Tim Oliver Schultz
Nacimiento : 1988-07-22, Berlin, Germany
When a former racer faces the prospect of his car repair shop and go-kart track being foreclosed, he comes up with a daring plan: to win the prize for the big race on the Bilster Berg. He has one month to turn his old Opel into a rocket from the old days, but his ex-wife suddenly enters his life with a request to take care of their son.
Orphea in Love, now, fuses many of these diverse forays for a singular piece of musical theatre cinema. Structurally a musical or operetta, it features famous opera tunes paired with modern classical ballet choreographies. Befittingly, the title might insinuate a version of Jacques Offenbach's 1858 Orphée aux enfers (we have that somewhere else in the programme, though!), but the story of young, multi-job hassled Nele, her dream of opera stardom, and her love for dancer Kolya feels in its razzmatazzy mix of realism and kitsch simultaneously closer to Flashdance (1983; Adrian Lyne) and the average Lady Gaga music video. Wow. WOW!
La tribu de Winnetou está en una situación desesperada. Existe una amenaza de hambruna ya que las importantes manadas de búfalos ahora están fallando. Como hijo del jefe, el joven Winnetou quiere demostrarle a su padre Intschu-chuna lo valiente que es y lo gran guerrero que puede ser, porque cree que su hijo todavía tiene mucho que aprender. Para salvar a su tribu, emprende una peligrosa aventura.
Después de que su intercambio de parejas da un giro, cuatro amigos llegan a una playa remota para afrontar las repercusiones y dejar salir las verdades más profundas.
Mick Sommer
Andreas finds it difficult to come to terms with the fact that Stella, his husband Christian's niece, is becoming more and more independent at the age of seven. Stella has lived with the two men since her mother's early death. Andreas looked after her lovingly every day, which is why he has never worked, despite having completed an engineering degree. And now, as a full-time father, should he no longer be in demand and find an employer that his vita doesn't put off? Difficult. His father Herbert has never made a secret of the fact that he doesn't believe in his son's life model. The fact that the grumpy pensioner was kicked out of the door by his wife Liselotte after more than 30 years of marriage and is now moving in with Andreas and Christian of all places, harbors potential for conflict.
Timo Savona
Zazie vive con sus amigos, el mujeriego Patrick y su fiel y dulce amigo Anton, en un piso compartido. Los tres son completamente incapaces de tener una relación. ¿Cómo encontrar el amor verdadero? Cuando Philipp, el mejor amigo de Zazie desde la infancia, le envía una invitación a su boda, se queda atascada en el buzón durante meses. Cuando Zazi finalmente recibe la invitación, se sorprende al descubrir que la boda de Philipp está planeada para el día siguiente y que quiere casarse con la engreída y viciosa Franziska. Franziska es definitivamente la chica equivocada para Philipp, y Zazie decide hacer todo lo posible para salvarlo antes de cometer el mayor error de su vida.
Tras mantener un encuentro fortuito con un misterioso personaje, Wendy, una joven madre de clase trabajadora, descubre que tiene superpoderes.
Timo Savona
Timo Savona
Benjamin and his best friend Otto have to deal with the shrewd Zora Zack and to reach deep into their bag of tricks to save the Newtown Zoo.
Sebastian Jagow
For the handsome Sebastian life goes by easily. During the day he works in a fashion shop, in the evening he flirts through the clubs of the city. Blessed with an extraordinary voice, all signs of a career for the young singer. Ironically, an accident rips him out of his carefree life: Suddenly Sebastian can not see anymore. Instead of the party girls, a young woman enters his life, for whom he had never had eyes: the inconspicuous nurse Mia (Paula Kalenberg). Through her, Sebastian begins to re-experience the world - and for the first time gets to know real feelings. Thanks to Mia he writes a song that really comes from the heart. Overnight, it makes him, the blind romantic, known on the Internet. When he regains his sight, he has to decide: Will he also return to his old life?
Leo Roland
En esta precuela de la serie de televisión, se cuenta el destino individual de los miembros de las posteriores "Pulseras rojas" y cómo se unieron.
En un manicomio cerca de Berlín un grupo de Youtubers deciden adentrarse para investigar sobre los dichos de actividad paranormal. El reto será permanecer dentro durante 24 horas, mientras transmiten en vivo. Pronto descubrirán que el reto será difícil de cumplir por que no están solos y no son bienvenidos.
Painter Freddy lives with his wife and child on Lake Tegernsee and is working on his comeback until one day his life suddenly turns upside down: He is accused of beating up his wife and as a result of which he is said to have custody of his eight-year-old son withdrawn . But Freddy can not remember having committed the alleged acts and protests his innocence. In this grave crisis, Eddy appears, Freddy's childhood friend. Both look confusingly alike and Eddy immediately begins to interfere in Freddy's life, in which worse things happen. Only Freddy knows that he has a doppelganger, an imaginary one at that - how is he supposed to convince those around him that it is Eddy who is to blame for all the disasters? Freddy is slowly losing control of his life...
Endres wants to be more than just a farmer's son. He wants to be able to read and write, wear clothes without holes and sleep in a proper bed. He goes to the court of the King, who is said to be the cleverest man in the land. Endres becomes his personal servant and every day after dinner brings him a mysterious golden bowl. No-one knows what the bowl contains, not even Princess Leonora. When the queen's ring goes missing, suspicion falls on Endres.
Line Producer
A young man and a woman on a boat.
the Boy
A young man and a woman on a boat.
Once Upon a Time there lived a brave man, Michael, who was unaware what fear is. At the same time, Princess Elisabeth lived with her father, the king, in a makeshift tent city, because their castle was uninhabitable and haunted by ghosts, its treasure cursed. If he wants to know how to shudder, he should visit this Haunted Castle.
The ambitious punk rocker Max and the eco-activist Inge cannot stand each other, ever since Max publicly exposed her by singing the offensive song "When Inge is Dancing" in front of the whole school. But for Max and his classmates Fabio, Joscha and Lukas this song in particular has become a real hit at school as well as in the regional music scene: Their band called Systemfehler is on the verge of a breakthrough. But just before the important gig, which could get them a record deal, guitarist Josha is injured and can't play. Inge happens to be an excellent guitarist, and the only person who can fill in at such short notice. But when Max asks for her help, she imposes one non-negotiable condition: If she decides to play with the band, they will not perform the song "Wenn Inge tanzt".
After his father committed suicide, Richard decides to stay in a youth center rather than staying with his mother. There, he finds a bizarre bunch of teenagers. Each of them experienced pain from early on, having their own desires and fighting for happiness with peculiar humor and fantasy. Richard doesn’t want to get involved with any of this – if it weren’t for her: Kyra.
der junge Falko
Inés es una mujer apesadumbrada que tiene una vida rutinaria. Sus días transcurren entre su hogar y la ferreteria donde trabaja. Sin embargo, un suceso paranormal provoca que viaje en el tiempo y vuelva al año 1986, cuando era una adolescente de 16 años.
Bajo las aguas del lago, un volcán comienza a fluir. Daniela, reputada científica, y Michael Gernau, experto en extinción de incedios, inician una carrera contrarreloj para salvar al pueblo de Eifel.
En otoño de 1967 Ron Jones, un profesor de historia de un instituto de Palo Alto en California, no tuvo respuesta para la pregunta de uno de sus alumnos: ¿Cómo es posible que el pueblo alemán alegue ignorancia respecto a la masacre del pueblo judío? En ese momento Jones decidió hacer un experimento con sus alumnos: implantó un régimen de extrema disciplina militar en el aula, restringiéndoles las libertades. Ante el asombro del profesor, los alumnos se entusiamaron hasta tal punto que a los pocos días empezaron a espiarse unos a otros y a acosar a los que no querían unirse al grupo. Al quinto día Ron Jones se vio obligado a acabar con el experimento antes de que las cosas llegaran demasiado lejos. El director alemán Dennis Gansel (Napola) ha trasladado esta experiencia a nuestros días y a su tierra natal: Alemania. Esta vez es el profesor quien hace la pregunta a sus alumnos: ¿Creéis que es imposible que otra dictadura vuelva a implantarse en Alemania? Y comienza el experimento…
Upcoming adaptation of John Strelecky's book