Suha Arraf


Villa Touma
Tres hermanas viven en Ramala. No les es fácil, estas tres mujeres pertenecen a una aristocracia palestina prácticamente extinta, al ser cristianas y no aguantar la situación de ocupación actual, las tres solteronas deciden aislarse del mundo y vivir recordando épocas pasadas. Su vida cambiará drásticamente cuando llegue una sobrina huérfana, hija de su hermano fallecido y díscolo. La sobrina, renegada por la familia por ser de madre musulmana, deberá aceptar las reglas de su nueva casa. Un hogar que puede llegar a ser más asfixiante que su anterior cuarto que compartía con otras chicas.
Mujeres de Hamás
Everyone was surprised at the triumph of Hamas in the last Palestinian elelctions, but the bigger surprise was that the women were behind that victory. We follow three Hamas women to try and understand why an Islamist political party, operating in a very conservative society, allows its women to become political, social and even military leaders.
Mujeres de Hamás
Everyone was surprised at the triumph of Hamas in the last Palestinian elelctions, but the bigger surprise was that the women were behind that victory. We follow three Hamas women to try and understand why an Islamist political party, operating in a very conservative society, allows its women to become political, social and even military leaders.
Los limoneros
Salma vive en el pequeño pueblo palestino de Cisjordania, que se encuentra en la Línea Verde que separa Israel de los territorios ocupados. Sus huerto de limoneros es visto como una amenaza a la seguridad de su nuevo vecino, el ministro israelí de Defensa.
The Syrian Bride
In Majdal Shams, the largest Druze village in Golan Heights on the Israeli-Syrian border, the Druze bride Mona is engaged to get married with Tallel, a television comedian that works in the Revolution Studios in Damascus, Syria. They have never met each other because of the occupation of the area by Israel since 1967; when Mona moves to Syria, she will lose her undefined nationality and will never be allowed to return home. Mona's father Hammed is a political activist pro-Syria that is on probation by the Israeli government. His older son Hatten married a Russian woman eight years ago and was banished from Majdal Shams by the religious leaders and his father. His brother Marwan is a wolf trader that lives in Italy. His sister Amal has two teenager daughters and has the intention to join the university, but her marriage with Amin is in crisis. When the family gathers for Mona's wedding, an insane bureaucracy jeopardizes the ceremony.
Madame Luna
“Madame Luna” chronicles the true story of an Eritrean refugee girl, washed ashore in Libya, who becomes one of the most notorious of human trafickers with deep ties to the Italian Mafia.