero le han robado el código que revela las coordenadas del legendario 'Valle de los dinosaurios'. Los cinco deben encontrar ese esqueleto de dinosaurio, de lo contrario, los huesos se perderán para siempre.
Forwards Ever!
A stage actor's turn as GDR leader Erich Honecker inspires an outlandish scheme to keep his daughter safe during the Leipzig protests of 1989.
Magical Mystery or: The Return of Karl Schmidt
Under the auspicious name "Magical Mystery" the Berlin techno label BummBumm Records wants to go on a rave tour. Karl Schmidt aka Charly himself was once an aspiring artist on the scene, until he retired after a nervous breakdown five years ago. Since then he lives in a supervised withdrawal WG in Hamburg. Now, as a driver and custodian for the party-loving DJs and their producers, he becomes part of "Magical Mystery", trying to lead a self-determined life after years of patronizing and well-intentioned advice.
Cita a ciegas con la vida
Historia de un prometedor estudiante casi ciego, que supera la adversidad con una determinación extraordinaria para cumplir su sueño de trabajar en un hotel de lujo.
Tomorrow We'll Be Happy
The overworked and exhausted architect Leon longs for a shoulder to lean on. His confident girlfriend Jenni, however, is angry he's always working and doesn't have time for their relationship. Unexpectedly, Leon's 3D-architecture program produces a digital copy of Jenni. And the digital Jenni helps him get better without asking for anything... Stuck between his strong girlfriend and her always-friendly copy, Leon is looking for a possible relationship.
Cuando su vida se derrumba a su alrededor, la adolescente Lena se pierde en las profundidades de Internet y las redes sociales, mientras comienza a charlar con el misterioso Noah.
The Pasta Detectives 3
The friends and amateur detectives Rico and Oskar experiencing their last adventure together. Here everything is really only one well, because now they live next door to. Ricos mother Tanya and Buhl are together, Oskar is with his father Lars pulled to Rico into the house. But dies as the grumpy Fitzke, the trouble begins. The stone Breeder inherited Rico his beloved stone-collection over which the boy also very pleased - but then he and his buddy note that Rico's favorite stone calf stone was stolen. The task now is to make the thieves apprehended. And because there are on the way to the Baltic Sea, Rico and Oskar must as soon as possible afterwards. Glad Tanja is flown by Buhl in the "snogging holiday" ...
Cartas de Berlín
Dietrich Necker
Berlín, 1940. Cuando a Otto y Anna Quangel, un matrimonio de clase obrera, les comunican que su único hijo ha muerto en el campo de batalla, ambos emprenden una campaña nada menos que en contra de Hitler, el nazismo y la guerra, pero pronto comenzarán a ser perseguidos por la Gestapo
An African-German Author loses his memory and is used by a modern National Socialist Party as promotion-figure for more political power over Germany.
3 Turcos y un bebé
Las vidas de tres hermanos que regentan una tienda para novias dan un vuelco inesperado cuando uno de ellos debe ocuparse del bebé de su exnovia.
Cem is mid 20's and is making its voluntary service in the retirement home. There he falls in love with Astrid, which helps as a dance therapist residents to renewed vigor. And Cem loves Berlin-Neukölln. There he grew up, and he wants his neighborhood defend: against Nazis, speculators and displacement. But how to do that anyway? Who are the real enemy here? And how does the fight? a compensation Cem looking at his other great passion, football. In one game he gets violently with Roman together. Roman threatens him. The next day the windows are smashed in the restaurant from Cems parents. An Accident? Cem swears revenge. But the battle is attracting larger circles. When Astrid gets suddenly targeted by novel, the conflict escalates dramatically. Suddenly a matter of life and death.
Jack, de diez años, debe ocuparse todos los días, desde que se levanta hasta que se acuesta, de su hermano pequeño, Manuel, de seis. Cuando este sufre un accidente, las vidas de ambos cambian para siempre.
La Peregrina
Sebastian Laux
'La Peregrina', ambientada en el s.XIV, gira en torno a una mujer, Tilla, que se hace pasar por un hombre para poder hacer la Ruta Jacobea desde la ciudad ficticia de Tremmligen hasta Compostela junto a un grupo de peregrinos. En el camino a Compostela, lleva consigo el corazón de su padre que murió de una gran enfermedad para poder dejarlo allí, en Santiago de Compostela.
Onkel Mike
November 9, 1989, the day the Berlin Wall came down. A 10-year-old girl and her friends attempt to use their teleportation device to beam her uncle back to East Germany but instead, as they witness on TV, end up beaming everyone in their town into West Germany! They have to race against time to undo the experiment before the nasty border guards open fire...
A comedy about a crazy summer of young provincial guy in Berlin.
Break Up Man
BREAK UP MAN is an odd couple road movie and tells the story of Henri, who works for a break up agency in Berlin and on behalf of those who want to separate themselves from their future “ex”-partners. To complete his most important mission he is confronted with an unwanted partner, Toto, who spoils more or less everything and makes Henri’s life a nightmare.
Finn und der Weg zum Himmel
Eleven moving dates, eight friends: Philipp, Wiebke, Jessica, Maria, Swantje, Michael, Thomas, Dina – all in their twenties and mutually lonesome. And always searching: For a new city, a new job, an own apartment, a new, or even an old love. The search is never-ending, and so they repeatedly find themselves at a ritual gathering: someone moving. Boxes are shifted from one side of Berlin to the other, or the length and breadth of Germany, from one abode to the next as one life is exchanged for another. In 3 ZIMMER/KÜCHE/BAD, director Dietrich Brüggemann portrays existences in which relationships, social networks and backdrops are in a constant state of flux; where best friends are the only, and therefore the most valuable constant. Humorous sketches of the self-conception of a generation for whom moving has become the symbol of a life on the go.
The Guardians
Toni Santer
15-year-old Nina witnesses a terrible crime that puts her life in danger. Being an orphan, she has nobody she can trust. When corrupt businessman Thomas Backer sends five killers after Nina, witness protection officer, Max, a former special-forces soldier, is responsible for her safety. They soon overcome their initial distance to find common ground. While on the run from the ruthless Backer, Rudi, one of Max’s former comrades, comes to their rescue – and continues to help the two out of some precarious situations. Even Max’s ex-girlfriend Sara is not just there to help him as a federal prosecutor. Nevertheless, Nina and Max face ever-increasing danger, and soon the teenager is not the only one in need of a guardian angel – Max could use one too.
El mar al alba
Soldat Otto
Drama basado en hechos reales sobre la ocupación alemana en Francia, incluyendo la historia de Guy Moquet, un joven francés comunista que fue ejecutado por los nazis y se convirtió en un símbolo de la resistencia francesa. (FILMAFFINITY)
Adam's End
A coming of age story of people who are already adults. Torn between emotional dependency and physical attraction, Adam grows desperate between what his long-term relationship with Anna and the temptations his childhood pal Conrad offer, living a bachelor’s life indulging in occasional jobs, parties and one night stands. Adam progressively fails in disentangling the turmoil of jealousy and attachment.
Vicky el vikingo y el martillo de Thor
Kerkerwächter #1
Secuela del filme de 2009, 'Vicky el Vikingo' (Wickie und die starken Männer). Cuando su padre es secuestrado por Sven "el Terrible", Vicky se ve obligado a asumir el poder en el poblado. En sus manos está conducir a sus hombres para rescatar a su padre y demostrar así su astucia y brillantes ideas. Deberá enfrentarse a mares tormentosos, playas tropicales y múltiples peligros, además de tener que defender los tesoros de los legendarios dioses.
Men in the City 2
The sequel of the "Men in the city" movie which reunites all the characters.
Tres vidas III: Un momento oscuro
Frank Molesch, un asesino convicto, aprovecha la oportunidad para huir y se esconde en el bosque. Sin embargo, el asilamiento y la certeza de que es buscado por la policía, lo trastornan y el miedo comienza a agobiarlo. La policía utiliza todos su recursos para encontrarlo; al final, es un detective enfermo quien más se acerca a la verdad.
Tres vidas II: No me sigas
En algún lugar del bosque de Turingia –una región mítica, objeto de leyendas y supersticiones– se esconde un violador. La psicóloga policía Johanna viaja a Turingia y se queda con su amiga Vera. Cuando las dos se dan cuenta de que diez años atrás, estuvieron enamoradas del mismo hombre (sin encontrarse) los recuerdos y sentimientos encontrados salen a relucir.
Tres vidas I: Algo mejor que la muerte
Johannes hace el servicio comunitario como enfermero de un hospital en el Bosque de Turingia (Alemania). Lo que él quiere, en realidad, es solicitar una beca para estudiar medicina en Los Ángeles, pero le falta estímulo para ponerse a preparar el examen. Un día, mientras está de guardia en el hospital, se escapa un delincuente sexual. La policía organiza una búsqueda masiva por la zona. Johannes conoce casualmente a Ana, una joven bosnia que trabaja como camarera en un hotel cercano. Ella le propone que se vayan juntos a Estados Unidos para comenzar una nueva vida, pero su situación, inesperadamente, se complica.
Das System - Alles verstehen heißt alles verzeihen
Mike Hiller and Rolf Hiller
Los Cocodrilos 3. Todos para uno
“Los Cocodrilos” están celebrando el cumpleaños de Hannes y el comienzo de las mejores vacaciones de verano que hayan tenido jamás. A pesar de que los chicos han crecido y han desarrollado distintos intereses, la banda sigue unida ­­contra viento y marea. Durante una descontrolada carrera de karts que acaba con un terrible accidente, Frank es trasladado al hospital en ambulancia. Su vida corre peligro: Necesita un trasplante de un pariente cercano para salvar la vida. El único donante posible es el delincuente de su hermano, Dennis, a quien los Cocodrilos pusieron entre rejas con su compañero Kevin. El tiempo se agota, ¡pero los auténticos amigos nunca se rinden! Con la ayuda de Jenny y de la madre de Hannes, la banda nos sorprende con un audaz plan… (FILMAFFINITY)
Bis aufs Blut
Fresh out of juvenile prison, Tommy has sworn off the drugs. But when the going gets tough, the only support he finds is from his best friend Sule - who has "the master plan": one last drug deal to finance their own auto body shop.
Run If You Can
An independent tragicomedy, Run If You Can is the debut feature for director Brüggemann who, along with his sister, also wrote the compelling screenplay. Forced to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair, Ben is deeply desperate, despite his humor and vivaciousness. When he meets Christian, his new assistant, Ben treats him like every other helper he’s had. Things suddenly change when Christian meets Annika, “the cello player” whom Ben has been observing from his window for years. The three become close friends, putting Annika in the middle of an emotional, and somehow dangerous, ménage à trois. While conquering Annika is nothing very serious for career-focused Christian, Ben’s love for Annika reminds him of his past and forces him to face his most remote fears. A character-driven story, Run If You Can owes much of its power to the actors’ performances, especially Robert Gwisdek’s outstanding interpretation of Ben.
Kalte Karibik
Der gestiefelte Kater
Müller Hans
Once upon a time there was a miller who had three sons. When the miller died, the three sons shared the inheritance. The oldest, Hermann, got the mill, the second, Hubert, the donkey, the third, Hans, the tomcat Minkus.
12 pasos sin cabeza. La leyenda de un pirata
Divertirse, desatar el caos y provocar motines ha sido, durante mucho tiempo, la forma de vida de los piratas Klaus Stöertebeker y Gödeke Michels. Un sinfín de conquistas en el Mar Báltico han dado a Stöertebeker una reputación de rebelde y revolucionario y, para sus leales tropas de piratas, él es una leyenda. Sin embargo, las constantes batallas y luchas contra los odiados “ricachones” de Hanse han ido desgastando a los antes invencibles bucaneros y a su audaz tripulación. Es por eso que, cuando Stöertebeker resulta gravemente herido en una batalla para abordar un barco, el legendario pirata comienza a preguntarse si este tipo de vida tiene futuro para él y, en el momento en que se enamora de la preciosa y luchadora Billie, la cual le hace soñar con una tranquila vida en tierra firme, se ve obligado a enfrentarse a su futuro.
Los Cocodrilos
Los Cocodrilos son la pandilla divertida de la zona. Una noche asaltan el negocio de la madre de Hannes, uno de los miembros de la pandilla, y roban toda la mercadería. Los Cocodrilos tienen una misión: resolver el caso, cobrar la recompensa prometida y ayudar de esta manera a Hannes y a su madre.
Tod in der Eifel
Tim Wenning
Dima, a petty criminal, is in constant fear of his imminent deportation from Germany.This fear he compensated by carelessness. As he meets one day Sarah, who is working on a documentary about young foreigners, he becomes the main subject of the film. Sarah offers him shelter in her loft, and the two of them get emotionally tied up.
A Year Ago in Winter
Tobias Hollander
Narra el drama de una familia tras el suicidio de Alexander, su hijo menor. Un año después, la madre (Corinna Harfouch) contrata al prestigioso pintor Max Hollander (Josef Bierbichler) para que haga un retrato del hijo perdido y de la hija mayor (Karoline Herfurth). A partir de ese momento empiezan a salir a la luz diversos y dolorosos problemas familiares que hasta entonces habían permanecido ocultos.
Coxless Pair
The film tells the story of the friendship between Johann and Ludwig as they strive for the ultimate “buddy” relationship. Going beyond, well beyond, what would be considered good and healthy, the pair attempt to become the ideal twins, driving their relationship based on their partnership in competitive rowing (coxless pairs) to the ultimate, to perfect harmony in mind, word, thought and deed. But their symbiotic relationship is thrown out of balance: Ludwig strives to tighten the bonds ever closer, but Johann discovers happiness in the form of love for Ludwig’s sister, Vera. But because Ludwig hates her, the couple keep their relationship secret. But secrets have a way of coming out and Ludwig is wounded to the core. As the finals of the rowing competition draw closer, Ludwig has already set his sights on a greater goal: to preserve their friendship forever, no longer in life but in death.
La ola
En otoño de 1967 Ron Jones, un profesor de historia de un instituto de Palo Alto en California, no tuvo respuesta para la pregunta de uno de sus alumnos: ¿Cómo es posible que el pueblo alemán alegue ignorancia respecto a la masacre del pueblo judío? En ese momento Jones decidió hacer un experimento con sus alumnos: implantó un régimen de extrema disciplina militar en el aula, restringiéndoles las libertades. Ante el asombro del profesor, los alumnos se entusiamaron hasta tal punto que a los pocos días empezaron a espiarse unos a otros y a acosar a los que no querían unirse al grupo. Al quinto día Ron Jones se vio obligado a acabar con el experimento antes de que las cosas llegaran demasiado lejos. El director alemán Dennis Gansel (Napola) ha trasladado esta experiencia a nuestros días y a su tierra natal: Alemania. Esta vez es el profesor quien hace la pregunta a sus alumnos: ¿Creéis que es imposible que otra dictadura vuelva a implantarse en Alemania? Y comienza el experimento…
1. Mai – Helden bei der Arbeit
An eleven-year-old Turkish boy, two young men from a small town, and a cuckolded policeman from the sticks all find their way to Berlin on May Day, where, in the district of Kreuzberg, emotions come to the boil every year.
Auf dem Vulkan
Joshi Jung
An die Grenze
Alexander Karow
19-year-old NVA soldier, Alex Karow, is sent to the West German-East German border in May 1974, shortly after Willy Brandt's resignation and during the World Cup. The army is dominated by brutal rituals, tolerated or used by the officers. Alex understands that the ideals of balance, democracy and human dignity are propaganda. The question of what happens when the other appears in the sights of the Kalashnikov occupies the soldiers day and night, interrupted almost exclusively by the games of the World Cup with the historic encounter between the GDR and the FRG. Alex draws strength from his love for Christine, a confident tractor driver who lives in the neighbouring village. Christine encourages him not to do what his father expects, but to follow his dream of becoming a photographer. But when her brother sends Alex's photo from the border fortifications to the West, everything gets out of control...
Cuando la bella, eficiente y exitosa Christine, de 42 años, llega a su casa de playa de verano con su marido y su hija adolescente, conoce y queda impresionada por un joven autoestopista. Lo que sigue es la historia de una mujer que se deshace en pedazos y para luego recomponerse de una manera diferente.
This feature takes a look at the graffiti movement and young people who populate the niche culture. Following four such artists as they shape the graffiti community through both their art and their interactions, the film tells the story of how the foursome's decision to paint an entire train would affect their lives forever.
17-year-old Guido suffers since his early childhood from neurodermatitis. After being taken to the hospital due to a heavy attack, he starts to question his personal and familiar environment and discovers that his parents’ relationship – which he assumed to be happy and sound – is built on lies. Unable to deal with this disappointment, he flees from it and moves in with his older brother and his roommates...
Zivi Dominik
Ludgers Fall
Das Lächeln der Tiefseefische
Sex Up Your Life!
Adam 'Häschen' Hoppeczynski
Ziege, Häschen and Max have now moved to Berlin for studying. They ain't got no money till the mystic plant reappears. Soon they have enough money for champagne, a penthouse and a nice car. But everyone's got private problems. Häschens girlfriend Valerie is in Sevilla, Max is too shy to go into Berlin's gay-clubs and Ziege is in love with the girlfriend of a manager of a big company. But being very boyish they don't just sell the SexUp pills, but also use them for themselves. Of course the old problems reappear.
Fliehendes Land
Experiment Bootcamp
Sex Up
Adam 'Häschen' Hoppeczynski
Three best friends accidentally discover a tropical plant which is actually all-powerful aphrodisiac.The effects of this plant’s juices are amazing: people end up making passionate love with a first person they see and all the brakes cut loose instantly!
Liberated Zone
Benny Kubicek
A financially devastated German town receives an encouraging boost with the arrival of a popular soccer star, though a heated love triangle threatens to overshadow the good vibes in this sexually liberated comedy from filmmaker Norbert Baumgarten.
Juls Freundin
Jul Rosenberg
Thirteen-year-old Paula lives with her mother on a well-kept estate in a small town surrounded by nice neighbours. But Paula's view of normality has been sharpened by her extensive and consistent diet of horror movies.