Donald M. Morgan

Nacimiento : 1932-02-11, Hollywood, Los Angeles, California, USA


The life of Donald M. Morgan, one of Hollywood’s most prolific artists, is a unique, rags-to-riches story about a man who’s had a life-changing effect on the people around him, both personally and professionally. By sharing stories of his lengthy career, working with filmmakers like Robert Zemeckis, John Carpenter and Joseph Sargent, Morgan recounts pivotal moments in the art of filmmaking for over four decades, through interviews with fellow greats Owen Roizman (The Exorcist) and Jack N. Green (Unforgiven). But at the heart of the film is an emotional journey along the road to recovery in an industry that is ripe with dysfunction and addiction. Inspiring, heartbreaking, and funny, “Cinematographer” shares the story of one of the film industry's finest human beings.
Director of Photography
Ivory centers on a young man's struggle between success versus fulfillment, and chronicles the exploration of an artist: the passion, dedication, and the immovable faith in one's talents. Andreas must train with a Russian piano teacher to win a piano competition.
Cuentas pendientes
Director of Photography
Reggie, un joven cuyos padres están divorciados y que en la infancia fue víctima accidental de un tiroteo, vive en la actualidad con su padre, abogado de un equipo de baloncesto, y que le intenta alejar de las malas compañías. Pero su padre es asesinado, y un viejo amigo, J-Bone, que era como un hermano mayor para Reggie, sale de la cárcel y no tardará en intentar llevar a Reggie por el mal camino. (FILMAFFINITY)
A corazón abierto
Director of Photography
En Baltimore, en los años 40, el doctor Alfred Blalock (Alan Rickman) y su ayudante Vivien Thomas (Mos Def) trabajaban para encontrar una técnica revolucionaria que garantizaría el éxito de las operaciones de corazón en "bebés azules". A pesar de ser colegas, pertenecían a mundos muy distintos: Blalock, blanco y rico, era el jefe de cirugía del Hospital Johns Hopkins; Thomas, en cambio, era un hábil carpintero, negro y pobre. Mientras estos hombres abrían nuevos y espectaculares caminos en el campo de la medicina, las presiones sociales amenazaban con destruir tanto su trabajo como su amistad. (FILMAFFINITY)
La última corrida (The Last Run)
Director of Photography
Un joven que trabaja como administrativo queda desolado cuando descubre que su novia le es infiel. Su mejor amigo, prometido con una chica a la que no ama, le propone que hagan una especie de carrera: se trata de ver cuál de los dos consigue tener relaciones sexuales con más mujeres.
Out of the Ashes
Director of Photography
Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945). Gisella Perl (Christine Lahti), una judía húngara, deja su pueblo para iniciar una prometedora carrera como ginecóloga; pero sus proyectos se frustran cuando los nazis la deportan a Auschwitz. Después de sobrevivir a esa pesadilla, Gisella consigue la ciudadanía americana, pero los jueces estadounidenses la acusan de haber sido ayudante del doctor Mengele en los campos de exterminio. Tendrá entonces que revivir sus horribles experiencias para explicar la difícil decisión moral que, durante años, la mantuvo con vida en Auschwitz. (FILMAFFINITY)
Damaged Care
Director of Photography
Anesthesist Doug Peeno hopes to pay for the legal costs of preventing his son Bryan being left in his first wife's bad custody with he proceeds of his present wife Linda's new job. She's the first graduate in her family and eagerly accepted a posting as medical officer in a coldly-greedy medical insurance company. Bening confronted with the medically unacceptable consequences of technically denied treatments, she rebels and finds even payments she approved were often withheld anyway.
The life of Bill "Bojangles" Robinson, African-American tap-dancing star of stage and screen. In 1916, Robinson was a successful vaudeville performer and considered the finest tap dancer of his generation. At the peak of his career, he was the highest paid Black entertainer, but for all the joy he gave others, his life was anything but happy, there was a great deal of tragedy in himself. He died broke and penniless.
The Thin Blue Lie
Director of Photography
Philadelphia, 1976. The city of Brotherly Love is waging a successful war against crime led by its tough-talking mayor, Frank Rizzo. But a maverick investigative reporter, Jonathan Neumann, has heard some troubling rumors: stories of innocent people victimized by a "goon squad" of law enforcement officers.
La ira (The Rage: Carrie 2)
Director of Photography
Secuela de "Carrie". Rachel vive apartada de sus compañeros, y en el instituto nadie habla con ella. Pero esta joven introvertida no se aisla sin motivo: ella sabe que es diferente y quiere ocultar a toda costa eso que le hace sentir distinta: su capacidad para mover los objetos con la mente, el don secreto de la telequinesis. El amor llama a su puerta, pero las consecuencias de lo que va a descubrir serán terribles. (FILMAFFINITY)
Memorias del corazón
Director of Photography
Rebecca Vega no recuerda nada de lo que le pasó antes de despertarse, hace 8 años, en la cama de un hospital. Un día tiene un encuentro casual con una antigua conocida y empieza a esclarecer su pasado. Al final, descubre que es madre de tres hijos y, a pesar de las reticencias de su antiguo marido, luchará para recuperar a su familia.
The Wall
Director of Photography
The story of three items left at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall: a pencil holder, a sheriff's badge, and an electric guitar. Each item connects the living with the dead and are left as either memorials or to heal the wounds of war.
The Rage
FBI Special Agent Travis is trying to catch a deranged serial killer and is doing his best despite having a new and unexperienced partner in the form of Kelly McCord. It turns out that the serial killer is an entire army of disgruntled CIA mercenaries from Vietnam.
Miss Evers' Boys
Director of Photography
La historia real de los Experimentos de Sífilis de Tuskeegee de 1932 del Gobierno de los EE. UU., En los que se permitió que muriera un grupo de sujetos de prueba negros, a pesar de haberse desarrollado una cura.
Aerial Camera
El teniente Somerset, del departamento de homicidios, está a punto de jubilarse y ser reemplazado por el ambicioso y brillante detective David Mills. Ambos tendrán que colaborar en la resolución de una serie de asesinatos cometidos por un psicópata que toma como base la relación de los siete pecados capitales: gula, pereza, soberbia, avaricia, envidia, lujuria e ira. Los cuerpos de las víctimas, sobre los que el asesino se ensaña de manera impúdica, se convertirán para los policías en un enigma que les obligará a viajar al horror y la barbarie más absoluta.
Born to Be Wild
Director of Photography
Rick Heller is a juvenile delinquent who keeps getting himself into trouble. To keep him out of trouble his mother puts him to work cleaning the cage of a gorilla named Katie which she is teaching to communicate through the use of sign language. When the owner of the gorilla takes her back to become a flea market freak Rick takes it upon himself to break Katie out and take her on an adventurous journey to get her out of the country.
One Christmas
Director of Photography
Based on Truman Capote's bittersweet tale of a young boy's adventures with the father he's never known in New Orleans in the 1930s..
A Place for Annie
Baby Annie is HIV positive and has been left in the clinic by her drug addicted mother. To prevent that she's deported to a home where they'd just wait for her to die, nurse Susan takes charge of Annie at her home. Two years later she plans too adopt her -- but suddenly Annie's mother reappears and demands her back. And under the law, Susan, as foster-mother, has no claim to the child.
Director of Photography
The story of the greatest Native American warrior who, together with the rest of his Apache tribesmen, defied American and Mexican Armies in 1867. Finally caught and sent to a reservation camp, he eluded a military force of 5000 for 18 months before finally surrendering to the government.
For Love and Glory
Director of Photography
A failed pilot about a rich Virginia plantation owner and his family caught up in the American Civil War. He has a slave for a mistress, his older son is to marry a working class Irish girl and his younger son promotes the Confederacy.
Fuerza excesiva
Director of Photography
En una redada contra la droga, desaparecen tres millones de dólares sin que se sepa el culpable. El principal sospechoso del robo es Terry Connor, un policía que usa todos los métodos para salvar su reputación y su vida.
Nightmare in Columbia County
Director of Photography
The recounting of a terrible crime that wracked a family and galvanized police in South Carolina in the 1980's. Southern beauty pageant winner Dawn Smith is targeted by a sadistic stalker whose obsession with her leads him to kidnap her younger sister.
Director of Photography
Based on a true story, this made-for-cable film tells about Barry Seal, a pilot who was a drug smuggler for the infamous Medellin cartel out of Colombia. He was caught by the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and decided to turn over and help the DEA break the cartel. However, he got caught in the middle of the Reagan/Bush administration efforts to topple the Nicaraguan government in the '80s, in which Nicaraguan rebels called "contras" were allowed to smuggle cocaine into the US in exchange for their fighting against the leftist Nicaraguan government. Eventually Seal was murdered by his former Medellin employers, and some critics say it was with the tacit, if not implicit, connivance of the US administration.
Director of Photography
Crime drama based on the real-life story of US gangster John Dillinger, who was hunted by the FBI after a string of armed bank robberies during the Great Depression. When Dillinger's attacks on banks threaten to make him a dangerous folk hero, the pressure mounts on the FBI - even from the White House - for his capture
Director of Photography
Jessica, una joven británica (Nancy Travis), viaja a Arabia con su padre para encontrarse con su prometido (Julian Sands) cuando él es convocado de repente en misión diplomática . En una excursión turística es raptada por quien parece ser de una tribu beduina y vendida al harén del sultán (Omar Shariff). El hombre que la había raptado (Art Malik) no es en realidad un beduino sino un revolucionario educado en Oxford quien usa a Jessica para liberar a sus amigos de la prisión del Sultan. Romance, intrigas políticas, y celos en el haren amenazan la estrecha visión de Jessica sobre el mundo. Si ella escapa, ¿estará realmente en condiciones de volver a su vida en la Inglaterra victoriana?
Director of Photography
Jeff Bridges da vida a un extraterrestre de un lejano planeta que aprende lo que significa estar enamorado. Cuando su nave es abatida en Wisconsin, Starman llega al recóndito refugio de una joven y desconsolada viuda, Jenny Hayden, y adopta la forma de su marido fallecido. El extraterrestre convence a Jenny para que le lleve hasta Arizona, diciéndole que si no es rescatado por la nave nodriza en el plazo de tres días, él morirá.
Director of Photography
Nació en Detroit en una línea de montaje de automóviles, pero no es un coche cualquiera. En el fondo de su chasis se aloja el mismísimo diablo. Es Christine un Plymouth Fury de 1958, rojo y blanco, cuyo único equipo "normalizado" comprende un deseo de venganza insaciable, que hiela la sangre a cualquiera y destruye todo aquello que encuentra en su camino.
Another Woman's Child
Director of Photography
Mike and Terry DeBray are a happily married couple whose lives change when the young daughter that Tony fathered out of wedlock suddenly appears and comes into their lives.
Director of Photography
Talented musician and free spirit Libby chafes under the rule of her divorced journalist mother, so she seeks emancipation from her parents and hits the road, soon joining the ranks of a traveling carnival. She gains the freedom she has longed for but learns some hard lessons along the way.
Murder in Texas
Director of Photography
Basada en una historia real, esta película cuenta la historia de un cirujano plástico sospechoso de causar la muerte de su primera esposa, la hija de un miembro adinerado de la sociedad de Houston. Luego, el médico se casa con su amante, a quien había estado cuidando durante su matrimonio. Su ex suegro, convencido de que su hija fue asesinada, decide ver castigado al médico.
Crisis at Central High
The historic federal-state controversy over the integration of Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, as seen through the eyes of Elizabeth Huckaby, one of the teachers and girls' vice principal.
Frenos rotos, coches locos
Director of Photography
Roy y Luke Fuchs son dos hermanos que compiten en la compraventa de coches usados. Roy es un tipo sin escrúpulos, mientras que Luke es todo corazón. A la muerte de Luke, Roy pretende apoderarse del negocio de su hermano, pero no cuenta con la aparición de una hija de Luke que es su heredera.
Off the Minnesota Strip
A teenage runaway attempts to readjust to home and family life in Minnesota after returning home after years of working on the streets of New York City as a hooker and tries desperately to regain her parents' understanding and love.
Amber Waves
A drifter stranded in Kansas accepts a job offer from a wheat harvester who, in desperation over his cancer and financial woes, attempts suicide but becomes a father-figure to the young man.
Make Me an Offer
Director of Photography
Joyce Windsor is a woman who gets involved in the real estate game after the husband she helped put through law school dumps her. But she has to deal with Pete Strickland, the "King" of Beverly Hills real estate, who wants more than she cares to give for teaching her the ins and outs of the business.
Skatetown, U.S.A.
Director of Photography
A street-gang leader challenges a handsome young skater in a championship contest at the local roller-disco rink.
El lado oscuro del terror
Director of Photography
Un científico se somete a un experimento sobre la clonación, llevado a cabo por su profesor. La operación es un éxito, excepto en lo que atañe a la vida personal del científico. Su esposa encuentra que la copia es más deseable que el original. Pero la copia tiene otros planes...
Director of Photography
El Rey, Elvis Presley, va a reaparecer en Las Vegas... Antes del concierto, en un hotel de ciudad, a Elvis le vuelven recuerdos de su pasado, de su rebelde juventud, de sus primeros días en Menphis, su escalada a la fama y a la fortuna y, sobre todo, recuerda a su verdadero amor, Priscilla.
Katie: Portrait of A Centerfold
Director of Photography
A naive Texas beauty queen, seeking Hollywood stardom, quickly learns the realities of the business after attending an unethical modeling school.
Daddy, I Don't Like It Like This
Director of Photography
The unfulfilled dreams of his parents and the tensions created at home cause life to become a nightmare for a youngster who seeks release in a withdrawal to his own world.
Locos por ellos
Director of Photography
En 1964, los Beatles llegaron a Nueva York para dar varios conciertos. Desde Jersey, seis jóvenesse dirigen al hotel donde se alojan.
De profesión estafadores
Director of Photography
Narra la historia de un par de estafadores que intentan ayudar a unos jóvenes con problemas.
De hombre a hombre
La historia de un joven jugador de baloncesto que obtiene una beca para jugar en la Universidad, sus problemas de adaptación, y su superación personal.
Serpico: The Deadly Game
Director of Photography
This pilot film for the TV series is the story of Officer Frank Serpico, a New York City cop who fought crime in the city and corruption in the police department.
Sheila Levine is Dead and Living in New York
Director of Photography
Sheila Levine is a Jewish-American princess and a native of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. An innovative, bright, but painfully introverted individual, she comes to New York City with her mother and father to take an apartment with a nightclub-hopping roommate.
Dos tramposos con su suerte
Director of Photography
Clyde Williams y Billy Foster deciden reunir dinero para financiar la comunidad fraternal "Hijos e hijas de Shaka Lodge". Para ello, van a Nueva Orleáns a organizar un gran combate de boxeo, si bien, el objetivo final son las apuestas. Mientras tanto, se sirven de las dotes de hipnotizador de Clyde, para convertir en boxeador al escuálido y desamparado Bootney Farnsworth. Con sus tretas consiguen atraer la atención del capo de la mafia Biggie Smalls que, al ver a Bootney, apuesta una gran suma de dinero en su contra, mientras que los dos timadores apuestan todo su dinero por él. Bajo los efectos de la hipnosis, Bootney se transforma hasta tal punto que gana el combate. Clyde y Billy regresan a Atlanta con el dinero de las apuestas, pero la banda de Biggie descubre el engaño y va tras ellos para recuperarlo.
Win, Place or Steal
Director of Photography
Three friends have two things in common: (1) they like to bet on the horses at the track, and (2) they invariably lose. One day they hit upon a scheme to steal one of the track's betting machines, so that they'd be able to print winning tickets and recoup the money they've lost over the years. However, things don't go exactly as planned.
Tres Flechas
Director of Photography
Santee es un ex-sheriff convertido en cazarecompensas desde que su hijo muere a manos del bandido Banner. En uno de sus rastreos, Santee acaba haciéndose cargo de Jody, hijo de un criminal que acabará llenando el vacío dejado por su hijo. Santee decide dejar las armas, pero la reaparición de Banner da un nuevo giro a la situación. (FILMAFFINITY)