Mario Tosi

Nacimiento : , Rome, Lazio, Italy


The Sinister Saga of Making The Stunt Man
In 1980, The Stunt Man, starring Peter O'Toole and Steve Railsback, became one of the most acclaimed motion pictures of the decade -- an odd mixture of black humor and riveting suspense. But the strange history of the film's embattled development, production and distribution has never been fully revealed ... until now.
Un paquete con seis
Director of Photography
Brewster Baker, corredor de coches profesional, conoce a seis huérfanos que hacen todo tipo de tareas para sobrevivir, como hacerse pasar por expertos mecánicos. Como ve que tienen una gran habilidad para la mecánica, Baker decide convertirles en su equipo técnico para las carreras.
Coast to Coast
Director of Photography
Madie is a neurotic, wealthy woman who escapes from a New York state mental hospital where her unwholesome husband had her committed to avoid the trial of a expensive divorce. Madie hitches a ride back to California with a certain Charles Callahan, a debt-ridden truck driver. Madie and Charles eventually fall in love while evading an assortment of bad guys including a pair of thugs hired by Madie's husband to prevent her from returning to California, and a repo man sent to reclaim Charles' truck
Director of Photography
Edna Mae McCauley es una mujer mayor que vive en una pequeña ciudad de Kansas. Ella queda herida después de un accidente y además, su marido muere en este incidente. Luego, Edna comienza a experimentar una experiencia muy cercana a la muerte y se va a vivir con su abuela ocupándose de su familia. Más tarde, Edna asiste a una ceremonia en la que un niño sufre de una fuerte hemorragia. Cuando Edna abraza al niño, todos se dan cuenta de que aquella hemorragia había sido curada. Edna se da cuenta de que tiene el poder de curar a las personas, además esto le ayudaría a salir de un estado paralítico en el cual ella había quedado después del accidente. Finalmente, Edna logra curar a otras personas, incluyendo al carpintero Carl. Este cree que ella tiene la capacidad de una señal de Dios. Pero Edna cree y declara que puede sanar a las personas a través del amor.
Profesión: el especialista
Director of Photography
Cameron (Steve Railsback), un convicto perseguido por la policía, cuenta con la protección de un excéntrico director de cine, Eli Cross (Peter O'Toole), que quiere contratarlo para que trabaje como especialista en las escenas de riesgo de la película que está rodando. Encantado de su nueva profesión y lo bien que cobra, Cameron además se enamora de la estrella femenina (Barbara Hershey) de la película.
Combate de fondo
Director of Photography
Hillary Kramer, la rica heredera de una fábrica de perfumes, se entera, de repente, de que el único patrimonio que le queda es un contrato con el boxeador Kid Natural. Decidida a recuperar parte de su fortuna, va a visitarlo. Cuando descubre que el famoso boxeador es un mujeriego y que no ha subido a un ring desde hace años, se viene abajo, pero su desesperación aumenta al comprobar que al púgil le interesa más la administración de su autoescuela que su carrera boxística.
Sergeant Matlovich vs. the U.S. Air Force
Director of Photography
The true story of Leonard Matlovich, a U.S. Air Force sergeant who, in 1975, publicly divulged his homosexuality and fought to remain in service.
La saga de los Hardeman
Director of Photography
Una dinastía de fabricantes de automóviles, repleta de escándalos, adulterios, incestos y luchas de poder. Adaptación al cine de la novela "The Betsy" de Harold Robbins. El patriarca de la familia, Loren (Laurence Olivier), contrata al piloto de carreras Angelo (Tommy Lee Jones) para construir un vehículo más eficiente, con la oposición de su nieto (Robert Duvall). Pero las cosas se complicarán todavía más cuando Angelo inicie relaciones con dos mujeres de la vida de Loren: su bisnieta y su amante.
MacArthur, el general rebelde
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Biografía del famoso general americano Douglas MacArthur, que fue el comandante supremo de los aliados en el Pacífico y, además, comandante de las tropas de las Naciones Unidas en la guerra de Corea (1950-1953). La historia empieza con la derrota americana en la batalla de Corregidor (1942), que supuso la pérdida de las Filipinas, momento en el que pronunció la célebre frase ”Volveré”; y termina cuando es destituido por el presidente Truman por haberse atrevido a desafiar sus órdenes durante la guerra de Corea.
Director of Photography
Carrie es una torturada estudiante de secundaria que no encaja en su entorno, sin confianza en sí misma y sin amigos... y sin ser consciente de la amplitud de sus poderes telquinéticos. Pero cuando su psicótica madre y sus sádicos compañeros de clase llegan demasiado lejos, la una vez tímida adolescente se convierte en una máquina desenfrenada y, con ayuda de su "don especial", hace caer el infierno sobre sus cabezas en un frenesí de sangre, fuego y azufre que te llevará a las profundidades del horror... y aún más lejos.
Judge Horton and the Scottsboro Boys
Director of Photography
In 1930s Alabama, nine young black men are accused of raping two white women. The judge in the case, unlike the rest of the town, comes to believe that the boys are innocent and, against all advice from his friends and family, sets them free, which turns the entire community against him.
Aquel loco loco Oeste
Director of Photography
Historia de un joven escritor llega a Hollywood en 1930 y se enrola en el rodaje de un western
Man on the Outside
Director of Photography
A retired police captain storms angrily out of retirement when his son is shot down before his eyes and his grandson is kidnapped by a syndicate killer in this pilot for Lorne Greene's brief "Griff" series, which went off the air 18 months before this film was aired.
Friendly Persuasion
During the Civil War, a Quaker couple risks their lives by helping runaway slaves.
Smoke In The Wind
The Civil War is over but in the Ozarks of Arkansas people are not ready to forgive and forget. The Mondier brothers have returned from fighting for the Union and Mort Fagan is keeping things difficult for them in the community.
Quiero la verdad
Un novato e ingenuo policía descubre, tras la muerte accidental de una atractiva agente del cuerpo que iba de incógnito, la auténtica cara de su departamento, y toda la corrupción y falta de ética que lo envuelve. La forma de combatir el crimen nada tiene que ver con lo que había imaginado. Un thriller que supuso el debut en el cine de Richard Gere. (FILMAFFINITY)
Angustia de un crimen
Director of Photography
La acción transcurre en un colegio de niños, en régimen de internado, regentado por un matrimonio. El marido es un verdadero déspota y continuamente somete a la mujer a una presión insostenible. Ante la negativa del divorcio, la mujer habla con una amiga, también profesora, y ésta le propone matar al marido, como única posibilidad de terminar con los sufrimientos de aquélla. Adaptación de la novela que dio origen al clásico film de Clouzot "Las diabólicas" (1955).
Buster and Billie
Director of Photography
Dimwitted but sweet high school girl of easy virtue and the most popular boy in the school share an improbable romance.
The Killing Kind
Young Terry Lambert returns home from serving a prison term for a gang-rape he was forced to participate in. He seeks revenge on his lawyer and the girl who framed him. But his real problem is his overbearing mother, whose boarding house he resides in and who keeps bringing him glasses of chocolate milk. One of her boarders, Lori, becomes attracted to him. However, while he was serving his prison sentence, Terry developed an interest in rough, violent sex, and gory death. Now, one by one, some of the town's women pop up dead.
The Killing Kind
Director of Photography
Young Terry Lambert returns home from serving a prison term for a gang-rape he was forced to participate in. He seeks revenge on his lawyer and the girl who framed him. But his real problem is his overbearing mother, whose boarding house he resides in and who keeps bringing him glasses of chocolate milk. One of her boarders, Lori, becomes attracted to him. However, while he was serving his prison sentence, Terry developed an interest in rough, violent sex, and gory death. Now, one by one, some of the town's women pop up dead.
The Stranger Who Looks Like Me
Director of Photography
A young woman searching for her birth parents in order to fulfill her sense of identity joins with an organization that fights the bureaucracy keeping adoption records sealed.
A Summer Without Boys
A middle-aged woman going through a divorce takes her daughter to a summer lodge where the girl experiences a powerful awakening to life's challenges.
Some Call It Loving
Director of Photography
A jazz musician falls in love with a comatose woman at a carny sideshow and takes her to his mansion to join his cabinet of sexual curiosities.
Legend of Horror
Director of Photography
Legend Of Horror was cobbled together from an Argentinian Edgar Allan Poe adaptation called Obras Maestras del Terror (the flashback sequence transforms into “The Tell-Tale Heart”) and some American wrap-around footage from 1966.
Director of Photography
La adinerada familia Crockett tiene una hermosa plantación en un lago de Florida. El patriarca, Jason (Ray Milland) odia la vida salvaje y ordena a un exterminador rociar pesticidas alrededor de la casa. Es entonces cuando la fauna comienza a contraatacar, no solamente ranas, sino también serpientes, lagartos, pájaros, arañas, sanguijuelas y tortugas.
Outside In
A man who moves to Canada to escape the draft returns to the United States for his father's funeral.
Terror in the Jungle
Director of Photography
Little boy Henry Clayton Jr. survives a plane crash in the untamed Amazon jungle. However, he's discovered by a tribe of vicious savages who plan on sacrificing him. Meanwhile, Henry's father ventures into the jungle to find the missing lad before it's too late.
Sinderella and the Golden Bra
Director of Photography
Prince David is having trouble finding a bride amongst the maidens of the village, so his father decides to hold a masked ball. Sinderella, an adopted French orphan, puts up with abuse from her stepmother and two stepsisters, and is not allowed to go to the ball. She is despondent until her inebriated fairy godfather appears and fixes her up real pretty and sends her on to the ball, with the admontion that she must return by midnight. Sinderella and the Prince get along famously, but the time flies and she leaves in a hurry, dropping her gilded support in her haste. The Prince mounts a desperate search for his loved one, requiring all the maidens of the village to try on the forgotten garment.
How to Succeed with Girls
Director of Photography
Chorus girls relate in the court of Judge Goodbody on how the Peeping Phantom would watch them undress, but the Phantom himself turns up with his own surprising testimony.